_rfb.pyx 18 KB
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from sip import voidptr
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3 4
from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage
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from application.notification import NotificationCenter, NotificationData

from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, malloc, free
from libc.string cimport memcpy, strlen

13 14 15
__all__ = ['RFBClient', 'RFBClientError']

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16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
# external declarations

cdef extern from "stdarg.h":
    ctypedef struct va_list:
    void va_start(va_list, void *arg)
    void va_end(va_list)

cdef extern from "Python.h":
    object PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(const char *u, Py_ssize_t size)
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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
    int PyOS_vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *format, va_list va)

cdef extern from "rfb/rfbclient.h":
    ctypedef int rfbBool

    # forward declarations
    ctypedef struct _rfbClient

    enum: rfbCredentialTypeX509=1, rfbCredentialTypeUser=2

    ctypedef struct UserCredential:
        char *username
        char *password

    ctypedef union rfbCredential:
        #X509Credential x509Credential
        UserCredential userCredential

    ctypedef struct AppData:
        const char* encodingsString
        int compressLevel
        int qualityLevel
        int requestedDepth
        rfbBool enableJPEG
        rfbBool useRemoteCursor

    ctypedef struct rfbPixelFormat:
        uint8_t  bitsPerPixel
        uint8_t  depth
        uint16_t redMax
        uint16_t greenMax
        uint16_t blueMax
        uint8_t  redShift
        uint8_t  greenShift
        uint8_t  blueShift

    ctypedef struct rfbClientData:
        void *data

    ctypedef struct UpdateRect:
        int x, y, w, h

    ctypedef struct rfbServerInitMsg:
        uint16_t framebufferWidth
        uint16_t framebufferHeight
        rfbPixelFormat format # the server's preferred pixel format

    # callbacks
    ctypedef void (*rfbClientLogProc)(const char *format, ...)

    ctypedef rfbBool (*MallocFrameBufferProc)(_rfbClient *client) nogil
    ctypedef void (*GotFrameBufferUpdateProc)(_rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h) nogil
    ctypedef char* (*GetPasswordProc)(_rfbClient *client) nogil
    ctypedef rfbCredential* (*GetCredentialProc)(_rfbClient *client, int credentialType) nogil
    ctypedef void (*GotXCutTextProc)(_rfbClient *client, const char *text, int textlen) nogil
    ctypedef void (*GotCursorShapeProc)(_rfbClient *client, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel)
    ctypedef rfbBool (*HandleCursorPosProc)(_rfbClient *client, int x, int y)
    #ctypedef void (*BellProc)(_rfbClient *client)

    ctypedef struct _rfbClient:
        char *serverHost
        int   serverPort

        int sock
        int width, height
        uint8_t *frameBuffer
        UpdateRect updateRect

        AppData appData
        rfbPixelFormat format
        rfbServerInitMsg si
        rfbClientData *clientData

        # cursor
        uint8_t *rcSource
        uint8_t *rcMask

        rfbBool canHandleNewFBSize

        # callbacks
        MallocFrameBufferProc MallocFrameBuffer
        GotFrameBufferUpdateProc GotFrameBufferUpdate
        GotCursorShapeProc GotCursorShape
        HandleCursorPosProc HandleCursorPos
        GetPasswordProc GetPassword     # the pointer returned will be freed after use!
        GetCredentialProc GetCredential # the pointer returned will be freed after use!
        GotXCutTextProc GotXCutText
        #BellProc Bell

    ctypedef _rfbClient rfbClient

    # functions
    rfbClient* rfbGetClient(int bitsPerSample, int samplesPerPixel, int bytesPerPixel) nogil
    void rfbClientCleanup(rfbClient *client) nogil

    rfbBool ConnectToRFBServer(rfbClient *client, const char *hostname, int port) nogil
    rfbBool InitialiseRFBConnection(rfbClient *client) nogil
    rfbBool SetFormatAndEncodings(rfbClient *client) nogil
    rfbBool SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h, rfbBool incremental) nogil

    rfbBool SendPointerEvent(rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int buttonMask) nogil
    rfbBool SendKeyEvent(rfbClient *client, uint32_t key, rfbBool down) nogil
    rfbBool SendClientCutText(rfbClient *client, char *str, int len) nogil

    int     WaitForMessage(rfbClient *client, unsigned int usecs) nogil
    rfbBool HandleRFBServerMessage(rfbClient *client) nogil

