Commit 769ceba5 authored by Tijmen de Mes's avatar Tijmen de Mes

Fixed python 3.10 warning

parent c59465ef
......@@ -4276,7 +4276,7 @@ class TransferStateLabel(QLabel, ColorHelperMixin):
painter.setPen(QPen(inner_pen_color, inner_pen_width, style=Qt.SolidLine, cap=Qt.FlatCap, join=Qt.RoundJoin))
painter.setPen(QPen(outer_pen_color, outer_pen_width, style=Qt.SolidLine, cap=Qt.FlatCap, join=Qt.RoundJoin))
painter.drawArc(outer_rect, 90*16, -self.progress*3.6*16)
painter.drawArc(outer_rect, 90 * 16, int(-self.progress * 3.6 * 16))
if self.show_cancel_button:
foreground_color = palette.color(self.foregroundRole())
background_color = palette.color(self.backgroundRole())
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