Commit 3ce290cb authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gaston

Fixed several bugs in shared groups. JM-142

Finished shared groups functionality. JM-143

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent fbde4f70
......@@ -409,8 +409,9 @@ public class Roster implements Cacheable {
// will have one entry in the map associated with all the groups
Map<JID,List<Group>> sharedGroupUsers = new HashMap<JID,List<Group>>();
for (Group group : sharedGroups) {
// Get all the users that can have this group in their rosters
Collection<String> users = XMPPServer.getInstance().getRosterManager().getRelatedUsers(group, false);
// Get all the users that should be in this roster
Collection<String> users = XMPPServer.getInstance().getRosterManager()
.getSharedUsersForRoster(group, this);
// Add the users of the group to the general list of users to process
for (String user : users) {
// Add the user to the answer if the user doesn't belong to the personal roster
......@@ -553,6 +554,10 @@ public class Roster implements Cacheable {
// Get the RosterItem for the *local* user to remove
RosterItem item = getRosterItem(jid);
if (item.isOnlyShared() && item.getSharedGroups().size() == 1) {
// Do nothing if the existing shared group is not the sharedGroup to remove
if (!item.getSharedGroups().contains(sharedGroup)) {
// Delete the roster item from the roster since it exists only because of this
// group which is being removed
deleteRosterItem(jid, false);
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