Commit bcf22257 authored by Dan Pascu's avatar Dan Pascu

Separated color helpers from StateButtonStyle into a ColorHelperMixin class

parent 0a6036d7
......@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QLineF, QPointF, QRectF, QSize, QTimer, pyqtSignal,
from PyQt4.QtGui import QAction, QBrush, QColor, QCommonStyle, QLinearGradient, QIcon, QMenu, QPainter, QPainterPath, QPalette, QPen, QPixmap
from PyQt4.QtGui import QPolygonF, QPushButton, QStyle, QStyleOptionToolButton, QStylePainter, QToolButton
from application.python.decorator import decorator, preserve_signature
from blink.resources import Resources
from blink.widgets.color import ColorScheme, ColorUtils
from blink.widgets.color import ColorScheme, ColorUtils, ColorHelperMixin
class ToolButton(QToolButton):
......@@ -373,35 +372,7 @@ class SwitchViewButton(QPushButton):
def color_key(instance, color):
return color.rgba()
def color_ratio_key(instance, color, ratio):
return color.rgba() << 32 | int(ratio*512)
def background_color_key(instance, background, color):
return background.rgba() << 32 | color.rgba()
def cache_result(key_func):
def cache_results(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
key = key_func(*args, **kw)
return wrapper.__cache__[key]
except KeyError:
return wrapper.__cache__.setdefault(key, function(*args, **kw))
wrapper.__cache__ = {}
return wrapper
return cache_results
class StateButtonStyle(QCommonStyle):
_contrast = 0.3
_bgcontrast = min(1.0, 0.9*_contrast/0.7)
class StateButtonStyle(QCommonStyle, ColorHelperMixin):
_pixel_metrics = {QStyle.PM_MenuButtonIndicator: 11, QStyle.PM_DefaultFrameWidth: 3, QStyle.PM_ButtonMargin: 1, QStyle.PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal: 0, QStyle.PM_ButtonShiftVertical: 0,
QStyle.PM_ButtonIconSize: 32}
......@@ -633,80 +604,6 @@ class StateButtonStyle(QCommonStyle):
painter.drawPixmap(pixmap_rect.topLeft(), pixmap)
# Color helpers
def low_threshold(self, color):
darker = ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, 0.5)
return ColorUtils.luma(darker) > ColorUtils.luma(color)
def high_threshold(self, color):
lighter = ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.LightShade, 0.5)
return ColorUtils.luma(lighter) < ColorUtils.luma(color)
def background_top_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidlightShade, 0.0)
other_luma = ColorUtils.luma(ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.LightShade, 0.0))
color_luma = ColorUtils.luma(color)
return ColorUtils.shade(color, (other_luma - color_luma) * self._bgcontrast)
def background_bottom_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, 0.0)
other_luma = ColorUtils.luma(ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, 0.0))
color_luma = ColorUtils.luma(color)
return ColorUtils.shade(color, (other_luma - color_luma) * self._bgcontrast)
def calc_light_color(self, color):
if self.high_threshold(color):
return color
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.LightShade, self._contrast)
def calc_dark_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
return ColorUtils.mix(self.calc_light_color(color), color, 0.3 + 0.7 * self._contrast)
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, self._contrast)
def calc_shadow_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
shadow_color = ColorUtils.mix(, color, color.alphaF())
shadow_color = ColorScheme.shade(ColorUtils.mix(, color, color.alphaF()), ColorScheme.ShadowShade, self._contrast)
shadow_color.setAlpha(color.alpha()) # make sure shadow color has the same alpha channel as the input
return shadow_color
def background_color(self, color, ratio):
if ratio < 0.5:
return ColorUtils.mix(self.background_top_color(color), color, 2.0*ratio)
return ColorUtils.mix(color, self.background_bottom_color(color), 2.0*ratio-1)
def deco_color(self, background, color):
return ColorUtils.mix(background, color, 0.4 + 0.8*self._contrast)
def color_with_alpha(self, color, alpha):
color = QColor(color)
return color
def alpha_color(self, color, alpha):
if 0.0 <= alpha < 1.0:
color.setAlphaF(alpha * color.alphaF())
return color
class StateButton(QToolButton):
default_color = QColor('#efedeb')
# Copyright (c) 2012 AG Projects. See LICENSE for details.
__all__ = ['ColorScheme', 'ColorUtils']
__all__ = ['ColorScheme', 'ColorUtils', 'ColorHelperMixin']
from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor
from application.python import limit
from application.python.decorator import decorator, preserve_signature
from math import fmod, isnan
......@@ -199,3 +201,105 @@ class ColorUtils(object):
return QColor.fromRgbF(r, g, b, a)
def color_key(instance, color):
return color.rgba()
def color_ratio_key(instance, color, ratio):
return color.rgba() << 32 | int(ratio*512)
def background_color_key(instance, background, color):
return background.rgba() << 32 | color.rgba()
def cache_result(key_func):
def cache_results(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
key = key_func(*args, **kw)
return wrapper.__cache__[key]
except KeyError:
return wrapper.__cache__.setdefault(key, function(*args, **kw))
wrapper.__cache__ = {}
return wrapper
return cache_results
class ColorHelperMixin(object):
_contrast = 0.3
_bgcontrast = min(1.0, 0.9*_contrast/0.7)
def low_threshold(self, color):
darker = ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, 0.5)
return ColorUtils.luma(darker) > ColorUtils.luma(color)
def high_threshold(self, color):
lighter = ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.LightShade, 0.5)
return ColorUtils.luma(lighter) < ColorUtils.luma(color)
def background_top_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidlightShade, 0.0)
other_luma = ColorUtils.luma(ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.LightShade, 0.0))
color_luma = ColorUtils.luma(color)
return ColorUtils.shade(color, (other_luma - color_luma) * self._bgcontrast)
def background_bottom_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, 0.0)
other_luma = ColorUtils.luma(ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, 0.0))
color_luma = ColorUtils.luma(color)
return ColorUtils.shade(color, (other_luma - color_luma) * self._bgcontrast)
def calc_light_color(self, color):
if self.high_threshold(color):
return color
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.LightShade, self._contrast)
def calc_dark_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
return ColorUtils.mix(self.calc_light_color(color), color, 0.3 + 0.7 * self._contrast)
return ColorScheme.shade(color, ColorScheme.MidShade, self._contrast)
def calc_shadow_color(self, color):
if self.low_threshold(color):
shadow_color = ColorUtils.mix(, color, color.alphaF())
shadow_color = ColorScheme.shade(ColorUtils.mix(, color, color.alphaF()), ColorScheme.ShadowShade, self._contrast)
shadow_color.setAlpha(color.alpha()) # make sure shadow color has the same alpha channel as the input
return shadow_color
def background_color(self, color, ratio):
if ratio < 0.5:
return ColorUtils.mix(self.background_top_color(color), color, 2.0*ratio)
return ColorUtils.mix(color, self.background_bottom_color(color), 2.0*ratio-1)
def deco_color(self, background, color):
return ColorUtils.mix(background, color, 0.4 + 0.8*self._contrast)
def color_with_alpha(self, color, alpha):
color = QColor(color)
return color
def alpha_color(self, color, alpha):
if 0.0 <= alpha < 1.0:
color.setAlphaF(alpha * color.alphaF())
return color
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