Commit 5a22016c authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gato

Reviewed, fixed inconsistencies, removed old entries. Ready to be sent to translators.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent bee0fa32
......@@ -936,7 +936,6 @@ server2server.settings.label_disable=Zak\u00e1z\u00e1no
server2server.settings.label_disable_info=Vzd\u00e1len\u00e9 servery se nemohou p\u0159ipojit k tomuto serveru.
server2server.settings.label_enable_info=Vzd\u00e1len\u00e9 servery se mohou p\u0159ipojit k tomuto serveru.
server2server.settings.valid.port=Pros\u00edm zadejte platn\u00fd port.
server2server.settings.update=Nastaven\u00ed ne\u010dinn\u00fdch spojen\u00ed \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b zm\u011bn\u011bno.
server2server.settings.valid.idle_minutes=Pros\u00edm zadejte platn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo pro max minut ne\u010dinnosti.
......@@ -1508,10 +1507,10 @@ ssl.settings.server.customTLS=Metoda TLS:
# Server Certificates
ssl.certificates.title=Server Certificates allows secure connections to be made between the server and clients. This \
page displays installed certificates. Certificates should be signed by a Certificate Authority to be \
accepted by clients or other servers. Self-signed certificates can still be used although some clients \
or servers may not accept them. (SSL) allows secure connections to be made between servers and clients. Certificates \
should be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to be trusted by clients or other servers. Self-signed \
certificates can still be used although some clients or servers may not accept them. The installed \
certificates are listed below.
ssl.certificates.alias=Host (alias)
......@@ -1537,8 +1536,7 @@ ssl.certificates.imported=Certificate Authority reply was imported successfully. Authority Reply:
ssl.certificates.restart_server=Certificates were modified so HTTP server needs to be restarted. Click {0}here{1} to \
restart HTTP server.
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are not installed. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed \
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are missing. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed certificates.
ssl.certificates.issuer-updated=Issuer information updated successfully.
ssl.certificates.error_installing=Error installing the certificate.
......@@ -1551,8 +1549,9 @@ ssl.signing-request.issuer_information=Issuer Information
ssl.signing-request.issuer_information_info=Complete the following information of the certificate issuer. This \
information will be stored in the certificates pending to be sent to the Certificate Authority. The \
Certificate Authority will validate the information in order to sign the certificates.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=Before requesting a Certificate Authority to sign a certificate it \
is suggested to update the issuer information of certificates. Click {0}here{1} to update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=The issuer information for the certificates should be updated \
before sending the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a Certificate Authority (CA). Click {0}here{1} to \
update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.ca_reply_info=Certificate reply can be added to the system by pasting \
in the certificate data sent to you by a Certificate Authority (e.g. Verisign).
......@@ -1725,7 +1724,6 @@ plugin.admin.deleted_failure=Nelze smazat dopln\u011bk.
plugin.admin.click_reload=Nov\u00e9 zaveden\u00ed dopl\u0148ku.
plugin.admin.reload_success=Dopln\u011bk byl \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b znovu zaveden. M\u016f\u017ee to chvilku trvat ne\u017e se dopln\u011bk \
znovu objev\u00ed v seznamu instalovan\u00fdch dopl\u0148k\u016f.
pplugin.admin.refresh_success=Dopln\u011bk byl \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b obnoven.\u0148ky
......@@ -2041,7 +2039,7 @@ httpbind.settings.error.port=An error has occured configuring the HTTP binding p
profile-settings.title=Nastaven\u00ed profilu nyn\u00ed pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed syst\u00e9m u\u017eivatel\u016f a skupin. P\u0159i pou\u017eit\u00ed \
LDAP je mo\u017en\u00e9 zm\u011bnit sou\u010dasn\u00e1 nastaven\u00ed integrace. A\u010dkoliv, pokud chcete zm\u011bnit syst\u00e9m u\u017eivatel\u016f a skupin,
LDAP je mo\u017en\u00e9 zm\u011bnit sou\u010dasn\u00e1 nastaven\u00ed integrace. A\u010dkoliv, pokud chcete zm\u011bnit syst\u00e9m u\u017eivatel\u016f a skupin, \
budete muset znovu spustit proces nastaven\u00ed.
