Commit 55bf1bee authored by Dave Cridland's avatar Dave Cridland Committed by daryl herzmann

OF-XXXX Oracle database issues (#690)

OF-1212 Oracle database issues
parent 86c2807d
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ CREATE TABLE ofMessageArchive (
toJIDResource VARCHAR2(255) NULL,
stanza LONG NULL,
body LONG
stanza CLOB NULL,
body CLOB
CREATE INDEX ofMessageArchive_con_idx ON ofMessageArchive (conversationID);
CREATE INDEX ofMessageArchive_fromjid_idx ON ofMessageArchive (fromJID);
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
......@@ -112,6 +113,45 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
+ "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID "
+ "WHERE ofConversation.lastActivity > ?";
public static final String SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS_ORACLE = "select SUBSET.conversationID,"
+ ","
+ "SUBSET.isExternal,"
+ "SUBSET.startDate,"
+ "SUBSET.lastActivity,"
+ "SUBSET.messageCount,"
+ "SUBSET.joinedDate,"
+ "SUBSET.leftDate,"
+ "SUBSET.bareJID,"
+ "SUBSET.jidResource,"
+ "SUBSET.nickname,"
+ "SUBSET.fromJID,"
+ "SUBSET.sentDate,"
+ "MAR.body from ("
+ "SELECT DISTINCT ofConversation.conversationID as conversationID,"
+ " as room,"
+ "ofConversation.isExternal as isExternal,"
+ "ofConversation.startDate as startDate,"
+ "ofConversation.lastActivity as lastActivity,"
+ "ofConversation.messageCount as messageCount,"
+ "ofConParticipant.joinedDate as joinedDate,"
+ "ofConParticipant.leftDate as leftDate,"
+ "ofConParticipant.bareJID as bareJID,"
+ "ofConParticipant.jidResource as jidResource,"
+ "ofConParticipant.nickname as nickname,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.fromJID as fromJID,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.toJID as toJID,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.sentDate as sentDate,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.MESSAGEID as msgId "
+ "FROM ofConversation "
+ "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID "
+ "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID "
+ "where ofConversation.lastActivity > ? ) SUBSET "
+ "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive MAR ON MAR.conversationID = SUBSET.conversationID "
+ "where MAR.MESSAGEID = SUBSET.msgId "
+ "and MAR.sentDate = SUBSET.sentDate "
+ "and MAR.fromJID = SUBSET.fromJID "
+ "and MAR.toJID = SUBSET.toJID";
// public static final String SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS =
// "SELECT c.conversationId,c.startTime,c.endTime,c.ownerJid,c.ownerResource,withJid,c.withResource,"
// + " c.subject,c.thread "
......@@ -132,6 +172,17 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
+ "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofMessageArchive.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID "
+ "WHERE ofMessageArchive.stanza != NULL OR ofMessageArchive.body != NULL";
public static final String SELECT_MESSAGE_ORACLE = "SELECT "
+ "ofMessageArchive.fromJID, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.toJID, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.sentDate, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.stanza, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.messageID "
+ "FROM ofMessageArchive";
public static final String SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_BY_OWNER = "SELECT DISTINCT ofConParticipant.conversationID FROM ofConParticipant WHERE "
+ " = ?";
public static final String COUNT_MESSAGES = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ofMessageArchive.messageID) "
+ "FROM ofMessageArchive "
+ "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofMessageArchive.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID "
......@@ -371,6 +422,7 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
public Collection<ArchivedMessage> findMessages(Date startDate,
Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, XmppResultSet xmppResultSet) {
final boolean isOracleDB = isOracleDB();
final StringBuilder querySB;
final StringBuilder whereSB;
......@@ -378,7 +430,7 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
final TreeMap<Long, ArchivedMessage> archivedMessages = new TreeMap<Long, ArchivedMessage>();
querySB = new StringBuilder(SELECT_MESSAGES);
querySB = new StringBuilder( isOracleDB ? SELECT_MESSAGE_ORACLE : SELECT_MESSAGES );
whereSB = new StringBuilder();
limitSB = new StringBuilder();
......@@ -393,7 +445,12 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
appendWhere(whereSB, MESSAGE_SENT_DATE, " <= ?");
if (ownerJid != null) {
appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID, " = ?");
if( isOracleDB ) {
appendWhere( whereSB, "ofMessageArchive.conversationID in ( ", SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_BY_OWNER, " )" );
else {
appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID, " = ?");
if(withJid != null) {
appendWhere(whereSB, "( ", MESSAGE_TO_JID, " = ? OR ", MESSAGE_FROM_JID, " = ? )");
......@@ -444,6 +501,36 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
limitSB.append(" BETWEEN ").append(firstIndex+1);
limitSB.append(" AND ").append(firstIndex+max);
else if( isOracleDB() ) {
try {
final Statement statement = DbConnectionManager.getConnection().createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "select VERSION from PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION P where P.PRODUCT like 'Oracle Database%'" );;
final String versionString = resultSet.getString( "VERSION" );
final String[] versionParts = versionString.split( "\\." );
final int majorVersion = Integer.parseInt( versionParts[ 0 ] );
final int minorVersion = Integer.parseInt( versionParts[ 1 ] );
if( ( majorVersion == 12 && minorVersion >= 1 ) || majorVersion > 12 ) {
limitSB.append(" LIMIT ").append(max);
limitSB.append(" OFFSET ").append(firstIndex);
else {
querySB.insert( 0, "SELECT * FROM ( " );
limitSB.append( " ) WHERE rownum BETWEEN " )
.append( firstIndex + 1 )
.append( " AND " )
.append( firstIndex + max );
} catch( SQLException e ) {
Log.warn( "Unable to determine oracle database version using fallback", e );
querySB.insert( 0, "SELECT * FROM ( " );
limitSB.append( " ) WHERE rownum BETWEEN " )
.append( firstIndex + 1 )
.append( " AND " )
.append( firstIndex + max );
else {
limitSB.append(" LIMIT ").append(max);
limitSB.append(" OFFSET ").append(firstIndex);
......@@ -489,6 +576,11 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
return archivedMessages.values();
private boolean isOracleDB()
return DbConnectionManager.getDatabaseType() ==;
private Integer countMessages(Date startDate, Date endDate,
String ownerJid, String withJid, String whereClause) {
......@@ -588,7 +680,7 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection();
pstmt = con.prepareStatement(SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS);
pstmt.setLong(1, now - conversationTimeout * 60L * 1000L);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
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