Commit ecee2a7f authored by Leonardo Aramaki's avatar Leonardo Aramaki

Add some comments and a few refactoring

parent bfc6656f
......@@ -25,10 +25,20 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
private val parser = Markwon.createParser()
* Render a markdown text message to Spannable.
* @param text The text message containing markdown syntax.
* @param quote An optional message to be quoted either by a quote or reply action.
* @param urls A list of urls to convert to markdown link syntax.
* @return A Spannable with the parsed markdown.
fun renderMarkdown(text: String, quote: MessageViewModel?, urls: List<Url>): CharSequence {
val builder = SpannableBuilder()
var content: String = text
// Replace all url links to markdown url syntax.
for (url in urls) {
content = content.replace(url.url, "[${url.url}](${url.url})")
......@@ -97,18 +107,9 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
class QuoteMarginSpan : LeadingMarginSpan, LineHeightSpan {
private var mDrawable: Drawable? = null
private var mPad: Int = 0
constructor(b: Drawable) {
mDrawable = b
constructor(b: Drawable, pad: Int) {
mDrawable = b
mPad = pad
class QuoteMarginSpan(b: Drawable, pad: Int) : LeadingMarginSpan, LineHeightSpan {
private var mDrawable: Drawable? = b
private var mPad: Int = pad
override fun getLeadingMargin(first: Boolean): Int {
return mDrawable!!.intrinsicWidth + mPad
Markdown is supported
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