Commit cfe6ddec authored by Yusuke Iwaki's avatar Yusuke Iwaki

fix DDP result handling (JSONObject/JSONArray)

parent 35a2c42c
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ dependencies {
compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho-okhttp3:1.4.1'
compile 'com.uphyca:stetho_realm:2.0.0'
compile 'chat.rocket:android-ddp:0.0.7'
compile 'chat.rocket:android-ddp:0.0.8'
compile 'com.jakewharton.timber:timber:4.3.1'
compile 'com.jakewharton.rxbinding:rxbinding:0.4.0'
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class MethodCallHelper {
this.api = api;
private Task<JSONObject> executeMethodCall(String methodName, String param, long timeout) {
private Task<String> executeMethodCall(String methodName, String param, long timeout) {
if (api != null) {
return api.rpc(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), methodName, param, timeout)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().result));
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class MethodCallHelper {
private Task<JSONObject> injectErrorHandler(Task<JSONObject> task) {
private Task<String> injectErrorHandler(Task<String> task) {
return task.continueWithTask(_task -> {
if (_task.isFaulted()) {
Exception exception = _task.getError();
......@@ -62,40 +62,39 @@ public class MethodCallHelper {
private interface ParamBuilder {
void buildParam(JSONArray params) throws JSONException;
JSONArray buildParam() throws JSONException;
private <T> Task<T> call(String methodName, long timeout,
Continuation<JSONObject, Task<T>> onSuccess) {
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName, null, timeout))
private Task<String> call(String methodName, long timeout) {
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName, null, timeout));
private <T> Task<T> call(String methodName, long timeout, ParamBuilder paramBuilder,
Continuation<JSONObject, Task<T>> onSuccess) {
JSONArray params = new JSONArray();
private Task<String> call(String methodName, long timeout, ParamBuilder paramBuilder) {
try {
final JSONArray params = paramBuilder.buildParam();
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName,
params != null ? params.toString() : null, timeout));
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName, params.toString(), timeout))
private static final Continuation<String, Task<JSONObject>> CONVERT_TO_JSON_OBJECT =
task -> Task.forResult(new JSONObject(task.getResult()));
private static final Continuation<String, Task<JSONArray>> CONVERT_TO_JSON_ARRAY =
task -> Task.forResult(new JSONArray(task.getResult()));
* Register User.
public Task<Void> registerUser(final String name, final String email,
public Task<String> registerUser(final String name, final String email,
final String password, final String confirmPassword) {
return call("registerUser", TIMEOUT_MS, params -> params.put(new JSONObject()
return call("registerUser", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("name", name)
.put("email", email)
.put("pass", password)
.put("confirm-pass", confirmPassword)),
task -> Task.forResult(null)); // nothing to do.
.put("confirm-pass", confirmPassword))); // nothing to do.
private Task<Void> saveToken(Task<String> task) {
......@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ public class MethodCallHelper {
* Login with username/email and password.
public Task<Void> loginWithEmail(final String usernameOrEmail, final String password) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, params -> {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(usernameOrEmail).matches()) {
param.put("user", new JSONObject().put("email", usernameOrEmail));
......@@ -120,8 +119,10 @@ public class MethodCallHelper {
param.put("password", new JSONObject()
.put("digest", CheckSum.sha256(password))
.put("algorithm", "sha-256"));
}, task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token"))).onSuccessTask(this::saveToken);
return new JSONArray().put(param);
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
......@@ -129,92 +130,50 @@ public class MethodCallHelper {
public Task<Void> loginWithGitHub(final String credentialToken,
final String credentialSecret) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, params -> params.put(new JSONObject()
.put("oauth", new JSONObject()
.put("credentialToken", credentialToken)
.put("credentialSecret", credentialSecret))
), task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token"))).onSuccessTask(this::saveToken);
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("oauth", new JSONObject()
.put("credentialToken", credentialToken)
.put("credentialSecret", credentialSecret))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Login with token.
public Task<Void> loginWithToken(final String token) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, params -> params.put(new JSONObject().put("resume", token)),
task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token"))).onSuccessTask(this::saveToken);
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("resume", token)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Logout.
public Task<Void> logout() {
return call("logout", TIMEOUT_MS, task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<String> logout() {
return call("logout", TIMEOUT_MS);
* request "subscriptions/get" and "rooms/get".
