Commit 64e007c5 authored by Guus der Kinderen's avatar Guus der Kinderen

Fix for copy/paste bug introduced in OF-1312.

parent 918e3a73
......@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@
<p><fmt:message key="reg.settings.inband_account_info" /></p>
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td width="1%"><input type="radio" name="inbandEnabled" value="true" id="rb01" ${canChangePassword ? 'checked' : ''}></td>
<td width="1%"><input type="radio" name="inbandEnabled" value="true" id="rb01" ${inbandEnabled ? 'checked' : ''}></td>
<td width="99%"><label for="rb01"><b><fmt:message key="reg.settings.enable" /></b> -<fmt:message key="reg.settings.auto_create_user" /></label></td>
<td width="1%"><input type="radio" name="inbandEnabled" value="false" id="rb02" ${canChangePassword ? '' : 'checked'}></td>
<td width="1%"><input type="radio" name="inbandEnabled" value="false" id="rb02" ${inbandEnabled ? '' : 'checked'}></td>
<td width="99%"><label for="rb02"><b><fmt:message key="reg.settings.disable" /></b> - <fmt:message key="reg.settings.not_auto_create" /></label></td>
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