LeafNode.java 19.8 KB
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 * $RCSfile: $
 * $Revision: $
 * $Date: $
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Jive Software. All rights reserved.
 * This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
 * a copy of which is included in this distribution.

package org.jivesoftware.openfire.pubsub;

import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleUtils;
import org.jivesoftware.util.StringUtils;
import org.xmpp.forms.DataForm;
import org.xmpp.forms.FormField;
import org.xmpp.packet.IQ;
import org.xmpp.packet.JID;
import org.xmpp.packet.Message;

import java.util.*;

 * A type of node that contains published items only. It is NOT a container for
 * other nodes.
 * @author Matt Tucker
public class LeafNode extends Node {

     * Flag that indicates whether to persist items to storage. Note that when the
     * variable is false then the last published item is the only items being saved
     * to the backend storage.
    private boolean persistPublishedItems;
     * Maximum number of published items to persist. Note that all nodes are going to persist
     * their published items. The only difference is the number of the last published items
     * to be persisted. Even nodes that are configured to not use persitent items are going
     * to save the last published item.
    private int maxPublishedItems;
     * The maximum payload size in bytes.
    private int maxPayloadSize;
     * Flag that indicates whether to send items to new subscribers.
    private boolean sendItemSubscribe;
     * List of items that were published to the node and that are still active. If the node is
     * not configured to persist items then the last published item will be kept. The list is
     * sorted cronologically.
    protected final List<PublishedItem> publishedItems = new ArrayList<PublishedItem>();
    protected Map<String, PublishedItem> itemsByID = new HashMap<String, PublishedItem>();

    // TODO Add checking of max payload size. Return <not-acceptable> plus a application specific error condition of <payload-too-big/>.

    public LeafNode(PubSubService service, CollectionNode parentNode, String nodeID, JID creator) {
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        super(service, parentNode, nodeID, creator);
        // Configure node with default values (get them from the pubsub service)
        DefaultNodeConfiguration defaultConfiguration = service.getDefaultNodeConfiguration(true);
        this.persistPublishedItems = defaultConfiguration.isPersistPublishedItems();
        this.maxPublishedItems = defaultConfiguration.getMaxPublishedItems();
        this.maxPayloadSize = defaultConfiguration.getMaxPayloadSize();
        this.sendItemSubscribe = defaultConfiguration.isSendItemSubscribe();

    void configure(FormField field) {
        List<String> values;
        String booleanValue;
        if ("pubsub#persist_items".equals(field.getVariable())) {
            values = field.getValues();
            booleanValue = (values.size() > 0 ? values.get(0) : "1");
            persistPublishedItems = "1".equals(booleanValue);
        else if ("pubsub#max_payload_size".equals(field.getVariable())) {
            values = field.getValues();
            maxPayloadSize = values.size() > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(values.get(0)) : 5120;
        else if ("pubsub#send_item_subscribe".equals(field.getVariable())) {
            values = field.getValues();
            booleanValue = (values.size() > 0 ? values.get(0) : "1");
            sendItemSubscribe = "1".equals(booleanValue);

    void postConfigure(DataForm completedForm) {
        List<String> values;
        if (!persistPublishedItems) {
            // Always save the last published item when not configured to use persistent items
            maxPublishedItems = 1;
        else {
            FormField field = completedForm.getField("pubsub#max_items");
            if (field != null) {
                values = field.getValues();
                maxPublishedItems = values.size() > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(values.get(0)) : 50;
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            // Remove stored published items based on the new max items
            while (!publishedItems.isEmpty() && publishedItems.size() > maxPublishedItems) {
                PublishedItem removedItem = publishedItems.remove(0);
                // Add the removed item to the queue of items to delete from the database. The
                // queue is going to be processed by another thread

    protected void addFormFields(DataForm form, boolean isEditing) {
        super.addFormFields(form, isEditing);

        FormField formField = form.addField();
        if (isEditing) {

        formField = form.addField();
        if (isEditing) {

        formField = form.addField();
        if (isEditing) {

        formField = form.addField();
        if (isEditing) {


    protected void deletingNode() {
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            // Remove stored published items
            while (!publishedItems.isEmpty()) {
                PublishedItem removedItem = publishedItems.remove(0);
                // Add the removed item to the queue of items to delete from the database. The
                // queue is going to be processed by another thread

    void addPublishedItem(PublishedItem item) {
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            itemsByID.put(item.getID(), item);

    public int getMaxPayloadSize() {
        return maxPayloadSize;

    public boolean isPersistPublishedItems() {
        return persistPublishedItems;

    public int getMaxPublishedItems() {
        return maxPublishedItems;

