CertificateStoreManager.java 15 KB
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package org.jivesoftware.openfire.keystore;

import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.BasicModule;
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import org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.ConnectionListener;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.ConnectionManagerImpl;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.ConnectionType;
import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

 * A manager of certificate stores.
// TODO Code duplication should be reduced.
// TODO Allow changing the store type.
public class CertificateStoreManager extends BasicModule
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    private final static Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CertificateStoreManager.class );

    private final ConcurrentMap<ConnectionType, CertificateStoreConfiguration> typeToTrustStore    = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final ConcurrentMap<ConnectionType, CertificateStoreConfiguration> typeToIdentityStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final ConcurrentMap<CertificateStoreConfiguration, IdentityStore>  identityStores      = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final ConcurrentMap<CertificateStoreConfiguration, TrustStore>     trustStores         = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

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    public CertificateStoreManager( )
        super( "Certificate Store Manager" );
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    public synchronized void initialize( XMPPServer server )
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        super.initialize( server );

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        for ( ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values() )
                Log.debug( "(identity store for connection type '{}') Initializing store...", type );
47 48 49 50 51 52
                final CertificateStoreConfiguration identityStoreConfiguration = getIdentityStoreConfiguration( type );
                if ( !identityStores.containsKey( identityStoreConfiguration ) )
                    final IdentityStore store = new IdentityStore( identityStoreConfiguration, false );
                    identityStores.put( identityStoreConfiguration, store );
                typeToIdentityStore.put( type, identityStoreConfiguration );
54 55 56
            catch ( CertificateStoreConfigException | IOException e )
                Log.warn( "(identity store for connection type '{}') Unable to instantiate store ", type, e );
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                Log.debug( "(trust store for connection type '{}') Initializing store...", type );
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                final CertificateStoreConfiguration trustStoreConfiguration = getTrustStoreConfiguration( type );
                if ( !trustStores.containsKey( trustStoreConfiguration ) )
                    final TrustStore store = new TrustStore( trustStoreConfiguration, false );
                    trustStores.put( trustStoreConfiguration, store );
                typeToTrustStore.put( type, trustStoreConfiguration );
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            catch ( CertificateStoreConfigException | IOException e )
                Log.warn( "(trust store for connection type '{}') Unable to instantiate store ", type, e );
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    public synchronized void destroy()
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    public IdentityStore getIdentityStore( ConnectionType type )
        final CertificateStoreConfiguration configuration = typeToIdentityStore.get( type );
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        if (configuration == null) {
            return null;
        return identityStores.get( configuration );
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    public TrustStore getTrustStore( ConnectionType type )
        final CertificateStoreConfiguration configuration = typeToTrustStore.get( type );
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        if (configuration == null) {
            return null;
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        return trustStores.get( configuration );

    public void replaceIdentityStore( ConnectionType type, CertificateStoreConfiguration configuration, boolean createIfAbsent ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
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        if ( type == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'type' cannot be null." );
        if ( configuration == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'configuration' cannot be null." );

        final CertificateStoreConfiguration oldConfig = typeToIdentityStore.get( type ); // can be null if persisted properties are invalid
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        if ( oldConfig == null || !oldConfig.equals( configuration ) )
            // If the new store is not already being used by any other type, it'll need to be registered.
            if ( !identityStores.containsKey( configuration ) )
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                // This constructor can throw an exception. If it does, the state of the manager should not have already changed.
                final IdentityStore store = new IdentityStore( configuration, createIfAbsent );
                identityStores.put( configuration, store );
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            typeToIdentityStore.put( type, configuration );
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            // If the old store is not used by any other type, it can be shut down.
            if ( oldConfig != null && !typeToIdentityStore.containsValue( oldConfig ) )
                identityStores.remove( oldConfig );
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            // Update all connection listeners that were using the old configuration.
            final ConnectionManagerImpl connectionManager = ((ConnectionManagerImpl) XMPPServer.getInstance().getConnectionManager());
            for ( ConnectionListener connectionListener : connectionManager.getListeners( type ) ) {
                try {
                    connectionListener.setIdentityStoreConfiguration( configuration );
                } catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
                    Log.warn( "An exception occurred while trying to update the identity store configuration for connection type '" + type + "'", e );

        // Always store the new configuration in properties, to make sure that we override a potential fallback.
        JiveGlobals.setProperty( type.getPrefix() + "keystore", configuration.getFile().getPath() ); // FIXME ensure that this is relative to Openfire home!
        JiveGlobals.setProperty( type.getPrefix() + "keypass", new String( configuration.getPassword() ) );

    public void replaceTrustStore( ConnectionType type, CertificateStoreConfiguration configuration, boolean createIfAbsent ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
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        if ( type == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'type' cannot be null." );
        if ( configuration == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'configuration' cannot be null." );

        final CertificateStoreConfiguration oldConfig = typeToTrustStore.get( type ); // can be null if persisted properties are invalid
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        if ( oldConfig == null || !oldConfig.equals( configuration ) )
            // If the new store is not already being used by any other type, it'll need to be registered.
            if ( !trustStores.containsKey( configuration ) )
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                // This constructor can throw an exception. If it does, the state of the manager should not have already changed.
                final TrustStore store = new TrustStore( configuration, createIfAbsent );
                trustStores.put( configuration, store );
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            typeToTrustStore.put( type, configuration );
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            // If the old store is not used by any other type, it can be shut down.
            if ( oldConfig != null && !typeToTrustStore.containsValue( oldConfig ) )
                trustStores.remove( oldConfig );
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            // Update all connection listeners that were using the old configuration.
            final ConnectionManagerImpl connectionManager = ((ConnectionManagerImpl) XMPPServer.getInstance().getConnectionManager());
            for ( ConnectionListener connectionListener : connectionManager.getListeners( type ) ) {
                try {
                    connectionListener.setTrustStoreConfiguration( configuration );
                } catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
                    Log.warn( "An exception occurred while trying to update the trust store configuration for connection type '" + type + "'", e );


