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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <title>Jive Software Messenger Readme</title>
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<h1>Jive Messenger Installation Guide</h1>

<p>Jive Messenger is a powerful instant messaging (IM) and chat
server that implements the XMPP protocol. This document will guide 
you through installing Jive Messenger as a standalone
application. For a full list of features and more information, please
visit the Jive Messenger website: <a href=""

Run the Jive Messenger installer. The application will be installed to <tt>c:\Program Files\Jive Messenger</tt> by default.
 Choose either the RPM or tar.gz build. If using the RPM, run it using your package manager to install Jive Messenger to <tt>/opt/jive_messenger</tt>:

 <p><tt>rpm -ivh jive_messenger_2_1_2.rpm</tt></p>
 If using the .tar.gz, extract the archive to <tt>/opt</tt> or <tt>/usr/bin</tt>:

 <p><tt>tar -xzvf jive_messenger_2_1_2.tar.gz<br>
 mv jive_messenger /opt</tt></p>

 <p><b>Note:</b> the .tar.gz build does not contain a bundled Java runtime (JRE). Therefore, you must have JDK or JRE 1.5.0 (Java 5) or later installed on your system. You can check your java version by typing "java -version" at the command line and (if necessary) upgrade your Java installation by visiting</p>

<h2>Setup Overview</h2>
<p>To complete the installation of Jive Messenger, you'll need to
perform each of the following steps: </p>
  <li><a href="#database">Database</a> - if you choose to use an external database, you must
 prepare your database for Jive Messenger. </li>
  <li><a href="#config">Setup</a> - Use the built-in web-based setup
tool to setup and verify the server configuration.</li>
  <li><a href="#tools">Admin Console</a> - use the web-based admin tool to
manage the server.</li>

<p>This document also includes information on:</p>

    <li><a href="#windows">Running under Windows</a>
    <li><a href="#unix">Running under Unix/Linux</a>
    <li><a href="#plugins">Installing and using plugins</a>

<h2><a name="distribution">Files in the Distribution</a></h2>
<p> The files in your distribution should be as follows (some
sub-directories omitted for brevity): </p>
 |- readme.html
 |- license.html
 |- conf/
 |- bin/
 |- jre/
 |- lib/
 |- plugins/
     |- admin/
 |- resources/
 |- documentation/</pre>

	 <li>The <tt>conf</tt> directory is where Jive Messenger stores
configuration files.</li>
  <li>The <tt>bin</tt> directory contains the server executables. Depending
on which distribution you installed, different executables will be available.</li>
  <li>The <tt>jre</tt> directory contains a Java 5 runtime that is bundled with the Windows and RPM versions of Jive Messenger.</li>
  <li>The <tt>lib</tt> directory contains libraries necessary for
running Jive Messenger.</li>
  <li>The <tt>plugins</tt> directory contains server plugins. By
default, Jive Messenger ships with a web-based admin console plugin.</li>
  <li>The <tt>resources/database</tt> directory contains SQL schema files to
create new Jive Messenger databases, as well as upgrade scripts for
existing installations. </li>
  <li>The <tt>resources/security</tt> directory is where Jive Messenger
maintains keystores to support SSL connection security.</li>
  <li>The <tt>documentation</tt> directory contains server

<h2><a name="database">Setup the Database</a></h2>
<p> <a>Jive Messenger can store its data in an embedded database or you can choose to use
an external database such as MySQL or Oracle. If you would like to use an external database,
you must prepare it before proceeding with installation by running the appropriate database
schema. View the </a><a href="database.html">database
setup</a> documentation for more information.</p>

<h2><a name="config"></a>Setup the Server</h2>
<p>A web-based, "wizard" driven setup and configuration tool is built
into Jive Messenger. Simply launch Jive Messenger (platform-specific instructions below) and use a web browser to
connect to the admin console. The default port for the
web-based admin console is 9090. If you are on the same machine as Messenger, the
following URL will usually work: 
<a href=""></a>.</p>

