Commit 4e261499 authored by zzglitch's avatar zzglitch

Fix ConcurrentModificationException in kickPresence

parent fdb71e4c
......@@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ public class LocalMUCRoom implements MUCRoom {
private void kickPresence(Presence kickPresence, JID actorJID) {
// Get the role(s) to kick
List<MUCRole> occupants = occupantsByNickname.get(kickPresence.getFrom().getResource().toLowerCase());
List<MUCRole> occupants = new ArrayList<MUCRole>(occupantsByNickname.get(kickPresence.getFrom().getResource().toLowerCase()));
for (MUCRole kickedRole : occupants) {
kickPresence = kickPresence.createCopy();
// Add the actor's JID that kicked this user from the room
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