profile-settings.ldap_mapping_info=Informace o mapov\u00e1n\u00ed LDAP
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1717,10 +1717,10 @@ ssl.settings.server.customTLS=TLS method:
# Server Certificates
ssl.certificates.title=Server Certificates allows secure connections to be made between the server and clients. This \
page displays installed certificates. Certificates should be signed by a Certificate Authority to be \
accepted by clients or other servers. Self-signed certificates can still be used although some clients \
or servers may not accept them. (SSL) allows secure connections to be made between servers and clients. Certificates \
should be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to be trusted by clients or other servers. Self-signed \
certificates can still be used although some clients or servers may not accept them. The installed \
certificates are listed below.
ssl.certificates.alias=Host (alias)
......@@ -1746,8 +1746,7 @@ ssl.certificates.imported=Certificate Authority reply was imported successfully. Authority Reply:
ssl.certificates.restart_server=Certificates were modified so HTTP server needs to be restarted. Click {0}here{1} to \
restart HTTP server.
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are not installed. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed \
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are missing. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed certificates.
ssl.certificates.issuer-updated=Issuer information updated successfully.
ssl.certificates.error_installing=Error installing the certificate.
......@@ -1760,8 +1759,9 @@ ssl.signing-request.issuer_information=Issuer Information
ssl.signing-request.issuer_information_info=Complete the following information of the certificate issuer. This \
information will be stored in the certificates pending to be sent to the Certificate Authority. The \
Certificate Authority will validate the information in order to sign the certificates.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=Before requesting a Certificate Authority to sign a certificate it \
is suggested to update the issuer information of certificates. Click {0}here{1} to update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=The issuer information for the certificates should be updated \
before sending the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a Certificate Authority (CA). Click {0}here{1} to \
update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.ca_reply_info=Certificate reply can be added to the system by pasting \
in the certificate data sent to you by a Certificate Authority (e.g. Verisign).
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1198,10 +1198,10 @@ ssl.settings.server.customTLS = M\u00E9thode TLS \:
# Server Certificates
ssl.certificates.title=Server Certificates allows secure connections to be made between the server and clients. This \
page displays installed certificates. Certificates should be signed by a Certificate Authority to be \
accepted by clients or other servers. Self-signed certificates can still be used although some clients \
or servers may not accept them. (SSL) allows secure connections to be made between servers and clients. Certificates \
should be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to be trusted by clients or other servers. Self-signed \
certificates can still be used although some clients or servers may not accept them. The installed \
certificates are listed below.
ssl.certificates.alias=Host (alias)
......@@ -1227,8 +1227,7 @@ ssl.certificates.imported=Certificate Authority reply was imported successfully. Authority Reply:
ssl.certificates.restart_server=Certificates were modified so HTTP server needs to be restarted. Click {0}here{1} to \
restart HTTP server.
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are not installed. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed \
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are missing. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed certificates.
ssl.certificates.issuer-updated=Issuer information updated successfully.
ssl.certificates.error_installing=Error installing the certificate.
......@@ -1241,8 +1240,9 @@ ssl.signing-request.issuer_information=Issuer Information
ssl.signing-request.issuer_information_info=Complete the following information of the certificate issuer. This \
information will be stored in the certificates pending to be sent to the Certificate Authority. The \
Certificate Authority will validate the information in order to sign the certificates.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=Before requesting a Certificate Authority to sign a certificate it \
is suggested to update the issuer information of certificates. Click {0}here{1} to update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=The issuer information for the certificates should be updated \
before sending the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a Certificate Authority (CA). Click {0}here{1} to \
update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.ca_reply_info=Certificate reply can be added to the system by pasting \
in the certificate data sent to you by a Certificate Authority (e.g. Verisign).
......@@ -1625,11 +1625,6 @@ plugin.enterprise.installed = Plugin Entreprise install\u00E9 qvec succ\u00E8s.
profile-settings.title = Param\u00E8tres de Profi = Wildfire utilise l'utilisateur syst\u00E8me suivant. Lorsque vous utilisez LDAP, il est possible de changer vos param\u00E8tres d'integration. Cependant, si vous souhaitez changer d'utilisateur et de groupe syst\u00E8me, vous devrez r\u00E9-initialiser le processus d'installation.
profile-settings.ldap_mapping_info = Param\u00E8tres LDAP
database.upgrade.interbase_db = Attention\: Les mises \u00E0 jour automatiques ne sont pas support\u00E9es. Veuillez mettre \u00E0 jour votre base de don\u00E9es manuellement.
database.upgrade.unknown_db = Attention\: Base de donn\u00E9es de type inconnu\: Veuillez mettre \u00E0 jour votre bdd manuellement.
group.create.enter_a_group_name = Saisisser un Nom d'affichage pour le Groupe.
plugin.admin.refresh_success = Le Plugin a \u00E9t\u00E9 rafra\u00EEchi avec succ\u00E8s.
server2server.settings.port = Port\:
httpbind.settings.error.general=An error has occured, check the log file for details.
httpbind.settings.error.port=An error has occured configuring the HTTP binding ports, check the error log for more details.
