Commit 55d8c08f authored by guus's avatar guus

OF-443: No longer use the dialback namespace definition as a trigger to start...

OF-443: No longer use the dialback namespace definition as a trigger to start dialback (but use the db:verify / db:result elements instead). When the reported version of the stream is absent (prevents compatibility issues with openfire before version 3.7.1) or smaller than one, nothing should be sent on the stream before a db:verify / db:result stanza is sent (no stream features, for example). This mimics old behaviour. This way, dialback appears to be triggered by the namespace definition in the stream (even though in actuality it's triggered by a child element) which makes things backwards compatible.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 6bed7b67
......@@ -335,35 +335,36 @@ public class ServerDialback {
// Process the answer from the Receiving Server
try {
Element doc = socketReader.getElement(RemoteServerManager.getSocketTimeout(),
if (doc == null) {
Log.debug("ServerDialback: OS - Time out waiting for answer in validation from: " + hostname +
" id: " +
id +
" for domain: " +
return false;
else if ("db".equals(doc.getNamespacePrefix()) && "result".equals(doc.getName())) {
boolean success = "valid".equals(doc.attributeValue("type"));
Log.debug("ServerDialback: OS - Validation " + (success ? "GRANTED" : "FAILED") + " from: " +
hostname +
" id: " +
id +
" for domain: " +
return success;
else {
Log.debug("ServerDialback: OS - Unexpected answer in validation from: " + hostname + " id: " +
id +
" for domain: " +
domain +
" answer:" +
return false;
while (true) {
Element doc = socketReader.getElement(RemoteServerManager.getSocketTimeout(),
if (doc == null) {
Log.debug("ServerDialback: OS - Time out waiting for answer in validation from: " + hostname +
" id: " +
id +
" for domain: " +
return false;
else if ("db".equals(doc.getNamespacePrefix()) && "result".equals(doc.getName())) {
boolean success = "valid".equals(doc.attributeValue("type"));
Log.debug("ServerDialback: OS - Validation " + (success ? "GRANTED" : "FAILED") + " from: " +
hostname +
" id: " +
id +
" for domain: " +
return success;
else {
Log.warn("ServerDialback: OS - Ignoring unexpected answer in validation from: " + hostname + " id: " +
id +
" for domain: " +
domain +
" answer:" +
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.debug("ServerDialback: OS - Validation FAILED from: " + hostname +
......@@ -398,6 +399,7 @@ public class ServerDialback {
XmlPullParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser();
StringBuilder sb;
if ("jabber:server:dialback".equals(xpp.getNamespace("db"))) {
Log.debug("ServerDialback: Processing incoming session.");
StreamID streamID = sessionManager.nextStreamID();
......@@ -413,9 +415,11 @@ public class ServerDialback {
try {
Element doc = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement();
if ("db".equals(doc.getNamespacePrefix()) && "result".equals(doc.getName())) {
String hostname = doc.attributeValue("from");
String recipient = doc.attributeValue("to");
Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Validating remote domain for incoming session from {} to {}", hostname, recipient);
if (validateRemoteDomain(doc, streamID)) {
String hostname = doc.attributeValue("from");
String recipient = doc.attributeValue("to");
Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Validation of remote domain for incoming session from {} to {} was successful.", hostname, recipient);
// Create a server Session for the remote server
LocalIncomingServerSession session = sessionManager.
createIncomingServerSession(connection, streamID);
......@@ -425,6 +429,9 @@ public class ServerDialback {
// validating the session
return session;
} else {
Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Validation of remote domain for incoming session from {} to {} was not successful.", hostname, recipient);
return null;
else if ("db".equals(doc.getNamespacePrefix()) && "verify".equals(doc.getName())) {
......@@ -440,6 +447,7 @@ public class ServerDialback {
return null;
else {
Log.debug("ServerDialback: Received an invalid/unknown packet while trying to process an incoming session: {}", doc.asXML());
// The remote server sent an invalid/unknown packet
new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.invalid_xml).toXML());
......@@ -457,14 +465,13 @@ public class ServerDialback {
else {
// Include the invalid-namespace stream error condition in the response
Log.debug("ServerDialback: Received a stanza in an invalid namespace while trying to process an incoming session: {}", xpp.getNamespace("db"));
new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.invalid_namespace).toXML());
// Close the underlying connection
return null;
return null;
......@@ -473,7 +480,7 @@ public class ServerDialback {
* Authoritative Server. The Authoritative Server may be the same Originating Server or
* some other machine in the Originating Server's network.<p>
* If the domain was not valid or some error occured while validating the domain then the
* If the domain was not valid or some error occurred while validating the domain then the
* underlying TCP connection will be closed.
* @param doc the request for validating the new domain.
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