Commit 9835638d authored by Dan Pascu's avatar Dan Pascu

Removed no longer used debug code

parent a435f3aa
......@@ -1436,7 +1436,6 @@ class ChatWindow(base_class, ui_class, ColorHelperMixin):
self.control_button.actions.share_my_screen = QAction("Share my screen", self, triggered=self._AH_ShareMyScreen)
self.control_button.actions.request_screen = QAction("Request screen", self, triggered=self._AH_RequestScreen)
self.control_button.actions.end_screen_sharing = QAction("End screen sharing", self, triggered=self._AH_EndScreenSharing)
self.control_button.actions.dump_session = QAction("Dump session", self, triggered=self._AH_DumpSession) # remove later -Dan
self.control_button.actions.main_window = QAction("Main Window", self, triggered=self._AH_MainWindow, shortcut='Ctrl+B', shortcutContext=Qt.ApplicationShortcut)
self.addAction(self.control_button.actions.main_window) # make this active even when it's not in the contol_button's menu
......@@ -1571,7 +1570,6 @@ class ChatWindow(base_class, ui_class, ColorHelperMixin):
elif stream_types != {'screen-sharing'}:
#menu.addAction(self.control_button.actions.dump_session) # remove this later -Dan
def _update_panel_buttons(self):
......@@ -2207,14 +2205,6 @@ class ChatWindow(base_class, ui_class, ColorHelperMixin):
def _AH_EndScreenSharing(self):
def _AH_DumpSession(self):
blink_session = self.selected_session.blink_session
print "state: %r" % blink_session.state
print "streams: %r" % [stream for stream in blink_session.streams]
print "hold: %r/%r" % (blink_session.local_hold, blink_session.remote_hold)
print "conf: %r" % blink_session.client_conference
print "active: %r" %
def _AH_MainWindow(self):
blink = QApplication.instance()
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