......@@ -1713,4 +1708,26 @@ stun.settings.secondaryaddress = Secondary Address
stun.settings.primaryport = Primary Port Value
stun.settings.secondaryport = Secondary Port Value
stun.settings.enabled = Enabled
stun.settings.change = Change
\ No newline at end of file
stun.settings.change = Change
httpbind.settings.enabled.legend=Service Enabled binding allows clients using the HTTP protocol to connect to Wildfire.
httpbind.settings.label_disable_info=Clients will not be able to connect with this server using HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_enable_info=Clients can connect to this server using HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_same=Use Distinct Ports
httpbind.settings.label_same_info=The HTTP bind service will use distinct ports from those of the admin console
httpbind.settings.label_seperate=Use Admin Console Ports
httpbind.settings.label_seperate_info=The HTTP bind service will be run on the same ports as the admin console
httpbind.settings.secure_port=SSL Port:
httpbind.settings.title=HTTP Bind Settings
setup.admin.settings.test.status-error=Status: Authentication Failed
setup.admin.settings.test.status-success=Status: Authentication Successful!
sidebar.http-bind=HTTP Binding
sidebar.http-bind.descr=Click to configure HTTP binding settings
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1494,40 +1494,6 @@ ssl.settings.available=Dispon\u00edvel
ssl.settings.uninstalled=Certificado desinstalado com \u00eaxito.
ssl.settings.error=Erro desinstalando o certificado.
ssl.settings.error_messenge=Mensagem de Erro
ssl.settings.error_certificate=Erro instalando o certificado. Por favor veja o formul\u00e1rio abaixo. permite que sejam estabelecidas conex\u00f5es seguras entre o servidor e os clientes. Esta \
p\u00e1gina mostra os certificados instalados. Utilize o formul\u00e1rio no fim da p\u00e1gina para instalar um \
novo certificado.
ssl.settings.certificate=Certificados Instalados
ssl.settings.alias=Apelido (host)
ssl.settings.publickey=Chave P\u00fablica
ssl.settings.publickey.title=Clique para mostrar ou ocultar a chave p\u00fablica
ssl.settings.click_uninstall=Clique para desinstalar...
ssl.settings.confirm_uninstall=Voc\u00ea tem certeza que quer desinstalar este certificado?
ssl.settings.key=Chave P\u00fablica:
ssl.settings.no_installed=Nenhum certificado instalado. Utilize o formul\u00e1rio abaixo para instalar um.
ssl.settings.install_certificate=Instalar Certificado
ssl.settings.install_certificate_info=Novos certificados X.509 podem ser adicionados ao sistema colando no certificado \
os dados enviados pela Autoridade Certificadora (como Verisign) ou voc\u00ea pode \
gerar o seu pr\u00f3prio certificado assinado por voc\u00ea mesmo.
ssl.settings.enter_alias=Por favor digite um apelido v\u00e1lido.
ssl.settings.enter_certificate=Por favor digite um certificado v\u00e1lido.
ssl.settings.error_installing=Erro instalando o certificado.
ssl.settings.error_reported=Erro reportado
ssl.settings.server=Certificado do Servidor
ssl.settings.client=Certificado do Cliente
ssl.settings.paste_certificate=Cole no certificado enviado para voc\u00ea pela Entidade Certificadora ou o certificado \
auto-assinado gerado pela ferramenta de chaves.
ssl.settings.add_certificate=Adicionar Certificado
ssl.settings.server.legend=Seguran\u00e7a da Conex\u00e3o do Servidor
ssl.settings.server.label_required_info=Conex\u00f5es entre servidores sempre utilizam conex\u00f5es seguras.
