Commit 4d9782a6 authored by Bill Lynch's avatar Bill Lynch Committed by bill

Files in {plugin}/src/include are now part of the jar and {plugin}/lib/**/*.* ...

Files in {plugin}/src/include are now part of the jar and {plugin}/lib/**/*.*  is copied to the same dest of the plugin jar.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 3a4ed3dd
......@@ -744,8 +744,22 @@
<mkdir dir="${}/@{plugin}/target/lib" />
<jar jarfile="${}/@{plugin}/target/lib/plugin-@{plugin}.jar">
<fileset dir="${}/@{plugin}/target/classes" />
<!-- <fileset dir="@{pluginsrc}/@{plugin}/src/include" />-->
<available file="@{pluginsrc}/@{plugin}/src/include" type="dir" property="@{plugin}.include.exists" />
<equals arg1="${@{plugin}.include.exists}" arg2="true" />
<jar jarfile="${}/@{plugin}/target/lib/plugin-@{plugin}.jar"
<fileset dir="@{pluginsrc}/@{plugin}/src/include" includes="**/*.*" />
<!-- Copy anything in the plugin's lib dir to the target lib dir -->
<copy todir="${}/@{plugin}/target/lib" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="@{pluginsrc}/@{plugin}/lib" includes="**/*.*" />
<!-- JSPC any JSP pages. Do this conditionally as there might not be a web dir. -->
<available property="plugin.@{plugin}.webdocs.available"
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