Commit 8b275ea4 authored by akrherz's avatar akrherz

OF-1111 Rethink RPM build and versioning

Ant RPM build configuration is modified such that:

 - rpmbuild arch of x86_64 is now default.  This will require a
   change to the Ignite's Bamboo to specify a 64bit JRE to bundle
 - the rpmbuild arch logic is simplified and one can now specify
   which arch to build for by setting `-Drpmbuild.arch=<arch>`
 - the resulting RPM filenames are changed, such to allow upgrades
   between alpha builds, beta/rc builds and GA builds without
   having to `rpm --force` these.  See note below on the new
   RPM filenames.
 - the changelog field in the RPM will contain the hash of the
   last commit in the local repository `git rev-parse --short HEAD`
 - A new `git.revision` Ant target is introduced so support the
   inclusion of this in the build metadata

New RPM filenames:
    For General Releases we get x.y.z-1
    For Alpha builds we get     x.y.z-0.1.{YYYYMMDD}alpha
    For Beta/RC builds we get   x.y.z-0.2.(beta|rc)
parent ca122761
......@@ -256,7 +256,27 @@
<!-- TARGETs -->
<!-- ======================================================================================= -->
<!-- init ================================================================================== -->
<!-- git.revision =========================================================
<available file=".git" type="dir" property="git.present"/>
<target name="git.revision" description="Store git revision in ${repository.version}" if="git.present">
<exec executable="git" outputproperty="git.revision" failifexecutionfails="false" errorproperty="">
<arg value="rev-parse"/>
<arg value="--short"/>
<arg value="HEAD"/>
<condition property="repository.version" value="${git.revision}" else="unknown">
<isset property="git.revision"/>
<length string="${git.revision}" trim="yes" length="0" when="greater"/>
<echo message="repository.version set to '${repository.version}'" />
<!-- init ================================================================================== -->
<target name="init">
<!-- Check for min build requirements -->
......@@ -1171,61 +1191,88 @@
<!-- installer.rpm ========================================================================= -->
<!-- installer.rpm ========================================================
Build RPM artifiacts, set rpmbuild.arch to build non-x64, for example:
$ ant installer.rpm -Drpmbuild.arch=noarch
$ ant installer.rpm -Drpmbuild.arch=i686
<property name="bundle.jre" value="true" />
<property name="" value="rpm" />
<property name="target.rpm" value="${work.dir}/${}" />
<property name="rpm.spec.file" value="${basedir}/build/rpm/openfire.spec"/>
<property name="rpmbuild.arch" value="x86_64" />
<format property="rpm.builddate" pattern="EEE MMM dd yyyy" locale="en"/>
<target name="installer.rpm" depends="init, dist.init" description="Builds a rpm of openfire.">
<format property="rpm.builddate2" pattern="yyyyMMdd" locale="en"/>
<target name="installer.rpm" depends="init, dist.init, git.revision"
description="Builds a rpm of openfire.">
<antcall target="dist.src"/>
<!-- create empty dirs to allow rpmbuild to do its thing -->
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm}/SPECS" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm}/SOURCES" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm}/BUILD" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm}/SRPMS" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm}/RPMS" />
<copy tofile="${target.rpm}/SPECS/openfire.spec" file="${rpm.spec.file}" />
<!-- Setup the RPM versioning correctly, so one can update from
a alpha,beta,rc build to GA
For General Releases we get x.y.z-1
For Alpha builds we get x.y.z-0.1.{YYYYMMDD}alpha
For Beta/RC builds we get x.y.z-0.2.(beta|rc)
<property name="rpmbuild.version"
<equals arg1="${bundle.jre}" arg2="true"/>
<equals arg1="${version.extra}" arg2=""/>
<property name="rpmbuild.release"
<equals arg1="${version.extra}" arg2="alpha"/>
<property name="rpmbuild.release"
<property name="rpmbuild.release"
<copy tofile="${target.rpm}/SPECS/openfire.spec" file="${rpm.spec.file}" />
<!-- Save the user from themself, if noarch is the target arch, ignore
copying the JRE as well -->
<equals arg1="${bundle.jre}" arg2="true"/>
<equals arg1="${rpmbuild.arch}" arg2="noarch" />
<!-- Include bundled jre -->
<copy todir="${target.rpm}/SOURCES" file="${jre.bundle.location}" />
<copy todir="${target.rpm}/SOURCES" file="${release.dest.dir}/${release.fullname.src}.tar.gz" />
<copy todir="${target.rpm}/SOURCES/" file="${release.dest.dir}/${release.fullname.src}.tar.gz" />
<equals arg1="${bundle.jre}" arg2="true"/>
<rpm specFile="openfire.spec"
command="-ba --target i386 --define 'JRE_BUNDLE ${jre.bundle.location}' --define 'OPENFIRE_VERSION ${version}' --define 'OPENFIRE_SOURCE ${release.fullname.src}.tar.gz' --define 'OPENFIRE_BUILDDATE ${rpm.builddate}'"
<rpm specFile="openfire.spec"
command="-ba --target ${rpmbuild.arch} --define 'JRE_BUNDLE ${jre.bundle.location}' --define 'OPENFIRE_VERSION ${rpmbuild.version}' --define 'OPENFIRE_RELEASE ${rpmbuild.release}' --define 'OPENFIRE_SOURCE ${release.fullname.src}.tar.gz' --define 'OPENFIRE_REPOVERSION ${repository.version}' --define 'OPENFIRE_BUILDDATE ${rpm.builddate}'"
<!-- copy the rpmbuild result into the release directory! -->
<copy todir="${release.dest.dir}" >
<fileset dir="${target.rpm}/SRPMS" />
<fileset dir="${target.rpm}/RPMS/i386" />
<fileset dir="${target.rpm}/RPMS/${rpmbuild.arch}" />
<rpm specFile="openfire.spec"
command="-ba --target noarch --define 'OPENFIRE_VERSION ${version}' --define 'OPENFIRE_SOURCE ${release.fullname.src}.tar.gz' --define 'OPENFIRE_BUILDDATE ${rpm.builddate}'"
<copy todir="${release.dest.dir}" >
<fileset dir="${target.rpm}/SRPMS" />
<fileset dir="${target.rpm}/RPMS/noarch" />
<!-- plugins =============================================================================== -->
Summary: Openfire XMPP Server
Name: openfire
Release: 1
BuildRoot: %{_builddir}/%{name}-root
%ifnarch noarch
Source1: %{JRE_BUNDLE}
Group: Applications/Communications
Vendor: Jive Software
Packager: Jive Software
Vendor: Igniterealtime Community
Packager: Igniterealtime Community
License: Apache license v2.0
AutoReqProv: no
......@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ Openfire is a leading Open Source, cross-platform IM server based on the
XMPP (Jabber) protocol. It has great performance, is easy to setup and use,
and delivers an innovative feature set.
This particular release includes a bundled JRE.
%setup -q -n openfire_src
......@@ -152,5 +150,5 @@ exit 0
- Automatic RPM build.
- Automated RPM build with git rev-parse --short HEAD of %{OPENFIRE_REPOVERSION}
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