Commit 0617bfd6 authored by Tijmen de Mes's avatar Tijmen de Mes

Added a chat type to sessions

parent 4affa97a
......@@ -498,6 +498,7 @@ class BlinkSession(BlinkSessionBase):
self._smp_handler = Null
self.routes = None
self.chat_type = None
def _get_state(self):
return self.__dict__['state']
......@@ -604,6 +605,15 @@ class BlinkSession(BlinkSessionBase):
client_conference = property(_get_client_conference, _set_client_conference)
del _get_client_conference, _set_client_conference
def _get_chat_type(self):
return self.__dict__['chat_type']
def _set_chat_type(self, value):
self.__dict__['chat_type'] = value
chat_type = property(_get_chat_type, _set_chat_type)
del _get_chat_type, _set_chat_type
def persistent(self):
return not self._delete_when_done and not self._delete_requested
......@@ -671,6 +681,9 @@ class BlinkSession(BlinkSessionBase):
# reevaluate later, after we add the .active/.proposed attributes to streams, if creating the sip session and the streams at this point is desirable -Dan
# note: creating the sip session early also need the test in hold/unhold/end to change from sip_session is (not) None to sip_session.state is (not) None -Dan
self.stream_descriptions = StreamSet(stream_descriptions)
for stream_description in self.stream_descriptions:
if stream_description.type == 'chat':
self.chat_type = 'MSRP'
self._sibling = sibling
self.state = 'initialized'
......@@ -1095,9 +1108,12 @@ class BlinkSession(BlinkSessionBase):
secure_chat = stream.transport == 'tls' and all(len(path) == 1 for path in (stream.msrp.full_local_path, stream.msrp.full_remote_path)) # tls & direct connection
if audio_stream.encryption.type == 'ZRTP' and is not None and not audio_stream.encryption.zrtp.verified and secure_chat:
stream.send_message(, 'application/blink-zrtp-sas')
if stream.type == 'chat':
self.chat_type = 'MSRP'
def _NH_MediaStreamWillEnd(self, notification):
if notification.sender.type == 'chat':
self.chat_type = ''
self._smp_handler = Null
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