Commit e91b520d authored by Leonardo Aramaki's avatar Leonardo Aramaki

Fix emoji parsing on messages

parent 29fc25ea
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import android.provider.Browser
import android.text.Layout
import android.text.Spannable
import android.text.Spanned
import android.util.Patterns
......@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ import chat.rocket.common.model.SimpleUser
import chat.rocket.core.model.Message
import org.commonmark.node.AbstractVisitor
import org.commonmark.node.BlockQuote
import org.commonmark.node.Document
import org.commonmark.node.Text
import ru.noties.markwon.Markwon
import ru.noties.markwon.SpannableBuilder
......@@ -36,13 +36,6 @@ import javax.inject.Inject
class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val configuration: SpannableConfiguration) {
private val parser = Markwon.createParser()
private val othersTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.colorAccent, context.theme)
private val othersBackgroundColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, android.R.color.transparent, context.theme)
private val myselfTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.white, context.theme)
private val myselfBackgroundColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.colorAccent, context.theme)
private val mentionPadding = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.padding_mention).toFloat()
private val mentionRadius = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.radius_mention).toFloat()
* Render a markdown text message to Spannable.
......@@ -64,49 +57,16 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
quoteNode.accept(QuoteMessageSenderVisitor(context, configuration, builder, senderName.length))
quoteNode = parser.parse("> ${toLenientMarkdown(quote.rawData.message)}")
quoteNode.accept(EmojiVisitor(builder, configuration))
quoteNode.accept(QuoteMessageBodyVisitor(context, configuration, builder))
val result = builder.text()
applySpans(result, message, selfUsername)
return result
private fun applySpans(text: CharSequence, message: Message, currentUser: String?) {
if (text !is Spannable || !containsAnyMentions(text, message.mentions)) return
applyMentionSpans(text, message.mentions!!, currentUser)
private fun containsAnyMentions(text: CharSequence, mentions: List<SimpleUser>?): Boolean {
return mentions != null && mentions.isNotEmpty() ||
text.contains("@all", true) ||
text.contains("@here", true)
private fun applyMentionSpans(text: Spannable, mentions: List<SimpleUser>, currentUser: String?) {
val mentionsList = { it.username }.toMutableList()
mentionsList.toList().forEach {
if (it != null) {
val mentionMe = it == currentUser || it == "all" || it == "here"
var offset = text.indexOf("@$it", 0, true)
while (offset > -1) {
val textColor = if (mentionMe) myselfTextColor else othersTextColor
val backgroundColor = if (mentionMe) myselfBackgroundColor else othersBackgroundColor
val usernameSpan = MentionSpan(backgroundColor, textColor, mentionRadius, mentionPadding,
// Add 1 to end offset to include the @.
val end = offset + it.length + 1
text.setSpan(usernameSpan, offset, end, 0)
offset = text.indexOf("@$it", end, true)
if (message.mentions != null) {
parentNode.accept(MentionVisitor(context, builder, message.mentions!!, selfUsername))
parentNode.accept(EmojiVisitor(builder, configuration))
return builder.text()
// Convert to a lenient markdown consistent with Rocket.Chat web markdown instead of the official specs.
......@@ -142,16 +102,52 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
class EmojiVisitor(private val builder: SpannableBuilder) : AbstractVisitor() {
override fun visit(text: Text) {
val spannable = EmojiParser.parse(text.literal)
class MentionVisitor(context: Context,
private val builder: SpannableBuilder,
private val mentions: List<SimpleUser>,
private val currentUser: String?) : AbstractVisitor() {
private val othersTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.colorAccent, context.theme)
private val othersBackgroundColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, android.R.color.transparent, context.theme)
private val myselfTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.white, context.theme)
private val myselfBackgroundColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.colorAccent, context.theme)
private val mentionPadding = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.padding_mention).toFloat()
private val mentionRadius = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.radius_mention).toFloat()
override fun visit(t: Text) {
val text = t.literal
val mentionsList = { it.username }.toMutableList()
mentionsList.toList().forEach {
if (it != null) {
val mentionMe = it == currentUser || it == "all" || it == "here"
var offset = text.indexOf("@$it", 0, true)
while (offset > -1) {
val textColor = if (mentionMe) myselfTextColor else othersTextColor
val backgroundColor = if (mentionMe) myselfBackgroundColor else othersBackgroundColor
val usernameSpan = MentionSpan(backgroundColor, textColor, mentionRadius, mentionPadding,
// Add 1 to end offset to include the @.
