Commit 012a240a authored by Kiryl Vashyla's avatar Kiryl Vashyla

ChatRoomAdapter#prependData improved, checked on files, reply, quote, reaction actions

parent 8a6ad2b5
......@@ -158,7 +158,15 @@ class ChatRoomAdapter(
fun prependData(dataSet: List<BaseUiModel<*>>) {
//At first we will update all already saved elements with received updated ones
val minAdditionDate = dataSet.minBy { it.message.timestamp } ?: return
//---1. In the most cases we will just add new elements to the top of messages heap
if (minAdditionDate.message.timestamp > this.dataSet[0].message.timestamp) {
this.dataSet.addAll(0, dataSet)
notifyItemRangeInserted(0, dataSet.size)
//---2. Else branch: merging messages---
//---2.1 At first we will update all already saved elements with received updated ones
val filteredDataSet = dataSet.filter { newItem ->
val matchedIndex = this.dataSet.indexOfFirst { it.messageId == newItem.messageId && it.viewType == newItem.viewType }
if (matchedIndex > -1) {
......@@ -167,10 +175,16 @@ class ChatRoomAdapter(
return@filter (matchedIndex < 0)
//At the second stage we are inserting new received elements into set.
//---2.2 At the second stage we are inserting new received elements into set.
if (filteredDataSet.isEmpty()) return
this.dataSet.addAll(0, filteredDataSet)
val tmp = this.dataSet.sortedWith(Comparator { t, t2 -> t.message.timestamp.compareTo(t2.message.timestamp) }).reversed()
val tmp = this.dataSet.sortedWith(Comparator { t, t2 ->
val timeComparison = t.message.timestamp.compareTo(t2.message.timestamp)
if (timeComparison == 0) {
return@Comparator t.viewType.compareTo(t2.viewType)
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