     * Returns true if an item element is required to be included when publishing an
     * item to this node. When an item is included then the item will have an item ID
     * that will be included when sending items to node subscribers.<p>
     * Leaf nodes that are transient and do not deliver payloads with event notifications
     * do not require an item element. If a user tries to publish an item to a node
     * that does not require items then an error will be returned.
     * @return true if an item element is required to be included when publishing an
     *         item to this node.
    public boolean isItemRequired() {
        return isPersistPublishedItems() || isPayloadDelivered();

     * Publishes the list of items to the node. Event notifications will be sent to subscribers
     * for the new published event. The published event may or may not include an item. When the
     * node is not persistent and does not require payloads then an item is not going to be created
     * nore included in the event notification.<p>
     * When an affiliate has many subscriptions to the node, the affiliate will get a
     * notification for each set of items that affected the same list of subscriptions.<p>
     * When an item is included in the published event then a new {@link PublishedItem} is
     * going to be created and added to the list of published item. Each published item will
     * have a unique ID in the node scope. The new published item will be added to the end
     * of the published list to keep the cronological order. When the max number of published
     * items is exceeded then the oldest published items will be removed.<p>
     * For performance reasons the newly added published items and the deleted items (if any)
     * are saved to the database using a background thread. Sending event notifications to
     * node subscribers may also use another thread to ensure good performance.<p>
     * @param publisher the full JID of the user that sent the new published event.
     * @param itemElements list of dom4j elements that contain info about the published items.
    public void publishItems(JID publisher, List<Element> itemElements) {
        List<PublishedItem> newPublishedItems = new ArrayList<PublishedItem>();
        if (isItemRequired()) {
            String itemID;
            Element payload;
            PublishedItem newItem;
            for (Element item : itemElements) {
                itemID = item.attributeValue("id");
                List entries = item.elements();
                payload = entries.isEmpty() ? null : (Element) entries.get(0);
                // Create a published item from the published data and add it to the node and the db
                synchronized (publishedItems) {
                    // Make sure that the published item has an ID and that it's unique in the node
                    if (itemID == null) {
                        itemID = StringUtils.randomString(15);
                    while (itemsByID.get(itemID) != null) {
                        itemID = StringUtils.randomString(15);

                    // Create a new published item
                    newItem = new PublishedItem(this, publisher, itemID, new Date());
                    // Add the new item to the list of published items

                    // Add the published item to the list of items to persist (using another thread)
                    // but check that we don't exceed the limit. Remove oldest items if required.
                    while (!publishedItems.isEmpty() && publishedItems.size() >= maxPublishedItems)
                        PublishedItem removedItem = publishedItems.remove(0);
                        // Add the removed item to the queue of items to delete from the database. The
                        // queue is going to be processed by another thread
                    // Add the new published item to the queue of items to add to the database. The
                    // queue is going to be processed by another thread

        // Build event notification packet to broadcast to subscribers
        Message message = new Message();
        Element event = message.addChildElement("event", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event");
        // Broadcast event notification to subscribers and parent node subscribers
        Set<NodeAffiliate> affiliatesToNotify = new HashSet<NodeAffiliate>(affiliates);
        // Get affiliates that are subscribed to a parent in the hierarchy of parent nodes
        for (CollectionNode parentNode : getParents()) {
            for (NodeSubscription subscription : parentNode.getSubscriptions()) {
        // TODO Use another thread for this (if # of subscribers is > X)????
        for (NodeAffiliate affiliate : affiliatesToNotify) {
            affiliate.sendPublishedNotifications(message, event, this, newPublishedItems);