val end = offset + it.length + 1
builder.setSpan(usernameSpan, offset, end, 0)
offset = text.indexOf("@$it", end, true)
class EmojiVisitor(private val builder: SpannableBuilder, configuration: SpannableConfiguration)
: SpannableMarkdownVisitor(configuration, builder) {
override fun visit(document: Document) {
val spannable = EmojiParser.parse(builder.text())
if (spannable is Spanned) {
val spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length,
spans.forEach {
builder.setSpan(it, spannable.getSpanStart(it), spannable.getSpanEnd(it), 0)
builder.setSpan(it, spannable.getSpanStart(it),
spannable.getSpanEnd(it), 0)
......@@ -272,13 +268,11 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
bottom: Int,
paint: Paint) {
val length = paint.measureText(text.subSequence(start, end).toString())
val rect = RectF(x, top.toFloat(), x + length + padding * 2,
val rect = RectF(x, top.toFloat(), x + length + padding * 2, bottom.toFloat())
paint.color = backgroundColor
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint)
paint.color = textColor
canvas.drawText(text, start, end, x + padding, y.toFloat(), paint)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,15 +14,21 @@ class EmojiParser {
fun parse(text: CharSequence): CharSequence {
val unicodedText = EmojiRepository.shortnameToUnicode(text, true)
val spannableString = SpannableString.valueOf(unicodedText)
// Look for groups of emojis, set a CustomTypefaceSpan with the emojione font
val length = spannableString.length
var spannable = SpannableString.valueOf(unicodedText)
val typeface = EmojiRepository.cachedTypeface
// Look for groups of emojis, set a EmojiTypefaceSpan with the emojione font.
val length = spannable.length
var inEmoji = false
var emojiStart = 0
var offset = 0
while (offset < length) {
val codepoint = unicodedText.codePointAt(offset)
val count = Character.charCount(codepoint)
// Skip control characters.
if (codepoint == 0x2028) {
offset += count
if (codepoint >= 0x200) {
if (!inEmoji) {
emojiStart = offset
......@@ -30,18 +36,25 @@ class EmojiParser {
inEmoji = true
} else {
if (inEmoji) {
spannableString.setSpan(EmojiTypefaceSpan("sans-serif", EmojiRepository.cachedTypeface),
spannable.setSpan(EmojiTypefaceSpan("sans-serif", typeface),
emojiStart, offset, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
inEmoji = false
offset += count
if (offset >= length && inEmoji) {
spannableString.setSpan(EmojiTypefaceSpan("sans-serif", EmojiRepository.cachedTypeface),
spannable.setSpan(EmojiTypefaceSpan("sans-serif", typeface),
emojiStart, offset, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
return spannableString
return spannable
private fun calculateSurrogatePairs(scalar: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
val temp: Int = (scalar - 0x10000) / 0x400
val s1: Int = Math.floor(temp.toDouble()).toInt() + 0xD800
val s2: Int = ((scalar - 0x10000) % 0x400) + 0xDC00
return Pair(s1, s2)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ object EmojiRepository {
fun getAll() = ALL_EMOJIS
// fun findEmojiByUnicode(unicode: Int) {
// ALL_EMOJIS.find { it.unicode == }
// }
* Get all emojis for a given category.
......@@ -119,10 +123,7 @@ object EmojiRepository {
var result: String = input.toString()
while (matcher.find()) {
val unicode = shortNameToUnicode.get(":${}:")
if (unicode == null) {
val unicode = shortNameToUnicode.get(":${}:") ?: continue
if (supported) {
result = result.replace(":" + + ":", unicode)
......@@ -159,9 +160,7 @@ object EmojiRepository {
private fun buildStringListFromJsonArray(array: JSONArray): List<String> {
val list = ArrayList<String>(array.length())
for (i in 0..array.length() - 1) {
(0 until array.length()).mapTo(list) { array.getString(it) }
return list
......@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ class EmojiTypefaceSpan(family: String, private val newType: Typeface) : Typefac
private fun applyCustomTypeFace(paint: Paint, tf: Typeface) {
val oldStyle: Int
val old = paint.getTypeface()
val old = paint.typeface
if (old == null) {
oldStyle = 0
} else {
oldStyle = old.getStyle()
oldStyle =
val fake = oldStyle and
if (fake and Typeface.BOLD != 0) {
paint.isFakeBoldText = true
if (fake and Typeface.ITALIC != 0) {
paint.textSkewX = -0.25f
paint.typeface = tf
\ No newline at end of file
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