Commit 48ffc6ad authored by Dan Pascu's avatar Dan Pascu

Do not remove contact icons if not present in the PIDF documents

parent 7be6c0ef
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class BlinkPresenceSettings(SettingsGroup):
current_state = Setting(type=PresenceState, default=PresenceState('Available'))
state_history = Setting(type=PresenceStateList, default=PresenceStateList())
offline_note = Setting(type=unicode, nillable=True)
icon = Setting(type=IconDescriptor, default=IconDescriptor('blink://unknown'), nillable=True)
icon = Setting(type=IconDescriptor, nillable=True)
class BlinkSettings(SettingsObject):
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QTimer
from application.notification import IObserver, NotificationCenter, NotificationData
from application.python import Null, limit
from application.python.types import MarkerType
from datetime import datetime
from import tzutc
from import urllib2
......@@ -40,11 +39,6 @@ from blink.util import run_in_gui_thread
epoch = datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tzutc())
unknown_icon = "blink://unknown"
class NoIcon: __metaclass__ = MarkerType
class SameIcon: __metaclass__ = MarkerType
class UnknownIcon: __metaclass__ = MarkerType
class BlinkPresenceState(object):
......@@ -102,12 +96,7 @@ class BlinkPresenceState(object):
service.capabilities.screen_sharing_server = False
service.capabilities.screen_sharing_client = False
service.display_name = self.account.display_name or None
if self.account.xcap.icon is None:
service.icon = None
elif self.account.xcap.icon.url == unknown_icon:
service.icon = unknown_icon
service.icon = "%s#blink-icon%s" % (self.account.xcap.icon.url, self.account.xcap.icon.etag)
service.icon = "%s#blink-icon%s" % (self.account.xcap.icon.url, self.account.xcap.icon.etag) if self.account.xcap.icon is not None else None
service.device_info = pidf.DeviceInfo(instance_id, description=hostname, user_agent=settings.user_agent)
service.device_info.time_offset = pidf.TimeOffset()
# TODO: Add real user input data -Saul
......@@ -283,6 +272,35 @@ class PresencePublicationHandler(object):
class ContactIcon(object):
def __init__(self, data, descriptor): = data
self.descriptor = descriptor
def fetch(cls, url, etag=None, descriptor_etag=None):
headers = {'If-None-Match': etag} if etag else {}
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
content =
info =
except (ConnectionLost, urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError):
return None
content_type = info.getheader('content-type')
etag = info.getheader('etag')
if etag.startswith('W/'):
etag = etag[2:]
etag = etag.replace('\"', '')
if content_type == prescontent.PresenceContentDocument.content_type:
pres_content = prescontent.PresenceContentDocument.parse(content)
data = base64.decodestring(
except Exception:
return None
return cls(data, IconDescriptor(url, descriptor_etag or etag))
class PresenceSubscriptionHandler(object):
......@@ -313,32 +331,6 @@ class PresenceSubscriptionHandler(object):
def _download_icon(self, url, etag):
headers = {'If-None-Match': etag} if etag else {}
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
content =
info =
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 404:
return NoIcon, None
return SameIcon, None
except (ConnectionLost, urllib2.URLError):
return SameIcon, None
content_type = info.getheader('content-type')
etag = info.getheader('etag')
if etag.startswith('W/'):
etag = etag[2:]
etag = etag.replace('\"', '')
if content_type == prescontent.PresenceContentDocument.content_type:
pres_content = prescontent.PresenceContentDocument.parse(content)
content = base64.decodestring(
except Exception:
return SameIcon, None
return content, etag
def _process_presence_data(self, uris=None):
addressbook_manager = addressbook.AddressbookManager()
......@@ -360,10 +352,7 @@ class PresenceSubscriptionHandler(object):
for contact, pidf_list in contact_pidf_map.iteritems():
if not pidf_list:
state = None
note = None
icon_descriptor = None
icon_data = UnknownIcon
state = note = icon = None
services = list(chain(*(list( for pidf_doc in pidf_list)))
services.sort(key=lambda obj: obj.timestamp.value if obj.timestamp else epoch, reverse=True)
......@@ -373,42 +362,32 @@ class PresenceSubscriptionHandler(object):
state = 'available' if service.status.basic=='open' else 'offline'
note = unicode(next(iter(service.notes))) if service.notes else None
icon = unicode(service.icon) if service.icon else None
icon_url = unicode(service.icon) if service.icon else None
if icon and icon != unknown_icon:
url, token, icon_hash = icon.partition('blink-icon')
if icon_url:
url, token, icon_hash = icon_url.partition('blink-icon')
if token:
if contact.icon and icon_hash == contact.icon.etag:
# Fast path, icon hasn't changed
icon_data = SameIcon
icon_descriptor = None
icon = None
# New icon, client uses fast path mechanism
icon_data, etag = self._download_icon(icon, None)
icon_descriptor = IconDescriptor(icon, icon_hash) if icon_data not in (NoIcon, SameIcon, UnknownIcon) else None
icon = ContactIcon.fetch(icon_url, etag=None, descriptor_etag=icon_hash)
icon_data, etag = self._download_icon(icon, contact.icon.etag if contact.icon else None)
icon_descriptor = IconDescriptor(icon, etag) if icon_data not in (NoIcon, SameIcon, UnknownIcon) else None
elif icon == unknown_icon:
icon_data = UnknownIcon
icon_descriptor = None
icon = ContactIcon.fetch(icon_url, etag=contact.icon.etag if contact.icon else None)
icon_data = UnknownIcon if state=='offline' else NoIcon
icon_descriptor = None
icon = None
self._update_contact_presence_state(contact, state, note, icon_descriptor, icon_data)
self._update_presence_state(contact, state, note, icon)
def _update_contact_presence_state(self, contact, state, note, icon_descriptor, icon_data):
def _update_presence_state(self, contact, state, note, icon):
icon_manager = IconManager()
contact.presence.state = state
contact.presence.note = note
if icon_data is NoIcon:
contact.icon = None
elif icon_data not in (SameIcon, UnknownIcon):
icon_manager.store_data(, icon_data)
contact.icon = icon_descriptor
if icon is not None:
contact.icon = icon.descriptor
def handle_notification(self, notification):
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