Commit 87722d94 authored by Hussein El Feky's avatar Hussein El Feky

Refactored code

parent 0cd0d777
......@@ -31,6 +31,24 @@ import timber.log.Timber
import javax.inject.Inject
internal const val TAG_SETTINGS_FRAGMENT = "SettingsFragment"
private val LOCALES = arrayOf(
fun newInstance(): Fragment = SettingsFragment()
......@@ -165,37 +183,12 @@ class SettingsFragment : Fragment(), SettingsView, AppLanguageView {
private fun changeLanguage() {
context?.let {
// Add [String] for locales without specified countries, and
// add [Pair] for locales with specified countries.
val locales = arrayOf(
Pair("hi", "IN"),
Pair("pt", "BR"),
Pair("pt", "PT"),
Pair("ru", "RU"),
Pair("zh", "CN"),
Pair("zh", "TW")
val selectedLocale = presenter.getCurrentLocale(it)
var localeIndex = -1
locales.forEachIndexed { index, locale ->
var language: String? = null
var country = ""
if (locale is String) {
language = locale
} else if (locale is Pair<*, *>) {
language = locale.first as String
country = locale.second as String
LOCALES.forEachIndexed { index, locale ->
val array = locale.split(",")
val language = array[0]
val country = if (array.size > 1) array[1] else ""
// If language and country are specified, return the respective locale, else return
// the first locale found if the language is as specified regardless of the country.
if (language == selectedLocale.language) {
......@@ -212,11 +205,11 @@ class SettingsFragment : Fragment(), SettingsView, AppLanguageView {
resources.getStringArray(R.array.languages), localeIndex
) { dialog, option ->
if (locales[option] is String) {
updateLanguage(locales[option] as String)
} else if (locales[option] is Pair<*, *>) {
updateLanguage((locales[option] as Pair<*, *>).first as String,
(locales[option] as Pair<*, *>).second as String)
val array = LOCALES[option].split(",")
if (array.size > 1) {
updateLanguage(array[0], array[1])
} else {
......@@ -263,4 +256,4 @@ class SettingsFragment : Fragment(), SettingsView, AppLanguageView {
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