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		<h1>Database Installation Guide</h1>
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<p>Openfire stores all data in a back-end database. If you choose to not use the embedded
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database, you must setup and manage an external database for the application.
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This document provides setup instructions for all of the currently supported databases.
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JDBC 2.0 drivers are required for Openfire to communicate with your database. Suggested
drivers for particular databases are noted below where applicable. Openfire bundles JDBC
drivers for MySQL, Postgres, Microsoft SQL Server, and HSQLDB.
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For a full list of available JDBC drivers, please see:
<a href=""></a>.</p>

All database schemas can be found in the <tt>resources/database</tt> directory of the
Openfire installation.
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<p>Note that additional databases besides the ones in this list may be supported.
Please check the distribution for a database schema for your database or
consider creating a schema yourself if one isn't provided.
Choose your database from the list below for setup details:
	<li> <a href="#mysql">MySQL</a>
	<li> <a href="#oracle">Oracle</a>
	<li> <a href="#sqlserver">Microsoft SQLServer</a>
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	<li> <a href="#postgres">PostgreSQL</a>
	<li> <a href="#db2">IBM DB2</a>
    <li> <a href="#hsql">HSQLDB</a>
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<h2><a name="mysql">MySQL</a></h2>
	<b>JDBC Drivers</b><p>

	The JDBC driver for MySQL is bundled with Openfire, so you do not need
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    to download and install a separate driver.
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	In the Openfire setup tool, use the following values:<p><ul>
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		<li>driver: <tt>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</tt>
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		<li>server: <tt>jdbc:mysql://[YOUR_HOST]/[DATABASE_NAME]</tt>
	where [YOUR_HOST] and [DATABASE_NAME] are the actual values for you server.
	In many cases <tt>localhost</tt> is a suitable value for [YOUR_HOST] when
	your database is running on the same server as your webserver.

	<p><b>Setup Instructions</b><p>
		<li>Make sure that you are using MySQL 4.1.18 or later (5.x recommended) <a href="#note1">&sup1;</a>.
		<li>Create a database for the Openfire tables:<br>
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	    <code>mysqladmin create [databaseName]</code><br>
	    (note: "databaseName" can be something like 'openfire')
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	    <li>Import the schema file from the <tt>resources/database</tt> directory of the installation folder:<br>
	    Unix/Linux: <code>cat openfire_mysql.sql | mysql [databaseName];</code>
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        Windows: <code>type openfire_mysql.sql | mysql [databaseName];</code>
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		<li>Start the Openfire setup tool, and use the appropriate JDBC connection
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    <p><a name="note1">&sup1;</a> Character fields larger than 255 are not supported by versions prior
    to MySQL 4.1.18. If you cannot upgrade MySQL to the latest version, you will then need to change the
    database scripts. In particular, replace VARCHAR(1024) with VARCHAR(255) in the 
    resources/database/openfire_mysql.sql script.</p>
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    <p><b>Character Encoding Issues</b><p>
    MySQL does not have proper Unicode support, which makes supporting data
    in non-Western languages difficult. However, the MySQL JDBC driver has a workaround
101 102
    which can be enabled by adding <tt>?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&characterSetResults=UTF-8</tt>
    to the URL of the JDBC driver. You can edit the conf/openfire.xml file to add this value.
103 104 105

    <p>Note: If the mechanism you use to configure a JDBC URL is XML-based, you will need to use the XML character
    literal &amp;amp; to separate configuration parameters, as the ampersand is a reserved character for XML.</p>
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    <p><b>Further Help</b><p>
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	If you need help setting up MySQL, refer to the 
	following sites:<p>
	<a href=""> MySQL Reference Manual </a><br>
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<p><h2><a name="oracle">Oracle</a></h2><p><ul>

	<b>JDBC Drivers</b><p>

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	The Oracle 9i or 10g "thin" drivers are recommended and can be downloaded from 
    <a href="">Oracle's website</a>. 
123 124
    Various versions of the thin drivers are avaialble, but the "ojdbc14.jar" driver is recommended for use with Openfire.
    Copy the JDBC driver to the <tt>lib/</tt> directory of your Openfire installation.
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	In the Openfire web-based setup tool, use the following values:<p>
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		<li>driver: <tt>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</tt>
		<li>server: <tt>jdbc:oracle:thin:@[YOUR_HOST]:1521:[DATABASE_NAME]</tt>
	where [YOUR_HOST] and [DATABASE_NAME] are the actual values for you server.
	In many cases <code>localhost</code> is a suitable value for [YOUR_HOST] when
	your database is running on the same server as your webserver.

	<p><b>Setup Instructions</b><p>
	First, create a "Jive" user or some other user
	that will "own" the Jive tables. This isn't necessary, but doing so
	will allow your tables to exist in a seperate tablespace.
	Next import the schema from the <tt>resources/database</tt> directory of the installation
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    using sqlplus (or your favorite Oracle tool such
	as Toad). For sqlplus: copy the "openfire_oracle.sql" file to the same
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	directory where sqlplus is installed (should be something like 
	/Oracle/Ora81/bin/). Next, log into sqlplus and then execute the command:<br>
		<code>@ openfire_oracle</code><br>
	That will import the schema file. Your database is now setup.</p>
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<p><h2><a name="sqlserver">SQL Server</a></h2><p>

