Commit b7e4d620 authored by Thiago Camargo's avatar Thiago Camargo Committed by thiago

Portuguese Translations

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 7aee89ff
...@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ gateway.web.registrations.addnewreg=Adicionar um novo registro ...@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ gateway.web.registrations.addnewreg=Adicionar um novo registro
gateway.web.registrations.cancelnewreg=Cancelar a adio de um novo registro gateway.web.registrations.cancelnewreg=Cancelar a adio de um novo registro
gateway.web.registrations.username=usurio gateway.web.registrations.username=usurio
gateway.web.registrations.password=senha gateway.web.registrations.password=senha
gateway.web.registrations.nickname=nick gateway.web.registrations.nickname=apelido
gateway.web.registrations.jid=usurio (JID) gateway.web.registrations.jid=usurio (JID)
gateway.web.registrations.gateway=gateway gateway.web.registrations.gateway=gateway
gateway.web.registrations.signedon=Somente os marcados gateway.web.registrations.signedon=Somente os marcados
...@@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ gateway.web.registrations.edit=Editar ...@@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ gateway.web.registrations.edit=Editar
gateway.web.registrations.lastlogin=ltimo Login gateway.web.registrations.lastlogin=ltimo Login
gateway.web.registrations.serviceusername=Servio/Nome do Usurio gateway.web.registrations.serviceusername=Servio/Nome do Usurio
gateway.web.registrations.user=Usurio gateway.web.registrations.user=Usurio
gateway.web.registrations.confirmdelete=Voc tem certeza que quer apagar este registro? gateway.web.registrations.confirmdelete=Voc tem certeza que deseja apagar este registro?
gateway.web.registrations.registrations=Registros gateway.web.registrations.registrations=Registros
gateway.web.registrations.title=Registros do Gateway gateway.web.registrations.title=Registros do Gateway
gateway.base.registrationdeniedbyacls=Your registration was denied due to your account not being in the access list. gateway.base.registrationdeniedbyacls=Seu registro foi negado pois a sua conta no se encontra na lista de acesso.
gateway.base.registrationdeniedbyhost=Your registration was denied due to your account not existing on the same server as the transport. gateway.base.registrationdeniedbyhost=Seu registro foi negado pois a sua conta no pertence ao mesmo servidor do transporte.
gateway.base.registrationdeniednoacct=Your registration was denied due to you not having a registered account on the server. gateway.base.registrationdeniednoacct=Seu registro foi negado porque voc no possui uma conta no servidor.
gateway.base.registrationdeniedbadusername=Your registration was denied because the username you provided was not valid for the service. gateway.base.registrationdeniedbadusername=Seu registro foi negado pois o usurio fornecido no vlido para o servio.
gateway.web.settings.unstable.title=Unstable Gateways gateway.web.settings.unstable.title=Gateways Instveis
gateway.web.settings.unstable.notice=The following gateways are unstable and are not recommended in a production environment. They are provided for those interested in trying out unstable services and are comfortable knowing they may not work correctly. gateway.web.settings.unstable.notice=Os gateways a seguir no so recomendados para ambientes de produo. Eles so disponibilizados para aqueles que desejam testar o servio de forma instvel e sabendo que eles podem no funcionar corretamente.
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