Unverified Commit dc5b109e authored by Rafael Kellermann Streit's avatar Rafael Kellermann Streit Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1207 from RocketChat/fix/reply-with-username

[FIX] Use username when building replies always (update)
parents 78539dcb 98443fcb
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class ViewModelMapper @Inject constructor(
private fun getContent(message: Message): CharSequence {
return when (message.isSystemMessage()) {
true -> getSystemMessage(message)
false -> parser.renderMarkdown(message, currentUsername)
false -> parser.render(message, currentUsername)
......@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ class AppModule {
fun provideMessageParser(context: Application, configuration: SpannableConfiguration, serverInteractor: GetCurrentServerInteractor, settingsInteractor: GetSettingsInteractor): MessageParser {
val url = serverInteractor.get()!!
return MessageParser(context, configuration, settingsInteractor.get(url))
......@@ -39,15 +39,23 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(
private val parser = Markwon.createParser()
* Render a markdown text message to Spannable.
* Render markdown and other rules on message to rich text with spans.
* @param message The [Message] object we're interested on rendering.
* @param selfUsername This user username.
* @return A Spannable with the parsed markdown.
fun renderMarkdown(message: Message, selfUsername: String? = null): CharSequence {
val text = message.message
fun render(message: Message, selfUsername: String? = null): CharSequence {
var text: String = message.message
val mentions = mutableListOf<String>()
message.mentions?.forEach {
val mention = getMention(it)
if (it.username != null) {
text = text.replace("@${it.username}", mention)
val builder = SpannableBuilder()
val content = EmojiRepository.shortnameToUnicode(text, true)
val parentNode = parser.parse(toLenientMarkdown(content))
......@@ -55,7 +63,7 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(
parentNode.accept(EmojiVisitor(configuration, builder))
message.mentions?.let {
parentNode.accept(MentionVisitor(context, builder, it, selfUsername, settings))
parentNode.accept(MentionVisitor(context, builder, mentions, selfUsername))
return builder.text()
......@@ -68,12 +76,19 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(
.replace("\\_(.+)\\_".toRegex()) { "_${it.groupValues[1].trim()}_" }
private fun getMention(user: SimpleUser): String {
return if (settings.useRealName()) {
user.name ?: "@${user.username}"
} else {
class MentionVisitor(
context: Context,
private val builder: SpannableBuilder,
private val mentions: List<SimpleUser>,
private val currentUser: String?,
private val settings: PublicSettings
private val mentions: List<String>,
private val currentUser: String?
) : AbstractVisitor() {
private val othersTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.colorAccent, context.theme)
......@@ -85,27 +100,23 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(
override fun visit(t: Text) {
val text = t.literal
val mentionsList = mentions.map {
if (settings.useRealName()) it.name else it.username ?: ""
mentionsList.toList().forEach {
if (it != null) {
val mentionMe = it == currentUser || it == "all" || it == "here"
var offset = text.indexOf("@$it", 0, true)
while (offset > -1) {
val textColor = if (mentionMe) myselfTextColor else othersTextColor
val backgroundColor = if (mentionMe) myselfBackgroundColor else othersBackgroundColor
val usernameSpan = MentionSpan(backgroundColor, textColor, mentionRadius, mentionPadding,
// Add 1 to end offset to include the @.
val end = offset + it.length + 1
builder.setSpan(usernameSpan, offset, end, 0)
offset = text.indexOf("@$it", end, true)
val mentionsList = mentions.toMutableList().also {
mentionsList.forEach {
val mentionMe = it == currentUser || it == "@all" || it == "@here"
var offset = text.indexOf(it, 0, true)
while (offset > -1) {
val textColor = if (mentionMe) myselfTextColor else othersTextColor
val backgroundColor = if (mentionMe) myselfBackgroundColor else othersBackgroundColor
val usernameSpan = MentionSpan(backgroundColor, textColor, mentionRadius, mentionPadding,
// Add 1 to end offset to include the @.
val end = offset + it.length + 1
builder.setSpan(usernameSpan, offset, end, 0)
offset = text.indexOf("@$it", end, true)
Markdown is supported
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