Commit 48d817fa authored by Leonardo Aramaki's avatar Leonardo Aramaki

Remove retryIO when sending messages letting the JobScheduler to do this job...

Remove retryIO when sending messages letting the JobScheduler to do this job and always keep the send button enabled since we are now offline
parent cdfe7720
......@@ -106,42 +106,40 @@ class ChatRoomPresenter @Inject constructor(private val view: ChatRoomView,
fun sendMessage(chatRoomId: String, text: String, messageId: String?) {
launchUI(strategy) {
try {
// ignore message for now, will receive it on the stream
val id = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
val message = retryIO {
if (messageId == null) {
val username = localRepository.username()
val newMessage = Message(
id = id,
roomId = chatRoomId,
message = text,
timestamp =,
sender = SimpleUser(null, username, username),
attachments = null,
avatar = currentServer.avatarUrl(username!!),
channels = null,
editedAt = null,
editedBy = null,
groupable = false,
parseUrls = false,
pinned = false,
mentions = emptyList(),
reactions = null,
senderAlias = null,
type = null,
updatedAt = null,
urls = null,
isTemporary = true
client.sendMessage(id, chatRoomId, text)
} else {
client.updateMessage(chatRoomId, messageId, text)
val message = if (messageId == null) {
val username = localRepository.username()
val newMessage = Message(
id = id,
roomId = chatRoomId,
message = text,
timestamp =,
sender = SimpleUser(null, username, username),
attachments = null,
avatar = currentServer.avatarUrl(username!!),
channels = null,
editedAt = null,
editedBy = null,
groupable = false,
parseUrls = false,
pinned = false,
mentions = emptyList(),
reactions = null,
senderAlias = null,
type = null,
updatedAt = null,
urls = null,
isTemporary = true
client.sendMessage(id, chatRoomId, text)
} else {
client.updateMessage(chatRoomId, messageId, text)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
Timber.d(ex, "Error sending message...")
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