Commit d1d45a7d authored by Divyanshu Bhargava's avatar Divyanshu Bhargava

bug fix

parent ad3109c5
import chat.rocket.core.model.Message
import chat.rocket.core.model.MessageType
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.runBlocking
import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.`is` as isEqualTo
class MemoryMessagesRepositoryTest {
val repository = MemoryMessagesRepository()
val msg = Message(
id = "messageId",
roomId = "GENERAL",
message = "Beam me up, Scotty.",
timestamp = 1511443964815,
attachments = null,
sender = null,
avatar = null,
channels = null,
editedAt = null,
editedBy = null,
groupable = true,
mentions = null,
parseUrls = false,
senderAlias = null,
type = MessageType.MessageRemoved(),
updatedAt = 1511443964815,
urls = null,
pinned = false,
reactions = null
val msg2 = Message(
id = "messageId2",
roomId = "sandbox",
message = "Highly Illogical",
timestamp = 1511443964818,
attachments = null,
sender = null,
avatar = null,
channels = null,
editedAt = null,
editedBy = null,
groupable = true,
mentions = null,
parseUrls = false,
senderAlias = null,
type = MessageType.MessageRemoved(),
updatedAt = 1511443964818,
urls = null,
pinned = false,
reactions = null
fun setup() {
runBlocking {
fun `save() should save a single message`() {
runBlocking {
assertThat(repository.getAll().size, isEqualTo(0))
val allMessages = repository.getAll()
assertThat(allMessages.size, isEqualTo(1))
allMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
fun `saveAll() should all saved messages`() {
runBlocking {
assertThat(repository.getAll().size, isEqualTo(0))
repository.saveAll(listOf(msg, msg2))
val allMessages = repository.getAll()
assertThat(allMessages.size, isEqualTo(2))
allMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
allMessages[1].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId2"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Highly Illogical"))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("sandbox"))
fun `getById() should return a single message`() {
runBlocking {
repository.saveAll(listOf(msg, msg2))
var singleMsg = repository.getById("messageId")
assertThat(singleMsg, notNullValue())
singleMsg!!.apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
singleMsg = repository.getById("messageId2")
assertThat(singleMsg, notNullValue())
singleMsg!!.apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId2"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Highly Illogical"))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("sandbox"))
fun `getByRoomId() should return all messages for room id or an empty list`() {
runBlocking {
repository.saveAll(listOf(msg, msg2))
var roomMessages = repository.getByRoomId("faAad32fkasods2")
assertThat(roomMessages.isEmpty(), isEqualTo(true))
roomMessages = repository.getByRoomId("sandbox")
assertThat(roomMessages.size, isEqualTo(1))
roomMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId2"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Highly Illogical"))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("sandbox"))
roomMessages = repository.getByRoomId("GENERAL")
assertThat(roomMessages.size, isEqualTo(1))
roomMessages[0].apply {
assertThat(id, isEqualTo("messageId"))
assertThat(message, isEqualTo("Beam me up, Scotty."))
assertThat(roomId, isEqualTo("GENERAL"))
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