Commit 29fc25ea authored by Leonardo Aramaki's avatar Leonardo Aramaki

Add some null checks to loading_views and remove regex parsing for usernames,...

Add some null checks to loading_views and remove regex parsing for usernames, now getting them from mentions
parent d5fde6a3
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import
import android.text.Spannable
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
......@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class ActionSnackbar : BaseTransientBottomBar<ActionSnackbar> {
var text: String = ""
set(value) {
val spannable = parser.renderMarkdown(value) as Spannable
val spannable = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(value)
spannable.setSpan(MessageParser.QuoteMarginSpan(marginDrawable, 10), 0, spannable.length, 0)
messageTextView.content = spannable
......@@ -249,7 +249,8 @@ class ViewModelMapper @Inject constructor(private val context: Context,
val quoteMessage: Message = quote
quoteViewModel = mapMessage(quoteMessage)
return parser.renderMarkdown(message.message, quoteViewModel, currentUsername)
return parser.renderMarkdown(message, quoteViewModel, currentUsername)
private fun getSystemMessage(message: Message, context: Context): CharSequence {
......@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ class ViewModelMapper @Inject constructor(private val context: Context,
setSpan(StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), 0, length, 0)
setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.GRAY), 0, length, 0)
.append(quoteMessage(!!, attachment.text!!, attachment.timestamp!!))
.append(quoteMessage(!!, message, attachment.timestamp!!))
return pinnedSystemMessage
......@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ class ViewModelMapper @Inject constructor(private val context: Context,
return spannableMsg
private fun quoteMessage(author: String, text: String, timestamp: Long): CharSequence {
private fun quoteMessage(author: String, message: Message, timestamp: Long): CharSequence {
return SpannableStringBuilder().apply {
val header = "\n$author ${getTime(timestamp)}\n"
......@@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ class ViewModelMapper @Inject constructor(private val context: Context,
author.length + 1, length, 0)
append(SpannableString(parser.renderMarkdown(text)).apply {
append(SpannableString(parser.renderMarkdown(message)).apply {
setSpan(MessageParser.QuoteMarginSpan(context.getDrawable(R.drawable.quote), 10), 0, length, 0)
......@@ -107,7 +107,11 @@ class ChatRoomsFragment : Fragment(), ChatRoomsView {
override fun showLoading() = view_loading.setVisible(true)
override fun hideLoading() = view_loading.setVisible(false)
override fun hideLoading() {
if (view_loading != null) {
override fun showMessage(resId: Int) = showToast(resId)
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import
import android.text.Layout
import android.text.Spannable
import android.text.Spanned
import android.text.TextUtils
import android.util.Patterns
import android.view.View
......@@ -22,6 +21,8 @@ import
import chat.rocket.common.model.SimpleUser
import chat.rocket.core.model.Message
import org.commonmark.node.AbstractVisitor
import org.commonmark.node.BlockQuote
import org.commonmark.node.Text
......@@ -30,26 +31,30 @@ import ru.noties.markwon.SpannableBuilder
import ru.noties.markwon.SpannableConfiguration
import ru.noties.markwon.renderer.SpannableMarkdownVisitor
import timber.log.Timber
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import javax.inject.Inject
class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val configuration: SpannableConfiguration) {
private val parser = Markwon.createParser()
private val regexUsername = Pattern.compile("([^\\S]|^)+(@[\\w.\\-]+)",
private val selfReferList = listOf("@all", "@here")
private val othersTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.colorAccent, context.theme)
private val othersBackgroundColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, android.R.color.transparent, context.theme)
private val myselfTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.white, context.theme)
private val myselfBackgroundColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, R.color.colorAccent, context.theme)
private val mentionPadding = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.padding_mention).toFloat()
private val mentionRadius = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.radius_mention).toFloat()
* Render a markdown text message to Spannable.
* @param text The text message containing markdown syntax.
* @param quote An optional message to be quoted either by a quote or reply action.
* @param urls A list of urls to convert to markdown link syntax.
* @param message The [Message] object we're interested on rendering.
* @param quote An optional [MessageViewModel] to be quoted.
* @param selfUsername This user username.