# Provide our own strdup implementation because Windows is ... well, Windows
cdef char* strdup(const char *string):
    cdef size_t len = strlen(string) + 1
    cdef void *copy = malloc(len)
    return <char*> memcpy(copy, string, len) if copy else NULL

# RFB client implementation

class RFBClientError(Exception): pass

cdef class RFBClient:
    cdef rfbClient *client
    cdef uint8_t *framebuffer
    cdef unsigned int framebuffer_size
    cdef int connected

    cdef readonly object parent
    cdef readonly object image

    def __cinit__(self, parent, *args, **kw):
        cdef char *server_host = NULL
        cdef rfbClientData *client_data = NULL

            with nogil:
                self.client = rfbGetClient(8, 3, 4) # 24 bit color depth in 32 bits per pixel. Will change color depth and bpp later if needed.
            server_host = strdup(<bytes>parent.host.encode('utf8'))
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            client_data = <rfbClientData*> calloc(1, sizeof(rfbClientData))
            if not server_host or not client_data or not self.client:
                raise MemoryError("could not allocate RFB client")
            client_data.data = <void*>self

        self.client.clientData = client_data
        self.client.serverHost = server_host
        self.client.serverPort = parent.port
        self.client.canHandleNewFBSize = True
        self.client.appData.useRemoteCursor = False
        self.client.MallocFrameBuffer = _malloc_framebuffer_callback
        self.client.GotFrameBufferUpdate = _update_framebuffer_callback
        self.client.GotCursorShape = _update_cursor_callback
        self.client.HandleCursorPos = _update_cursor_position_callback
        self.client.GetPassword = _get_password_callback
        self.client.GetCredential = _get_credentials_callback
        self.client.GotXCutText = _text_cut_callback
        self.connected = False

    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):
        self.parent = parent
        self.image = QImage()

    def __dealloc__(self):
        if self.client:
            with nogil:
        if self.framebuffer:
            if not self.image.isNull():
                self.image.setPixel(0, 0, self.image.pixel(0, 0)) # detach the image from the framebuffer we're about to release to avoid race conditions when painting in the GUI thread

    property framebuffer:
        def __get__(self):
            return voidptr(<long>self.framebuffer, size=self.framebuffer_size)

    property server_depth:
        def __get__(self):
            return self.client.si.format.depth or None

