OF-1111 Rethink RPM build and versioning
Ant RPM build configuration is modified such that: - rpmbuild arch of x86_64 is now default. This will require a change to the Ignite's Bamboo to specify a 64bit JRE to bundle - the rpmbuild arch logic is simplified and one can now specify which arch to build for by setting `-Drpmbuild.arch=<arch>` - the resulting RPM filenames are changed, such to allow upgrades between alpha builds, beta/rc builds and GA builds without having to `rpm --force` these. See note below on the new RPM filenames. - the changelog field in the RPM will contain the hash of the last commit in the local repository `git rev-parse --short HEAD` - A new `git.revision` Ant target is introduced so support the inclusion of this in the build metadata New RPM filenames: For General Releases we get x.y.z-1 For Alpha builds we get x.y.z-0.1.{YYYYMMDD}alpha For Beta/RC builds we get x.y.z-0.2.(beta|rc)
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