......@@ -1541,10 +1507,10 @@ ssl.settings.server.customTLS=M\u00e9todo TLS:
# Server Certificates
ssl.certificates.title=Server Certificates allows secure connections to be made between the server and clients. This \
page displays installed certificates. Certificates should be signed by a Certificate Authority to be \
accepted by clients or other servers. Self-signed certificates can still be used although some clients \
or servers may not accept them. (SSL) allows secure connections to be made between servers and clients. Certificates \
should be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to be trusted by clients or other servers. Self-signed \
certificates can still be used although some clients or servers may not accept them. The installed \
certificates are listed below.
ssl.certificates.alias=Host (alias)
......@@ -1570,8 +1536,7 @@ ssl.certificates.imported=Certificate Authority reply was imported successfully. Authority Reply:
ssl.certificates.restart_server=Certificates were modified so HTTP server needs to be restarted. Click {0}here{1} to \
restart HTTP server.
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are not installed. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed \
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are missing. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed certificates.
ssl.certificates.issuer-updated=Issuer information updated successfully.
ssl.certificates.error_installing=Error installing the certificate.
......@@ -1584,8 +1549,9 @@ ssl.signing-request.issuer_information=Issuer Information
ssl.signing-request.issuer_information_info=Complete the following information of the certificate issuer. This \
information will be stored in the certificates pending to be sent to the Certificate Authority. The \
Certificate Authority will validate the information in order to sign the certificates.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=Before requesting a Certificate Authority to sign a certificate it \
is suggested to update the issuer information of certificates. Click {0}here{1} to update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=The issuer information for the certificates should be updated \
before sending the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a Certificate Authority (CA). Click {0}here{1} to \
update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.ca_reply_info=Certificate reply can be added to the system by pasting \
in the certificate data sent to you by a Certificate Authority (e.g. Verisign).
......@@ -1758,7 +1724,6 @@ plugin.admin.deleted_failure=Incapaz de apagar o plugin.
plugin.admin.click_reload=Recarregar o plugin.
plugin.admin.reload_success=O plugin foi recarregado com \u00eaxito. Pode levar algum tempo para \
o plugin aparecer na lista de plugins instalados novamente.
plugin.admin.refresh_success=Os Plugins foram atualizados com \u00eaxito.
......@@ -2157,4 +2122,5 @@ stun.settings.secondaryaddress = Secondary Address
stun.settings.primaryport = Primary Port Value
stun.settings.secondaryport = Secondary Port Value
stun.settings.enabled = Enabled
stun.settings.change = Change
\ No newline at end of file
stun.settings.change = Change
setup.admin.settings.username-error=No username was provided or the specified username was not found.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -875,7 +875,6 @@ server2server.settings.label_disable=\u7981\u6b62\u4f7f\u7528
......@@ -1354,10 +1353,10 @@ ssl.settings.server.customTLS=TLS\u65b9\u6848:
# Server Certificates
ssl.certificates.title=Server Certificates allows secure connections to be made between the server and clients. This \
page displays installed certificates. Certificates should be signed by a Certificate Authority to be \
accepted by clients or other servers. Self-signed certificates can still be used although some clients \
or servers may not accept them. (SSL) allows secure connections to be made between servers and clients. Certificates \
should be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to be trusted by clients or other servers. Self-signed \
certificates can still be used although some clients or servers may not accept them. The installed \
certificates are listed below.
ssl.certificates.alias=Host (alias)
......@@ -1383,8 +1382,7 @@ ssl.certificates.imported=Certificate Authority reply was imported successfully. Authority Reply:
ssl.certificates.restart_server=Certificates were modified so HTTP server needs to be restarted. Click {0}here{1} to \
restart HTTP server.
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are not installed. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed \
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are missing. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed certificates.
ssl.certificates.issuer-updated=Issuer information updated successfully.
ssl.certificates.error_installing=Error installing the certificate.
......@@ -1397,8 +1395,9 @@ ssl.signing-request.issuer_information=Issuer Information
ssl.signing-request.issuer_information_info=Complete the following information of the certificate issuer. This \
information will be stored in the certificates pending to be sent to the Certificate Authority. The \
Certificate Authority will validate the information in order to sign the certificates.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=Before requesting a Certificate Authority to sign a certificate it \
is suggested to update the issuer information of certificates. Click {0}here{1} to update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=The issuer information for the certificates should be updated \
before sending the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a Certificate Authority (CA). Click {0}here{1} to \
update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.ca_reply_info=Certificate reply can be added to the system by pasting \
in the certificate data sent to you by a Certificate Authority (e.g. Verisign).
......@@ -1563,7 +1562,6 @@ plugin.admin.deleted_success=\u5df2\u6210\u529f\u5220\u9664\u63d2\u4ef6\u3002
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