        // Always store the new configuration in properties, to make sure that we override a potential fallback.
        JiveGlobals.setProperty( type.getPrefix() + "truststore", configuration.getFile().getPath() ); // FIXME ensure that this is relative to Openfire home!
        JiveGlobals.setProperty( type.getPrefix() + "trustpass", new String( configuration.getPassword() )  );

    public CertificateStoreConfiguration getIdentityStoreConfiguration( ConnectionType type ) throws IOException
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        // Getting individual properties might use fallbacks. It is assumed (but not asserted) that each property value
        // is obtained from the same connectionType (which is either the argument to this method, or one of its
        // fallbacks.
        final String keyStoreType = getKeyStoreType( type );
        final String password = getIdentityStorePassword( type );
        final String location = getIdentityStoreLocation( type );
        final File file = canonicalize( location );

        return new CertificateStoreConfiguration( keyStoreType, file, password.toCharArray() );

    public CertificateStoreConfiguration getTrustStoreConfiguration( ConnectionType type ) throws IOException
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        // Getting individual properties might use fallbacks. It is assumed (but not asserted) that each property value
        // is obtained from the same connectionType (which is either the argument to this method, or one of its
        // fallbacks.
        final String keyStoreType = getKeyStoreType( type );
        final String password = getTrustStorePassword( type );
        final String location = getTrustStoreLocation( type );
        final File file = canonicalize( location );

        return new CertificateStoreConfiguration( keyStoreType, file, password.toCharArray() );

     * The KeyStore type (jks, jceks, pkcs12, etc) for the identity and trust store for connections created by this
     * listener.
     * @return a store type (never null).
     * @see <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/StandardNames.html#KeyStore">Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation</a>
    static String getKeyStoreType( ConnectionType type )
        final String propertyName = type.getPrefix() + "storeType";
        final String defaultValue = "jks";

        if ( type.getFallback() == null )
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, defaultValue ).trim();
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, getKeyStoreType( type.getFallback() ) ).trim();

    static void setKeyStoreType( ConnectionType type, String keyStoreType )
        // Always set the property explicitly even if it appears the equal to the old value (the old value might be a fallback value).
        JiveGlobals.setProperty( type.getPrefix() + "storeType", keyStoreType );

        final String oldKeyStoreType = getKeyStoreType( type );
        if ( oldKeyStoreType.equals( keyStoreType ) )
            Log.debug( "Ignoring KeyStore type change request (to '{}'): listener already in this state.", keyStoreType );

        Log.debug( "Changing KeyStore type from '{}' to '{}'.", oldKeyStoreType, keyStoreType );

     * The password of the identity store for connection created by this listener.
     * @return a password (never null).
    static String getIdentityStorePassword( ConnectionType type )
        final String propertyName = type.getPrefix() + "keypass";
        final String defaultValue = "changeit";

        if ( type.getFallback() == null )
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, defaultValue ).trim();
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, getIdentityStorePassword( type.getFallback() ) ).trim();

     * The password of the trust store for connections created by this listener.
     * @return a password (never null).
    static String getTrustStorePassword( ConnectionType type )
        final String propertyName = type.getPrefix() + "trustpass";
        final String defaultValue = "changeit";

        if ( type.getFallback() == null )
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, defaultValue ).trim();
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, getTrustStorePassword( type.getFallback() ) ).trim();

     * The location (relative to OPENFIRE_HOME) of the identity store for connections created by this listener.
     * @return a path (never null).
    static String getIdentityStoreLocation( ConnectionType type )
        final String propertyName = type.getPrefix()  + "keystore";
        final String defaultValue = "resources" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "keystore";

        if ( type.getFallback() == null )
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, defaultValue ).trim();
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, getIdentityStoreLocation( type.getFallback() ) ).trim();

     * The location (relative to OPENFIRE_HOME) of the trust store for connections created by this listener.
     * @return a path (never null).
    static String getTrustStoreLocation( ConnectionType type )
        final String propertyName = type.getPrefix()  + "truststore";
        final String defaultValue = "resources" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "truststore";

        if ( type.getFallback() == null )
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, defaultValue ).trim();
            return JiveGlobals.getProperty( propertyName, getTrustStoreLocation( type.getFallback() ) ).trim();

     * Canonicalizes a path. When the provided path is a relative path, it is interpreted as to be relative to the home
     * directory of Openfire.
     * @param path A path (cannot be null)
     * @return A canonical representation of the path.
    static File canonicalize( String path ) throws IOException
        File file = new File( path );
        if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
            file = new File( JiveGlobals.getHomeDirectory() + File.separator + path );

        return file;