    property socket:
        def __get__(self):
            return self.client.sock

    def configure(self):
        depth = self.parent.settings.depth or self.server_depth
        format_changed = depth != self.client.format.depth
        if depth == 8:
            self.client.format.depth = 8
            self.client.format.bitsPerPixel = 8
            self.client.format.redShift = 0
            self.client.format.greenShift = 3
            self.client.format.blueShift = 6
            self.client.format.redMax = 7
            self.client.format.greenMax = 7
            self.client.format.blueMax = 3
        elif depth == 16:
            self.client.format.depth = 16
            self.client.format.bitsPerPixel = 16
            self.client.format.redShift = 11
            self.client.format.greenShift = 5
            self.client.format.blueShift = 0
            self.client.format.redMax = 0x1f
            self.client.format.greenMax = 0x3f
            self.client.format.blueMax = 0x1f
        elif depth in (24, 32):
            self.client.format.depth = depth
            self.client.format.bitsPerPixel = 32
            self.client.format.redShift = 16
            self.client.format.greenShift = 8
            self.client.format.blueShift = 0
            self.client.format.redMax = 0xff
            self.client.format.greenMax = 0xff
            self.client.format.blueMax = 0xff
        self.client.appData.requestedDepth = self.client.format.depth
        self.client.appData.enableJPEG = bool(self.client.format.bitsPerPixel != 8)
        self.client.appData.encodingsString = strdup(<bytes>self.parent.settings.encodings.encode('utf-8'))
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        self.client.appData.compressLevel = self.parent.settings.compression
        self.client.appData.qualityLevel = self.parent.settings.quality
        if self.connected:
            with nogil:
                result = SetFormatAndEncodings(self.client)
            if not result:
                raise RFBClientError("failed to set format and encodings")
            with nogil:
                result = SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(self.client, self.client.updateRect.x, self.client.updateRect.y, self.client.updateRect.w, self.client.updateRect.h, False)
            if not result:
                raise RFBClientError("failed to refresh screen after changing format and encodings")
            if format_changed:
                if not self.framebuffer:
                    self.image = QImage(self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_Invalid)
                elif self.client.format.bitsPerPixel == 32:
                    self.image = QImage(voidptr(<long>self.framebuffer, size=self.framebuffer_size), self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_RGB32)
                elif self.client.format.bitsPerPixel == 16:
                    self.image = QImage(voidptr(<long>self.framebuffer, size=self.framebuffer_size), self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_RGB16)
                elif self.client.format.bitsPerPixel == 8:
                    self.image = QImage(voidptr(<long>self.framebuffer, size=self.framebuffer_size), self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
                    self.image = QImage(self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_Invalid)

    def connect(self):
        cdef rfbBool result

        if self.connected:

        with nogil:
            result = ConnectToRFBServer(self.client, self.client.serverHost, self.client.serverPort)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not connect")
        with nogil:
            result = InitialiseRFBConnection(self.client)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not initialise connection")

        self.client.width  = self.client.si.framebufferWidth
        self.client.height = self.client.si.framebufferHeight
        self.client.updateRect.x = 0
        self.client.updateRect.y = 0
        self.client.updateRect.w = self.client.width
        self.client.updateRect.h = self.client.height


        if not self.framebuffer:
            raise RFBClientError("could not allocate framebuffer memory")

        with nogil:
            result = SetFormatAndEncodings(self.client)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not set format and encodings")
        with nogil:
            result = SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(self.client, self.client.updateRect.x, self.client.updateRect.y, self.client.updateRect.w, self.client.updateRect.h, False)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not request framebuffer update")

        self.connected = True

    def handle_server_message(self):
        cdef int result
        with nogil:
            result = HandleRFBServerMessage(self.client)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not process server message")

    def send_key_event(self, uint32_t key, rfbBool down):
        cdef int result
        if not self.connected:
        with nogil:
            result = SendKeyEvent(self.client, key, down)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not send key event")

    def send_pointer_event(self, int x, int y, int button_mask):
        cdef int result
        if not self.connected:
        with nogil:
            result = SendPointerEvent(self.client, x, y, button_mask)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not send pointer event")

    def send_client_cut_text(self, unicode text):
        cdef int result, strlen
        cdef bytes encoded_text
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        cdef char *string

        if not self.connected:

345 346 347
        encoded_text = text.encode('latin1', errors='replace')
        string = encoded_text
        strlen = len(encoded_text)
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        with nogil:
            result = SendClientCutText(self.client, string, strlen)
        if not result:
            raise RFBClientError("could not send client cut text")

