Commit 3167678e authored by Daniel Henninger's avatar Daniel Henninger Committed by dhenninger

This is not used. RHX RPM is build from enterprise. No reason to have it here.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 9631e09b
......@@ -1146,33 +1146,6 @@
<!-- installer.rpm-rhx ========================================================================= -->
<property name="target.rpm-rhx" value="${work.dir}/rpm-rhx" />
<property name="rpm-rhx.spec.file" value="${basedir}/build/rpm-rhx/openfire.spec" />
<target name="installer.rpm-rhx" depends="init, dist.init" description="Builds a rpm of openfire for RHX.">
<antcall target="dist.src"/>
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm-rhx}/SPECS" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm-rhx}/SOURCES" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm-rhx}/BUILD" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm-rhx}/SRPMS" />
<mkdir dir="${target.rpm-rhx}/RPMS" />
<copy tofile="${target.rpm-rhx}/SPECS/openfire.spec" file="${rpm-rhx.spec.file}" />
<copy todir="${target.rpm-rhx}/SOURCES" file="${release.dest.dir}/${release.fullname.src}.tar.gz" />
<rpm specFile="openfire.spec"
<copy todir="${release.dest.dir}" >
<fileset dir="${target.rpm-rhx}/SRPMS" />
<fileset dir="${target.rpm-rhx}/RPMS/i386" />
<!-- plugins =============================================================================== -->
<target name="plugins" description="Builds all plugins">
<!-- Call jar task, can't do this is as a 'depends' call of this target because
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