// // This is just a sample showing 8 chat rooms (aka user subscription). We need to get it rid in a real word. REMARK: remove this comment and this method.
// private fun createDumpData(): List<Chat> {
// val filipe = User("1", "Filipe Brito", "filipe.brito", "online", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/filipe.brito")
// val lucio = User("2", "Lucio Maciel", "Lucio Maciel", "busy", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/lucio.maciel")
// val leonardo = User("3", "Leonardo Aramaki", "leonardo.aramaki", "busy", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/leonardo.aramaki")
// val sing = User("4", "Filipe Brito", "filipe.brito", "online", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/filipe.brito")
// val hetal = User("5", "Filipe Brito", "filipe.brito", "online", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/filipe.brito")
// val matheus = User("6", "Filipe Brito", "filipe.brito", "online", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/filipe.brito")
// val bestrun = User("7", "Filipe Brito", "filipe.brito", "online", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/filipe.brito")
// val djc = User("8", "3djc", "3djc", "online", "https://open.rocket.chat/avatar/filipe.brito")
// val dumpChat4 = Chat(sing, "mobile-internal", "p", "@aaron.ogle @rafael.kellermann same problem over here. Although all the servers show up on the selection.", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 11, 15, 1, 3), 0)
// val dumpChat5 = Chat(hetal, "general", "c", "Has joined the channel.", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 11, 13, 1, 3), 0)
// val dumpChat6 = Chat(matheus, "androidnativeapp", "c", "Yes @sttyru, but you'll need to implement from the ground up following the docs at docs.rocket.chat where you can see the REST (HTTP) and Real-Time (WebSockets) calls.", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 11, 14, 1, 3), 0)
// val dumpChat7 = Chat(bestrun, "androidnativeapp-2", "c", "Just downloaded .zip and imported into Android Studio then build the project.", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 11, 4, 12, 47), 0)
// val dumpChat8 = Chat(djc, "iosnativeapp", "c", "Ok, got confused by the blog announcement that shows a screenshot with github oAuth ! Sorry !", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 11, 4, 12, 43), 0)
// // creates a list of chat sorted by lastMessageDateTime attribute.