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import com.facebook.drawee.backends.pipeline.DrawableFactory;
import com.facebook.imageformat.ImageFormat;
import com.facebook.imageformat.ImageFormatCheckerUtils;
import com.facebook.imagepipeline.common.ImageDecodeOptions;
import com.facebook.imagepipeline.decoder.ImageDecoder;
import com.facebook.imagepipeline.image.CloseableImage;
import com.facebook.imagepipeline.image.EncodedImage;
import com.facebook.imagepipeline.image.QualityInfo;

import com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG;
import com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGParseException;

 * Based on
public class SvgDecoderConfig {

  public static final ImageFormat SVG_FORMAT = new ImageFormat("SVG_FORMAT", "svg");

  // We do not include the closing ">" since there can be additional information
  private static final String HEADER_TAG = "<svg";

  public static class SvgFormatChecker implements ImageFormat.FormatChecker {

    public static final byte[] HEADER = ImageFormatCheckerUtils.asciiBytes(HEADER_TAG);

    public int getHeaderSize() {
      return HEADER.length;

    public ImageFormat determineFormat(byte[] headerBytes, int headerSize) {
      if (headerSize < getHeaderSize()) {
        return null;
      if (ImageFormatCheckerUtils.startsWithPattern(headerBytes, HEADER)) {
        return SVG_FORMAT;
      return null;

  public static class CloseableSvgImage extends CloseableImage {

    private final SVG mSvg;

    private boolean mClosed = false;

    public CloseableSvgImage(SVG svg) {
      mSvg = svg;

    public SVG getSvg() {
      return mSvg;

    public int getSizeInBytes() {
      return 0;

    public void close() {
      mClosed = true;

    public boolean isClosed() {
      return mClosed;

    public int getWidth() {
      return 0;

    public int getHeight() {
      return 0;

   * Decodes a SVG_FORMAT image
  public static class SvgDecoder implements ImageDecoder {

    public CloseableImage decode(
        EncodedImage encodedImage,
        int length,
        QualityInfo qualityInfo,
        ImageDecodeOptions options) {
      try {
        SVG svg = SVG.getFromInputStream(encodedImage.getInputStream());
        return new CloseableSvgImage(svg);
      } catch (SVGParseException e) {
      return null;

   * SVG drawable factory that creates {@link PictureDrawable}s for SVG images.
  public static class SvgDrawableFactory implements DrawableFactory {

    public boolean supportsImageType(CloseableImage image) {
      return image instanceof CloseableSvgImage;

    public Drawable createDrawable(CloseableImage image) {
      return new SvgPictureDrawable(((CloseableSvgImage) image).getSvg());

  public static class SvgPictureDrawable extends PictureDrawable {

    private final SVG mSvg;

    public SvgPictureDrawable(SVG svg) {
      mSvg = svg;

    protected void onBoundsChange(Rect bounds) {
      setPicture(mSvg.renderToPicture(bounds.width(), bounds.height()));