Commit 1d916835 authored by akrherz's avatar akrherz Committed by Guus der Kinderen

OF-1254 drop ofMucConvLog_msg_id index prior to creating it

This is an attempt to workaround an issue introduced whereby the database schema version is incorrect.  More info is here

The mysql change worked for me on mariadb 5.5.56
parent ee307ce7
DROP INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id IF EXISTS;
CREATE INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id ON ofMucConversationLog (messageID);
UPDATE ofVersion SET version = 25 WHERE name = 'openfire';
DROP INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id IF EXISTS;
CREATE INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id ON ofMucConversationLog (messageID);
UPDATE ofVersion SET version = 25 WHERE name = 'openfire';
ALTER TABLE ofMucConversationLog ADD INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id (messageID);
set @exist := (select count(*) from information_schema.statistics where table_name = 'ofMucConversationLog' and index_name = 'ofMucConvLog_msg_id' and table_schema = database());
set @sqlstmt := if( @exist > 0, 'select ''INFO: Index already exists.''', 'create index ofMucConvLog_msg_id on ofMucConversationLog (messageID)');
PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlstmt;
UPDATE ofVersion SET version = 25 WHERE name = 'openfire';
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ofMucConvLog_msg_id;
CREATE INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id ON ofMucConversationLog (messageID);
UPDATE ofVersion SET version = 25 WHERE name = 'openfire';
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ofMucConvLog_msg_id;
CREATE INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id ON ofMucConversationLog (messageID);
UPDATE ofVersion SET version = 25 WHERE name = 'openfire';
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ofMucConvLog_msg_id;
CREATE INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id ON ofMucConversationLog (messageID);
UPDATE ofVersion SET version = 25 WHERE name = 'openfire';
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ofMucConvLog_msg_id;
CREATE INDEX ofMucConvLog_msg_id ON ofMucConversationLog (messageID);
UPDATE ofVersion SET version = 25 WHERE name = 'openfire';
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