Commit 0e3fa96c authored by guus's avatar guus

[JM-1450] Additional utility method, useful when working with plugins.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 484543ba
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public class LocaleUtils {
* @param localeCode the locale code for a Java locale. See the {@link java.util.Locale}
* class for more details.
* @return The Java Locale that matches the locale code, or <tt>null</tt>.
public static Locale localeCodeToLocale(String localeCode) {
Locale locale = null;
......@@ -412,11 +413,43 @@ public class LocaleUtils {
* @return the localized string.
public static String getLocalizedString(String key, String pluginName, List arguments) {
return getLocalizedString(key, pluginName, arguments, null, false);
* Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from
* the passed in plugin, using the passed in Locale.
* If the plugin name is <tt>null</tt>, the key will be looked up using the
* standard resource bundle.
* If the locale is <tt>null</tt>, the Jive Global locale will be used.
* @param key
* the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate
* resource bundle.
* @param pluginName
* the name of the plugin to load the require resource bundle
* from.
* @param arguments
* a list of objects to use which are formatted, then inserted
* into the pattern at the appropriate places.
* @param locale
* the locale to use for retrieving the appropriate
* locale-specific string.
* @param fallback
* if <tt>true</tt>, the global locale used by Openfire will be
* used if the requested locale is not available)
* @return the localized string.
public static String getLocalizedString(String key, String pluginName, List arguments, Locale locale, boolean fallback) {
if (pluginName == null) {
return getLocalizedString(key, arguments);
Locale locale = JiveGlobals.getLocale();
if (locale == null) {
locale = JiveGlobals.getLocale();
String i18nFile = pluginName + "_i18n";
// Retrieve classloader from pluginName.
......@@ -433,6 +466,12 @@ public class LocaleUtils {
return getLocalizedString(key, locale, arguments, bundle);
catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
Locale jivesLocale = JiveGlobals.getLocale();
if (fallback && !jivesLocale.equals(locale)) {"Could not find the requested locale. Falling back to default locale.", mre);
return getLocalizedString(key, pluginName, arguments, jivesLocale, false);
return key;
......@@ -473,6 +512,8 @@ public class LocaleUtils {
* locale-specific string.
* @param arguments a list of objects to use which are formatted, then
* inserted into the pattern at the appropriate places.
* @param bundle The resource bundle from which to return the localized
* string.
* @return the localized string.
public static String getLocalizedString(String key, Locale locale, List arguments,
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