     * Deletes the list of published items from the node. Event notifications may be sent to
     * subscribers for the deleted items. When an affiliate has many subscriptions to the node,
     * the affiliate will get a notification for each set of items that affected the same list
     * of subscriptions.<p>
     * For performance reasons the deleted published items are saved to the database
     * using a background thread. Sending event notifications to node subscribers may
     * also use another thread to ensure good performance.<p>
     * @param toDelete list of items that were deleted from the node.
    public void deleteItems(List<PublishedItem> toDelete) {
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            for (PublishedItem item : toDelete) {
                // Remove items to delete from memory
                // Update fast look up cache of published items
        // Remove deleted items from the database
        for (PublishedItem item : toDelete) {
        if (isNotifiedOfRetract()) {
            // Broadcast notification deletion to subscribers
            // Build packet to broadcast to subscribers
            Message message = new Message();
            Element event =
                    message.addChildElement("event", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event");
            // Send notification that items have been deleted to subscribers and parent node
            // subscribers
            Set<NodeAffiliate> affiliatesToNotify = new HashSet<NodeAffiliate>(affiliates);
            // Get affiliates that are subscribed to a parent in the hierarchy of parent nodes
            for (CollectionNode parentNode : getParents()) {
                for (NodeSubscription subscription : parentNode.getSubscriptions()) {
            // TODO Use another thread for this (if # of subscribers is > X)????
            for (NodeAffiliate affiliate : affiliatesToNotify) {
                affiliate.sendDeletionNotifications(message, event, this, toDelete);

     * Sends an IQ result with the list of items published to the node. Item ID and payload
     * may be included in the result based on the node configuration.
     * @param originalRequest the IQ packet sent by a subscriber (or anyone) to get the node items.
     * @param publishedItems the list of published items to send to the subscriber.
     * @param forceToIncludePayload true if the item payload should be include if one exists. When
     *        false the decision is up to the node.
    void sendPublishedItems(IQ originalRequest, List<PublishedItem> publishedItems,
            boolean forceToIncludePayload) {
        IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(originalRequest);
        Element childElement = originalRequest.getChildElement().createCopy();
        Element items = childElement.element("items");
        for (PublishedItem publishedItem : publishedItems) {
            Element item = items.addElement("item");
            if (isItemRequired()) {
                item.addAttribute("id", publishedItem.getID());
            if ((forceToIncludePayload || isPayloadDelivered()) &&
                    publishedItem.getPayload() != null) {
        // Send the result

    public PublishedItem getPublishedItem(String itemID) {
        if (!isItemRequired()) {
            return null;
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            return itemsByID.get(itemID);

    public List<PublishedItem> getPublishedItems() {
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(publishedItems);

    public List<PublishedItem> getPublishedItems(int recentItems) {
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            int size = publishedItems.size();
            if (recentItems > size) {
                // User requested more items than the one the node has so return the current list
                return Collections.unmodifiableList(publishedItems);
            else {
                // Return the number of recent items the user requested
                List<PublishedItem> recent = publishedItems.subList(size - recentItems, size);
                return new ArrayList<PublishedItem>(recent);

    public PublishedItem getLastPublishedItem() {
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            if (publishedItems.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            return publishedItems.get(publishedItems.size()-1);

     * Returns true if the last published item is going to be sent to new subscribers.
     * @return true if the last published item is going to be sent to new subscribers.
    public boolean isSendItemSubscribe() {
        return sendItemSubscribe;

    void setMaxPayloadSize(int maxPayloadSize) {
        this.maxPayloadSize = maxPayloadSize;

    void setPersistPublishedItems(boolean persistPublishedItems) {
        this.persistPublishedItems = persistPublishedItems;

    void setMaxPublishedItems(int maxPublishedItems) {
        this.maxPublishedItems = maxPublishedItems;

    void setSendItemSubscribe(boolean sendItemSubscribe) {
        this.sendItemSubscribe = sendItemSubscribe;

     * Purges items that were published to the node. Only owners can request this operation.
     * This operation is only available for nodes configured to store items in the database. All
     * published items will be deleted with the exception of the last published item.
    public void purge() {
        List<PublishedItem> toDelete = null;
        // Calculate items to delete
        synchronized (publishedItems) {
            if (publishedItems.size() > 1) {
                // Remove all items except the last one
                toDelete = new ArrayList<PublishedItem>(
                        publishedItems.subList(0, publishedItems.size() - 1));
                // Remove items to delete from memory
                // Update fast look up cache of published items
                itemsByID = new HashMap<String, PublishedItem>();
                itemsByID.put(publishedItems.get(0).getID(), publishedItems.get(0));
        if (toDelete != null) {
            // Delete purged items from the database
            for (PublishedItem item : toDelete) {
            // Broadcast purge notification to subscribers
            // Build packet to broadcast to subscribers
            Message message = new Message();
            Element event = message.addChildElement("event", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event");
            Element items = event.addElement("purge");
            items.addAttribute("node", nodeID);
            // Send notification that the node configuration has changed
            broadcastNodeEvent(message, false);