* request "subscriptions/get".
public Task<Void> getRooms() {
return getRoomSubscriptionRecursive(0)
.onSuccessTask(task -> getRoomRecursive(0))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
private Task<Long> getRoomSubscriptionRecursive(long timestamp) {
return getObjectRecursive("subscriptions", updatedRooms -> {
for (int i = 0; i < updatedRooms.length(); i++) {
updatedRooms.getJSONObject(i).put("serverConfigId", serverConfigId);
}, timestamp);
private Task<Long> getRoomRecursive(long timestamp) {
return getObjectRecursive("rooms", updatedRooms -> {
for (int i = 0; i < updatedRooms.length(); i++) {
JSONObject roomJson = updatedRooms.getJSONObject(i);
String rid = roomJson.getString("_id");
roomJson.put("rid", rid)
.put("serverConfigId", serverConfigId)
}, timestamp);
private interface Customizer {
void customizeResult(JSONArray updatedRooms) throws JSONException;
private Task<Long> getObjectRecursive(String objName, Customizer customizer, long timestamp) {
return call(objName + "/get", TIMEOUT_MS,
params -> params.put(new JSONObject().put("$date", timestamp)),
task -> {
JSONObject result = task.getResult();
long nextTimestamp = 0;
try {
nextTimestamp = result.getJSONArray("remove")
} catch (JSONException exception) {
// keep nextTimestamp = 0
return call("subscriptions/get", TIMEOUT_MS).onSuccessTask(CONVERT_TO_JSON_ARRAY)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray result = task.getResult();
try {
JSONArray updatedRooms = result.getJSONArray("update");
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
result.getJSONObject(i).put("serverConfigId", serverConfigId);
Task<Void> saveToDB = RealmHelperBolts.executeTransaction(realm -> {
return RealmHelperBolts.executeTransaction(realm -> {
RoomSubscription.class, result.getJSONArray("update"));
RoomSubscription.class, result);
return null;
if (nextTimestamp > 0 && (timestamp == 0 || nextTimestamp < timestamp)) {
final long _next = nextTimestamp;
return saveToDB.onSuccessTask(_task ->
getObjectRecursive(objName, customizer, _next));
} else {
return saveToDB.onSuccessTask(_task -> Task.forResult(0L));
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
......@@ -226,12 +185,13 @@ public class MethodCallHelper {
public Task<Void> loadHistory(final String roomId, final long timestamp,
final int count, final long lastSeen) {
return call("loadHistory", TIMEOUT_MS, params -> params
.put(timestamp > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", timestamp) : JSONObject.NULL)
.put(lastSeen > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", lastSeen) : JSONObject.NULL),
task -> {
return call("loadHistory", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(timestamp > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", timestamp) : JSONObject.NULL)
.put(lastSeen > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", lastSeen) : JSONObject.NULL)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
JSONObject result = task.getResult();
final JSONArray messages = result.getJSONArray("messages");
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length(); i++) {
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class MethodCall extends RealmObject {
......@@ -99,10 +98,10 @@ public class MethodCall extends RealmObject {
* insert a new record to request a method call.
public static Task<JSONObject> execute(String serverConfigId, String name, String paramsJson,
public static Task<String> execute(String serverConfigId, String name, String paramsJson,
long timeout) {
final String newId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
TaskCompletionSource<JSONObject> task = new TaskCompletionSource<>();
TaskCompletionSource<String> task = new TaskCompletionSource<>();
RealmHelperBolts.executeTransaction(realm -> {
MethodCall call = realm.createObjectFromJson(MethodCall.class, new JSONObject()
.put("methodCallId", newId)
......@@ -124,12 +123,11 @@ public class MethodCall extends RealmObject {
@Override protected void onChange(MethodCall methodCall) {
int syncstate = methodCall.getSyncstate();
if (syncstate == SyncState.SYNCED) {
try {
String resultJson = methodCall.getResultJson();
task.setResult(TextUtils.isEmpty(resultJson) ? null : new JSONObject(resultJson));
} catch (JSONException exception) {
task.setError(new Error(exception));
String resultJson = methodCall.getResultJson();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(resultJson)) {
} else if (syncstate == SyncState.FAILED) {
task.setError(new Error(methodCall.getResultJson()));
......@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ public class MethodCallObserver extends AbstractModelObserver<MethodCall> {
).onSuccessTask(task ->
webSocketAPI.rpc(methodCallId, methodName, params, timeout)
.onSuccessTask(_task -> RealmHelperBolts.executeTransaction(realm -> {
JSONObject result = _task.getResult().result;
String json = _task.getResult().result;
return realm.createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(MethodCall.class, new JSONObject()
.put("methodCallId", methodCallId)
.put("syncstate", SyncState.SYNCED)
.put("resultJson", result == null ? null : result.toString()));
.put("resultJson", json));
).continueWithTask(task -> {
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