Commit f830bced authored by Filipe de Lima Brito's avatar Filipe de Lima Brito

Merge branch 'develop' of into new/active-users

parents 2e6ecfcb db38a4ab
Your Rocket.Chat.Android version: (make sure you are running the latest)
<!-- Version can be found by opening the side menu and then clicking on the chevron alongside username -->
## Description
<!-- Please, describe what's the issue here. -->
## Devices and Versions
<!-- Version can be found by opening the side menu and then clicking on "Settings" and then "About" -->
Your Rocket.Chat.Android version: (e.g. 2.1.0)
Your Rocket.Chat Server version: (e.g. 0.63.1-develop)
<!-- Found a bug? List all devices that reproduced it and all that doesn't -->
Mobile device model and OS version: (e.g. "Nexus 7 - Android 6.0.1")
<!-- Don't forget to list the steps to reproduce. Stack traces may help too :) -->
## Steps to reproduce
<!-- In case it is a bug, can you describe the steps to reproduce it please? -->
## Logs
<!-- Do you have any logs? It can help the developers indentifying the cause in case it's a bug. -->
<!-- To get the logs, you can use [Logcat]( in Android Studio or you can use [Pidcat]( -->
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import
import chat.rocket.common.RocketChatAuthException
......@@ -31,6 +30,7 @@ private const val SERVICE_NAME_GITHUB = "github"
private const val SERVICE_NAME_GOOGLE = "google"
private const val SERVICE_NAME_LINKEDIN = "linkedin"
private const val SERVICE_NAME_GILAB = "gitlab"
private const val SERVICE_NAME_FACEBOOK = "facebook"
class LoginPresenter @Inject constructor(
private val view: LoginView,
......@@ -143,9 +143,12 @@ class LoginPresenter @Inject constructor(
var totalSocialAccountsEnabled = 0
if (settings.isFacebookAuthenticationEnabled()) {
// //TODO: Remove until we have this implemented
// view.enableLoginByFacebook()
// totalSocialAccountsEnabled++
val clientId = getOauthClientId(services, SERVICE_NAME_FACEBOOK)
if (clientId != null) {
view.setupFacebookButtonListener(OauthHelper.getFacebookOauthUrl(clientId, currentServer, state), state)
if (settings.isGithubAuthenticationEnabled()) {
val clientId = getOauthClientId(services, SERVICE_NAME_GITHUB)
......@@ -145,6 +145,14 @@ interface LoginView : LoadingView, MessageView {
fun setupLinkedinButtonListener(linkedinUrl: String, state: String)
* Setups the Facebook button when tapped.
* @param facebookOauthUrl The Facebook OAuth URL to authenticate with.
* @param state A random string generated by the app, which you'll verify later (to protect against forgery attacks).
fun setupFacebookButtonListener(facebookOauthUrl: String, state: String)
* Shows the "login by Meteor" view if it is enable by the server settings.
......@@ -261,6 +261,15 @@ class LoginFragment : Fragment(), LoginView {
override fun setupFacebookButtonListener(facebookOauthUrl: String, state: String) {
ui { activity ->
button_facebook.setOnClickListener {
startActivityForResult(activity.oauthWebViewIntent(facebookOauthUrl, state), REQUEST_CODE_FOR_OAUTH)
activity.overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_up, R.anim.hold)
override fun enableLoginByGithub() {
ui {
button_github.isClickable = true
......@@ -67,4 +67,21 @@ object OauthHelper {
"&response_type=code" +
\ No newline at end of file
* Returns the Facebook Oauth URL.
* @param clientId The Facebook client ID.
* @param serverUrl The server URL.
* @param state An unguessable random string used to protect against forgery attacks.
* @return The Facebook Oauth URL.
fun getFacebookOauthUrl(clientId: String, serverUrl: String, state: String): String {
return "" +
"?client_id=$clientId" +
"&redirect_uri=${serverUrl.removeTrailingSlash()}/_oauth/facebook?close" +
"&state=$state" +
"&response_type=code" +
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