Commit 8782b278 authored by Tijmen de Mes's avatar Tijmen de Mes

Removed obsolete file

parent 90e0f814
Blink Translations (i18n)
Blink translations should be made using the 'Qt Linguist' program.
You need to open `resources/i18n/blink__LANGUAGE_CODE__.ts` and translate the text.
After you're done, save the file and run `release_translations`.
Update translation files
To update the translation files with the newly added text if the application changed you need to run:
Adding a language
If you want to add a language to Blink, you need to change `` and add the language in the `TRANLATIONS` line.
The format needs to be `resources/i18n/blink_LANGUAGECODE_.ts`.
After this, edit `blink/` and add the name of the language to the mapping:
mapping = {"default": "System default",
"en": "English",
"nl": "Nederlands",
"ro": "Română"}
After this you can run `generate_translations` and proceed to translate the newly generated file.
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