## $RCSfile## $Revision$# $Date$## Copyright 2002-2003, Jive Software. Subject to license terms.## Strings for the setup toolsetup.error.jive_home_not_set=The 'jiveHome' directory has not been set.setup.error.jive_home_not_readable=The 'jiveHome' directory is not readable by your appserver. Please change its permissions settings.setup.error.jive_home_not_writeable=The 'jiveHome' directory is not writable by your appserver. Please change its permissions settings.setup.error.jive_license_does_not_exist=A valid Jive Messenger license does not exist.setup.error.jive_license_not_readable=Your Jive Messenger license is not readable. Please change its permissions settings and load this page again.setup.error.jive_license_expired=Your Jive Messenger license has expired.setup.error.jive_license_does_not_validate=Your license file does not validate which means it might be corrupt. Please verify you have the correct license in place and load this page again.setup.error.jive_config_file_not_exist=The jive_config.xml file does not exist in your jiveHome directory. Make sure the file is there an that the appserver has read access to the jiveHome directory.setup.error.jive_config_file_no_perms=Your appserver does not have permission to read or write to the jive_config.xml file. Please change the file permissions then reload this page.setup.error.license_text_invalid=License text invalid - please enter valid text.setup.error.license_file_not_writeable=Error saving the jive.license text - make sure your appserver has write permimssions to the jive.license file and jiveHome directory.setup.error.main.general=Before setup can continue you need to fix the errors listed below.setup.error.usersystem.invalid_mode=Invalid mode - please choose a valid user/group/authentication mode below.setup.error.usersystem.not_enterprise=You need to install Jive Messenger Enterprise before using this feature.setup.error.datasource.invalid_mode=Invalid mode - please choose a valid datasource mode below.