* @return A Spannable with the parsed markdown.
fun renderMarkdown(text: String, quote: MessageViewModel? = null, selfUsername: String? = null): CharSequence {
fun renderMarkdown(message: Message, quote: MessageViewModel? = null, selfUsername: String? = null): CharSequence {
val text = message.message
val builder = SpannableBuilder()
val content = EmojiRepository.shortnameToUnicode(text, true)
val parentNode = parser.parse(toLenientMarkdown(content))
......@@ -65,54 +70,46 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
val result = builder.text()
applySpans(result, selfUsername)
applySpans(result, message, selfUsername)
return result
private fun applySpans(text: CharSequence, currentUser: String?) {
if (text !is Spannable) return
applyMentionSpans(text, currentUser)
private fun applySpans(text: CharSequence, message: Message, currentUser: String?) {
if (text !is Spannable || !containsAnyMentions(text, message.mentions)) return
applyMentionSpans(text, message.mentions!!, currentUser)
private fun applyMentionSpans(text: CharSequence, currentUser: String?) {
val matcher = regexUsername.matcher(text)
val result = text as Spannable
while (matcher.find()) {
val user =
val start = matcher.start(2)
//TODO: should check if username actually exists prior to applying.
with(context) {
val referSelf = when (user) {
in selfReferList -> true
"@$currentUser" -> true
else -> false
val mentionTextColor: Int
val mentionBgColor: Int
if (referSelf) {
mentionTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(resources, R.color.white, theme)
mentionBgColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources,
R.color.colorAccent, theme)
} else {
mentionTextColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(resources, R.color.colorAccent,
mentionBgColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(resources,
android.R.color.transparent, theme)
private fun containsAnyMentions(text: CharSequence, mentions: List<SimpleUser>?): Boolean {
return mentions != null && mentions.isNotEmpty() ||
text.contains("@all", true) ||
text.contains("@here", true)
val padding = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.padding_mention).toFloat()
val radius = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.radius_mention).toFloat()
val usernameSpan = MentionSpan(mentionBgColor, mentionTextColor, radius, padding,
result.setSpan(usernameSpan, start, start + user.length, 0)
private fun applyMentionSpans(text: Spannable, mentions: List<SimpleUser>, currentUser: String?) {
val mentionsList = { it.username }.toMutableList()
mentionsList.toList().forEach {
if (it != null) {
val mentionMe = it == currentUser || it == "all" || it == "here"
var offset = text.indexOf("@$it", 0, true)
while (offset > -1) {
val textColor = if (mentionMe) myselfTextColor else othersTextColor
val backgroundColor = if (mentionMe) myselfBackgroundColor else othersBackgroundColor
val usernameSpan = MentionSpan(backgroundColor, textColor, mentionRadius, mentionPadding,
// Add 1 to end offset to include the @.
val end = offset + it.length + 1
text.setSpan(usernameSpan, offset, end, 0)
offset = text.indexOf("@$it", end, true)
* Convert to a lenient markdown consistent with Rocket.Chat web markdown instead of the official specs.
// Convert to a lenient markdown consistent with Rocket.Chat web markdown instead of the official specs.
private fun toLenientMarkdown(text: String): String {
return text.trim().replace("\\*(.+)\\*".toRegex()) { "**${it.groupValues[1].trim()}**" }
.replace("\\~(.+)\\~".toRegex()) { "~~${it.groupValues[1].trim()}~~" }
......@@ -228,12 +225,10 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int,
first: Boolean, layout: Layout) {
val st = (text as Spanned).getSpanStart(this)
val ix = x
val itop = layout.getLineTop(layout.getLineForOffset(st))
val dw = drawable.intrinsicWidth
val dh = drawable.intrinsicHeight
// XXX What to do about Paint?
drawable.setBounds(ix, itop, ix + dw, itop + layout.height)
drawable.setBounds(x, itop, x + dw, itop + layout.height)
......@@ -279,9 +274,9 @@ class MessageParser @Inject constructor(val context: Application, private val co
val length = paint.measureText(text.subSequence(start, end).toString())
val rect = RectF(x, top.toFloat(), x + length + padding * 2,
paint.color = backgroundColor
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint)
paint.color = textColor
canvas.drawText(text, start, end, x + padding, y.toFloat(), paint)
......@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ class ProfileFragment : Fragment(), ProfileView, ActionMode.Callback {
override fun hideLoading() {
if (view_loading != null) {
Markdown is supported
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