Commit aee536b9 authored by Yusuke Iwaki's avatar Yusuke Iwaki

prepare to remove ServerConfig

parent 8926ab87
......@@ -2,16 +2,11 @@ package;
import io.realm.RealmObject;
import io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import bolts.Task;
import hugo.weaving.DebugLog;
* Server configuration.
public class ServerConfig extends RealmObject {
......@@ -34,35 +29,6 @@ public class ServerConfig extends RealmObject {
private boolean secureConnection;
private String error;
* Log the server connection is lost due to some exception.
public static void logConnectionError(String serverConfigId, Exception exception) {
realm -> realm.createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(ServerConfig.class, new JSONObject()
.put(ID, serverConfigId)
.put(ERROR, exception.getMessage())))
.continueWith(new LogcatIfError());
* Update the state of the ServerConfig with serverConfigId.
public static Task<Void> updateState(final String serverConfigId, int state) {
return RealmStore.getDefault().executeTransaction(realm -> {
ServerConfig config =
realm.where(ServerConfig.class).equalTo(ID, serverConfigId).findFirst();
if (config == null || config.getState() != state) {
realm.createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(ServerConfig.class, new JSONObject()
.put(ID, serverConfigId)
.put(STATE, state));
return null;
public String getServerConfigId() {
return serverConfigId;
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