Commit 0cedf8a7 authored by ncampbell's avatar ncampbell

removing meter artificats

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 9c0b1569
initialize.objectname=Loading {0}.
rrdmanager.createoverride=Using override {0}.
rrdmanager.archiveadded=Adding archive {0}.
accumulator.resultnotnumber=Unable to update RRD {2}. Object returned was type {0} with result {1}.
accumulator.exprresults={0}({1}) result {2}.
accumulator.getvaluefailed={0} with expression: {1} failed: {2}.
accumulatorproxy.nullresult=Null result returned from {0} with expression {1}.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Provides in depth monitoring of various runtime components in Messenger.</description>
<author>Noah Campbell</author>
<tab id="tab-server">
<sidebar id="sidebar-server-settings">
<item id="monitor-service" name="Core Monitor Service" url="graphsetup.jsp"
description="Click to configure the monitor service." />
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