    cdef rfbBool _malloc_framebuffer_callback(self):
        if self.framebuffer:
            if not self.image.isNull():
                self.image.setPixel(0, 0, self.image.pixel(0, 0)) # detach the image from the framebuffer we're about to release to avoid race conditions when painting in the GUI thread
        self.framebuffer_size = self.client.width * self.client.height * 4 # always allocate a framebuffer that can hold 32bpp so we can change the depth mid-session without reallocating
        self.framebuffer = <uint8_t*> malloc(self.framebuffer_size)
        self.client.frameBuffer = self.framebuffer
        if not self.framebuffer:
            self.image = QImage(self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_Invalid)
        elif self.client.format.bitsPerPixel == 32:
            self.image = QImage(voidptr(<long>self.framebuffer, size=self.framebuffer_size), self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_RGB32)
        elif self.client.format.bitsPerPixel == 16:
            self.image = QImage(voidptr(<long>self.framebuffer, size=self.framebuffer_size), self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_RGB16)
        elif self.client.format.bitsPerPixel == 8:
            self.image = QImage(voidptr(<long>self.framebuffer, size=self.framebuffer_size), self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
            self.image = QImage(self.client.width, self.client.height, QImage.Format_Invalid)
        return bool(<long>self.framebuffer)

    cdef void _update_framebuffer_callback(self, int x, int y, int w, int h):
        self.parent.imageChanged.emit(x, y, w, h)

    cdef void _update_cursor_callback(self, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, int bytes_per_pixel):
379 380
        image = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(<const char*>self.client.rcSource, width*height*bytes_per_pixel)
        mask  = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(<const char*>self.client.rcMask, width*height)
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        #print "-- update cursor shape:", xhot, yhot, width, height, bytes_per_pixel, repr(image), repr(mask)

    cdef rfbBool _update_cursor_position_callback(self, int x, int y):
        #print "-- update cursor position to:", x, y
        return True

    cdef char* _get_password_callback(self):
        return NULL if self.parent.password is None else strdup(<bytes>self.parent.password.encode('utf8'))

    cdef rfbCredential* _get_credentials_callback(self, int credentials_type):
        cdef rfbCredential *credential = NULL

        if credentials_type == rfbCredentialTypeUser:
            if self.parent.username is not None is not self.parent.password:
                credential = <rfbCredential*> malloc(sizeof(rfbCredential))
                credential.userCredential.username = strdup(<bytes>self.parent.username.encode('utf8'))
                credential.userCredential.password = strdup(<bytes>self.parent.password.encode('utf8'))

        return credential

    cdef void _text_cut_callback(self, const char *text, int length):
        cut_text = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(text, length).decode('latin1')
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        if cut_text:

# callbacks
cdef rfbBool _malloc_framebuffer_callback(rfbClient *client) with gil:
    instance = <RFBClient> client.clientData.data
    return instance._malloc_framebuffer_callback()

cdef void _update_framebuffer_callback(rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h) with gil:
    instance = <RFBClient> client.clientData.data
    instance._update_framebuffer_callback(x, y, w, h)

cdef void _update_cursor_callback(rfbClient *client, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, int bytes_per_pixel) with gil:
    instance = <RFBClient> client.clientData.data
    instance._update_cursor_callback(xhot, yhot, width, height, bytes_per_pixel)

cdef rfbBool _update_cursor_position_callback(rfbClient *client, int x, int y) with gil:
    instance = <RFBClient> client.clientData.data
    return instance._update_cursor_position_callback(x, y)

cdef char* _get_password_callback(rfbClient *client) with gil:
    instance = <RFBClient> client.clientData.data
    return instance._get_password_callback()

cdef rfbCredential* _get_credentials_callback(rfbClient *client, int credentials_type) with gil:
    instance = <RFBClient> client.clientData.data
    return instance._get_credentials_callback(credentials_type)

cdef void _text_cut_callback(rfbClient *client, const char *text, int length) with gil:
    instance = <RFBClient> client.clientData.data
    instance._text_cut_callback(text, length)

cdef void _rfb_client_log(const char *format, ...) with gil:
    cdef char buffer[512]
    cdef va_list args

    va_start(args, format)
    PyOS_vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, args)

    message = (<bytes>buffer).rstrip()

    NotificationCenter().post_notification('RFBClientLog', data=NotificationData(message=message.decode('utf8'), thread=QThread.currentThread()))

cdef extern rfbClientLogProc rfbClientLog = _rfb_client_log
cdef extern rfbClientLogProc rfbClientErr = _rfb_client_log