<h2><a name="tools">Admin Console</a></h2>
<p>After completing the above steps, Messenger will be configured
and you can use the web-based admin console to administer
the server. The URL should be the same as you used to setup the server
unless you changed the port during the setup.<br>


<h2><a name="windows">Running Jive Messenger in Windows</a></h2>

<p>If you used the Jive Messenger installer, a shortcut for starting the
a graphical launcher is provided in your Start Menu. Otherwise, run messenger.exe in the <tt>bin/</tt> directory of your
Jive Messenger installation. A button on the on the launcher allows 
you to automatically open your web browser to the correct URL to finish 
setting up the server: 

<div align="center">
<img src="images/launcher.png" alt="Jive Messenger Launcher" width="323" height="277" align="center">

<h3>Windows Service</h3>
<p>If you're running Messenger on Windows, you will likely want to
run Messenger as a standard Windows service after initial setup.
If you used the Windows installer, a <tt>messenger-service.exe</tt> file
will be in the <tt>bin</tt> directory of the installation. You can use
this executable to install and control the Jive Messenger service.

From a console window, you can run the following commands:
		<li><tt>messenger-service /install</tt> -- installs the service.
		<li><tt>messenger-service /uninstall</tt> -- uninstalls the service.
		<li><tt>messenger-service /start</tt> -- starts the service
		<li><tt>messenger-service /stop</tt> -- stops the service.

<div align="center">
<img src="images/windows_service.png" alt="Windows Service" width="557" height="223" align="center">

<p>You can also use the Services tool in the Windows Control Panel to start and
stop the service.</p>

<p>Note: the graphical launcher is not compatible with the Windows service
at this time. If you install the service, you should use service controls
as described above to control the server rather than the graphical launcher.</p>

<h3>Custom Parameters</h3>

<p>Advanced users may wish to pass in parameters to the Java virtual machine (VM) to customize the runtime environment of Jive Messenger. You can do this by creating vmoptions files in the bin/ directory of your Jive Messenger installation. For the Windows service, you'd create a new text file called messenger-service.exe.vmoptions. Each parameter to the VM should be on a new line of the file. For example, to set the minimum and max VM heap size to 256 MB, you'd use:


To create parameters for the normal launcher, create a file called messengerd.exe.vmoptions (since the messenger.exe launcher invokes the messengerd.exe executable to actually start the server).</p>

<h2><a name="unix">Running Jive Messenger in Linux/Unix</a></h2>

You can start and stop Jive Messenger using the <tt>bin/messenger</tt> script in your Jive messenger installation:

# ./messenger<br>
Usage: ./messenger {start|stop}<br>
# ./messenger start<br>
Starting messenger

If you would like to install Jive Messenger as a service, two scripts are provided in the <tt>bin/extra</tt>
    <li> -- automatically installs Jive Messenger as a service on Red Hat. It does so by creating a "jive" user and then copying the jive-messengerd script to your init.d directory. This script must be run as root. Please see the comments in the script for additional information.</li>
    <li>jive-messengerd -- script to run Jive Messenger as a service. You must manually configure this script. See the comments in
the script for additional details.</li>

<h2><a name="plugins">Plugins</a></h2>

Plugins add additional features and protocol support to Jive Messenger. After setting up your
Jive Messenger installation, you may want to download and install plugins to enhance your
server. Plugins can be downloaded from the
<a href="">plugins page</a> on

<h3>Installing Plugins</h3>

Each plugin comes packaged as a .jar (JAR) file. After download the plugin, you can deploy it
by copying the plugin file to the <tt>plugins/</tt> directory of your Jive Messenger installation. A
plugin monitor will automatically extract the plugin into a directory and install the plugin in Jive Messenger.

<h3>Managing Plugins</h3>

Plugins can be managed inside the Jive Messenger admin console. You can also manually delete a plugin at any time by 
deleting its JAR file (Jive Messenger will automatically remove the plugin from memory and delete it's directory when you
do so).
