Commit 1b56f89e authored by Greg Weinger's avatar Greg Weinger Committed by greg.weinger

Modified the build to compile and include source and web files locaed in a...

Modified the build to compile and include source and web files locaed in a custom directory.  This commit also includes documentation changes to explain how to use the new build functionality.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 4178af02
......@@ -100,8 +100,16 @@
<property name="" value="startup.jar"/>
<property name="jar.dest.dir" value="${work.dir}/lib"/>
<property name="resources.dir" value="${src.dir}/resources"/>
<property name="overlay.dir" value="${basedir}/custom"/>
<property name="overlay.src.dir" value="${overlay.dir}/source"/>
<property name="overlay.web.dir" value="${overlay.dir}/webapp"/>
<property name="" value=""/>
<property name="overlay.compile.dir" value="${work.dir}/overlay/classes"/>
<property name="javadoc.src.dir" value="${src.dir}/javadoc"/>
<property name="javadoc.dest.dir" value="${work.dir}/javadoc"/>
<property name="jspc.jsp.src.dir" value="${work.dir}/jspc/jsp"/>
<property name="jspc.dest.dir" value="${work.dir}/jspc"/>
<property name="" value="${work.dir}/jspc/java"/>
<property name="jspc.classes.dest.dir" value="${work.dir}/jspc/classes"/>
......@@ -238,6 +246,7 @@
<mkdir dir="${work.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${overlay.compile.dir}"/>
<!-- Setup the full version property correctly -->
......@@ -273,6 +282,32 @@
<path refid="compile.dependencies"/>
<available file="${overlay.src.dir}" type="dir" property="overlay.source.found"/>
<equals arg1="${overlay.source.found}" arg2="true"/>
<mkdir dir="${overlay.compile.dir}"/>
<src path="${overlay.src.dir}"/>
<patternset refid="compile.sources"/>
<path refid="compile.dependencies"/>
<path location="${compile.dir}"/>
<else><echo>Nothing to compile from custom here </echo></else>
<!-- i18n ================================================================================== -->
......@@ -283,6 +318,20 @@
<copy file="${src.i18n.dir}/${i18n.basename}_${i18n.default.locale}.properties"
<!-- if title override file exists, overwrite all i18n files -->
<available file="${overlay.dir}/${}" type="file" property="overlay.props.found"/>
<equals arg1="${overlay.props.found}" arg2="true"/>
<echo>Found overlay file: ${overlay.dir}/${}</echo>
<property file="${overlay.dir}/${}"/>
<replace dir="${target.i18n.dir}">
<replacefilter token="title = Wildfire" value="title=${title}"/>
<replacefilter token="short.title = Wildfire" value="short.title=${short.title}"/>
<target name="plugins-dev">
......@@ -329,7 +378,12 @@
<!-- Make main Openfire jar -->
<jar jarfile="${jar.dest.dir}/${}" index="true" duplicate="preserve">
<fileset dir="${compile.dir}" includes="**/*.class"
<!-- don't include files that have an overlay counterpart -->
<present present="srconly" targetdir="${overlay.compile.dir}"/>
<!-- now include overlay files -->
<fileset dir="${overlay.compile.dir}" includes="**/*.class"/>
<fileset dir="${src.i18n.dir}" includes="*.properties"/>
<fileset dir="${target.i18n.dir}" includes="*.properties"/>
<fileset dir="${resources.dir}/jar" includes="**"/>
......@@ -450,13 +504,33 @@
<target name="-jspc-impl" unless="no.jspc">
<!-- we're forced to create a temp dir to properly overwrite sources from overlay directory -->
<mkdir dir="${jspc.jsp.src.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${jspc.jsp.src.dir}">
<fileset dir="${web.dir}"/>
<!-- copy overlay -->
<available file="${overlay.web.dir}" type="dir" property="overlay.webdir.found"/>
<equals arg1="${overlay.webdir.found}" arg2="true"/>
<copy todir="${jspc.jsp.src.dir}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${overlay.web.dir}"/>
<java classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC" fork="true">
<pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${compile.dir}"/>
<path refid="jspc.dependencies"/>
<arg line="-uriroot '${web.dir}'"/>
<arg line="-uriroot '${jspc.jsp.src.dir}'"/>
<arg line="-d '${}'"/>
<arg line="-p org.jivesoftware.openfire.admin"/>
<arg line="-webinc '${jspc.dest.dir}/web.partial.xml'"/>
......@@ -79,6 +79,10 @@ messaging (IM) services using the XMPP protocol.
<a href="database-guide.html">Database Schema Guide</a> -
A tour of the Openfire database schema for developers and database administrators.
<a href="overlay.html">Customization Guide</a> -
Instructions on customization support within the build process for Openfire.
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<h1>Customization Guide</h1>
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<a href="index.html">&laquo; Back to documentation index</a>
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Openfire provides ways to customize application code as well as the Admin console,
while maintaining that code in a separate location from the distribution source.
The base code and custom code are integrated during the build process.
<h2><a name="mysql">File Structure</a></h2>
<p>To cusomize files, create the following file structure in your <tt>openfireHome</tt>
directory (where all the source files are on your filesystem).
| - &lt;- Properties file to replace text in i18n files (optional)
| - source/ &lt;- Directory to place java source files to be overridden
| - webapp/ &lt;- Directory to place any web file (image, CSS or jsp)
In the <tt>custom/source</tt> directory, mirror the contents under the <tt>src/java</tt> directory.
Any files you place under <tt>custom/source</tt> will override the current source files in the build.
For example, to override the
class <tt>org.jivesoftware.openfire.Channel</tt> you would place a file under the directory <tt>custom/source/org/jivesoftware/openfire/</tt>
In the <tt>custom/webapp</tt> directory, mirror the contents of the <tt>src/web</tt> directory. Any files you place
there will override the current source files in the build. For example, if you want to modify <tt>src/web/login.jsp</tt>
then add login.jsp to the directory <tt>custom/webapp</tt>.
Currently, overridden files will simply be included in the built war or jar files. We have not added
functionality to bundle these changes in a separate jar file.
<h2>Overlay Properties File</h2>
<p>The i18n files have been modified to be as generic as possible (not to mention this project
by name). In cases where that could not be avioded, two keys are responsible. We have
made it possible to modify these keys by means of an optional properties file, <tt></tt>
which you place in your <tt>custom/</tt> folder. If you want to override these
default properties just create this file. The build will continue to work if you haven't
created the file.
The file will currently replace the following keys in the i18n files.
Note: this properties file should follow the java.util.Properties text file format.
<li><em>title</em> - Title key (usually in the title bar of an HTML page)</li>
<li><em>short.title</em> - Short title, also used frequently</li>
<p>Simply build the application as normal. You may need to run the ant <tt>clean</tt>
task for your changes to be picked up.
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