Commit 2a1a4b72 authored by Bill Lynch's avatar Bill Lynch Committed by bill

Fixed incorrect ant/jdk version check

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 34b39f14
......@@ -70,11 +70,10 @@
<!-- init ================================================================================== -->
<target name="init">
<!-- Check for min build requirements -->
<!-- TODO - this doesn't work for some reason -->
<condition property="ant.not.ok" value="true"><not><contains string="${ant.version}" substring="1.6" /></not></condition>
<condition property="java.not.ok" value="true"><not><contains string="${}" substring="1.5" /></not></condition>
<fail if="${ant.not.ok}" message="Must use Ant 1.6.x to build Jive Messenger" />
<fail if="${java.not.ok}" message="Must use JDK 1.5.x to build Jive Messenger" />
<fail if="ant.not.ok" message="Must use Ant 1.6.x to build Jive Messenger" />
<fail if="java.not.ok" message="Must use JDK 1.5.x to build Jive Messenger" />
<tstamp />
<mkdir dir="${target.dir}" />
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