Commit f19d5f99 authored by Leonardo Aramaki's avatar Leonardo Aramaki

Remove deprecated test suite.

parent ff3f43aa
import chat.rocket.core.model.Message
import chat.rocket.core.model.MessageType
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.runBlocking
import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.`is` as isEqualTo
class MemoryMessagesRepositoryTest {
val repository = MemoryMessagesRepository()
val msg = Message(
id = "messageId",
roomId = "GENERAL",
message = "Beam me up, Scotty.",
timestamp = 1511443964815,
attachments = null,
sender = null,
avatar = null,
channels = null,
editedAt = null,
editedBy = null,
groupable = true,
mentions = null,
parseUrls = false,
senderAlias = null,
type = MessageType.MessageRemoved(),
updatedAt = 1511443964815,
urls = null,
pinned = false,
reactions = null
val msg2 = Message(
id = "messageId2",
roomId = "sandbox",
message = "Highly Illogical",
timestamp = 1511443964818,
attachments = null,
sender = null,
avatar = null,
channels = null,
editedAt = null,
editedBy = null,
groupable = true,
mentions = null,
parseUrls = false,
senderAlias = null,
type = MessageType.MessageRemoved(),
updatedAt = 1511443964818,
urls = null,
pinned = false,
reactions = null
fun setup() {
runBlocking {
fun `save() should save a single message`() {
runBlocking {
assertThat(repository.getAll().size, isEqualTo(0))
val allMessages = repository.getAll()
assertThat(allMessages.size, isEqualTo(1))
allMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
fun `saveAll() should all saved messages`() {
runBlocking {
assertThat(repository.getAll().size, isEqualTo(0))
repository.saveAll(listOf(msg, msg2))
val allMessages = repository.getAll()
assertThat(allMessages.size, isEqualTo(2))
allMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
allMessages[1].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId2"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Highly Illogical"))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("sandbox"))
fun `getById() should return a single message`() {
runBlocking {
repository.saveAll(listOf(msg, msg2))
var singleMsg = repository.getById("messageId")
assertThat(singleMsg, notNullValue())
singleMsg!!.apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
singleMsg = repository.getById("messageId2")
assertThat(singleMsg, notNullValue())
singleMsg!!.apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId2"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Highly Illogical"))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("sandbox"))
fun `getByRoomId() should return all messages for room id or an empty list`() {
runBlocking {
repository.saveAll(listOf(msg, msg2))
var roomMessages = repository.getByRoomId("faAad32fkasods2")
assertThat(roomMessages.isEmpty(), isEqualTo(true))
roomMessages = repository.getByRoomId("sandbox")
assertThat(roomMessages.size, isEqualTo(1))
roomMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId2"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Highly Illogical"))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("sandbox"))
roomMessages = repository.getByRoomId("GENERAL")
assertThat(roomMessages.size, isEqualTo(1))
roomMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
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