    <p><b>SQL Server</b></p>
    <b>JDBC Drivers</b><p>
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    Openfire includes the <a href="">Free TDS</a> JDBC driver, which
    is the recommended way to connect to SQL Server databases. To
    connect to SQL Server, simply use the following values in the Openfire
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    web-based setup tool:<p>
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		<li>driver -- <tt>net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver</tt>
		<li>server -- <tt>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://[host-name]:[port-number]/[database-name];appName=jive</tt>
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	where [host-name] is the host name or IP address of your database server,
    and [port-number] is the port that SQLServer is listening on (normally 1433)
    and [database-name] is the name of the database (this parameter is optional).
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	<p><b>Setup Instructions</b><p>

		<li>Create a new database using Enterprise Manager if you do not already have
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	   		a database you want to use. You may wish to name the database "openfire".
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		<li>Create a user to access the database if you do not already have one you'd
			like to use. Consider making the default database for the user be the
			one you created in step 1.
		<li>Open the Query Analyser and connect to the server.
		<li>Select the database you want to use for Openfire
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		    from the DB drop down (the one you created in step 1 if you're using a new database).
		<li>Open the openfire_sqlserver.sql file.
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		<li>Press F5 to run the script. The script will run and create the
			necessary tables.
		<li>Proceed to the Openfire setup tool and use the appropriate JDBC settings
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			when prompted.
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<p><h2><a name="postgres">PostgreSQL</a></h2><p>

	<b>JDBC Drivers</b>
	The JDBC driver for Postgres is bundled with Openfire, so you do not need
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    to download and install a separate driver.
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	In the Openfire web-based setup tool, use the following values:<p><ul>
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		<li>driver -- <tt>org.postgresql.Driver</tt>
		<li>server -- <tt>jdbc:postgresql://[HOST_NAME]:[PORT_NUMBER]/dbname</tt>
	If left out, host defaults to localhost (not and port to 5432.
	<b>Setup Instructions</b>
	  <li>Create the database. For example, using the 
	  	PostgreSQL <code>&quot;createdb&quot;</code> utility:
	  	<code>createdb -E UNICODE openfire</code>
	  <li>Import the schema from the <tt>resources/database</tt> directory of the installation.
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        Use psql (or your favorite Postgres sql 
	  	utility) to import the Openfire database schema:
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	  	<code>psql -d openfire -f openfire_postgresql.sql</code>
	  <li>Proceed to Openfire setup and use the appropriate JDBC settings when
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<p><h2><a name="db2">IBM DB2 7</a></h2><p><ul>

	<b>JDBC Drivers</b>
	Use the JDBC 1.2 compliant driver, (1293KB),
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	located in the <nobr>"%DB2PATH%\java2"</nobr> directory. Copy the JDBC driver to the <tt>lib/</tt>
    directory of your Openfire installation.
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	Values for the config file are:
		<li>driver: <code></code>
		<li>server: <code>jdbc:db2:[DB NAME, e.g. JIVE]</code>
	If you are using a remote database you need to use the following values for the config file are:
		<li>driver: <code></code>
		<li>server: <code>jdbc:db2:[DB NAME, e.g. JIVE]</code>
	<b>Setup Instructions</b>
	You have to create a new database (e.g. JIVE) or use an existing 
	one. Connect to the database using any valid username allowed to create
	tables and indexes. Keep in mind that DB2 UDB applies the user name 
	as the table schema. Use the same user when you configure Jive with
	the administration interface. Commands are as follows:
	(or you can use the Command Center GUI)
	Start the DB2 command window (in Windows), or the user's shell in 
	Unix and import the schema in the <tt>resources/database</tt> directory of the
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    installation with:<p>
		<code>db2 -tvf openfire_db2.sql</code>
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	Or, use the DB2 Command Center and run the script
	through the "Replication Sources" folder in the Database tree.
	The database is now setup.


<p><h2><a name="hsql">HSQLDB</a></h2><p><ul>
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    <b>Special Note</b>
273 274
    Openfire bundles hsqldb as its embedded database. If you choose to use the embedded database,
    it can be configured via the Openfire installer. If you have a stand-alone installation
    of HSQLDB, follow the instructions below to connect to it.
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	<b>JDBC Drivers</b>
	Because hsqldb is embedded in Openfire, there is no need to download the
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    JDBC driver separately. Values for the config file are:
		<li>driver: <code>org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</code>
		<li>server: <code>jdbc:hsqldb:[PATH_TO_DB_FILES/DB_NAME]</code>
	For example, the server URL might be <tt>jdbc:hsqldb:../database/defaultdb</tt>
	<b>Setup Instructions</b>
	Create a database for the Openfire tables. This assumes you have HSQLDB installed
    in its own directory and working correctly.
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		Run the HSQLDB Database Manager by navigating to the folder where
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	    hsqldb.jar is located and type the following
	        java -cp hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager
	    then hit enter. You will now see a GUI application. Note, you will not see a hsqldb.jar
	    in the Openfire distribution - this is referring to the hsqldb.jar from the HSQLDB
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	    When prompted with the connect window, enter <tt>org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</tt>
	    as the Driver, and specify the URL of your database in
	    the URL field. The default password is already entered.
	    <li>Now copy and paste the contents of <tt>openfire_hsql.sql</tt> from
        the <tt>resources/database</tt> directory of the installation into the
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	    command window, and hit execute.  If no errors are
	    reported, then your database is setup properly.
	    <li>Finally, you should change the username and password login for your
		database: just open the .script file in your
	    database folder and change the appropriate values. Make sure that you
		don't use a blank password, as Openfire will not accept
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