wssocket.php 6.91 KB
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require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

/* Laravel connection */

require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';
$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);
$request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture();

$GLOBALS["wbsock"] = '123';

use Workerman\Worker;

// SSL context.
$context = array(
    'ssl' => array(
        'local_cert'  => '/etc/letsencrypt/live/',
        'local_pk'    => '/etc/letsencrypt/live/',
        'verify_peer' => false,

// массив для связи соединения пользователя и необходимого нам параметра
$users = [];

// Create a Websocket server
$ws_worker = new Worker("websocket://",$context);

// 4 processes
$ws_worker->count = 4;
$ws_worker->transport = 'ssl';

$getSystemData = function ($req) use($kernel,$request){
	$GLOBALS["datas"] = $req;

	$response = $kernel->handle( $request );
	$res = $response->getContent();
	//$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
	return $res;

tLog( "-------- ======== WebSOCKET start on []:[8085] =========----------" );

$ws_worker->onWorkerStart = function() use (&$users) {

    $inner_tcp_worker = new Worker("tcp://");

    $inner_tcp_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) use (&$users) {
		tLog( "onMessage: " . $data );
        $data = json_decode($data,true);
        // отправляем сообщение пользователю по userId

		if (isset($users[$data["vid"]])) {
			$webconnection = $users[$data["vid"]];
			$webconnection->send('{"ok":"Your msg: '.$data["msg"].'"}');

$ws_worker->onConnect = function($connection) use (&$users, $ws_worker) {
    $connection->onWebSocketConnect = function($connection) use (&$users, $ws_worker) {
		tLog( "onConnect_GET: " . json_encode($_GET) );
        $users[$_GET['v']] = $connection;

		$myConnId =  $connection->id;
		$myConnIP =  $connection->getRemoteIp();
		//tLog( "onConnect_LARAV_CONN: " . $vtr );
		/*  RESEND to all connections */
		foreach($ws_worker->connections as $allConn){
			tLog( "checkConnSEND: " . $allConn->id );
			if(  $myConnId == $allConn->id ){
				$allConn->send('{"connection":"ok","msg":"Wellcome"}');  //: ['.$_GET['v'].']['.$allConn->id.']['.$myConnId.']
			} /*else {
					$allConn->send('{"newVisitor":"ok","vid":"'.$_GET['v'].'","cid":"'.$allConn->id.'","visitor":"'.json_encode($vtr).'"}' );

// Emitted when connection Msg
$ws_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) use(&$users, $ws_worker,$getSystemData) {
	tLog( "------------=========================--------------------- " );
	tLog( "onMessage_DATA: " . $data );
	$arData = json_decode($data,true);
	tLog( "onMessage_VID: " . $arData["vid"] );
	$myConnId =  $connection->id;
	$myConnIP =  $connection->getRemoteIp();	
	$arData["cid"] = $myConnId;
	$arData["vip"] = $myConnIP;
	$arData["userkeys"] = array_keys($users);
	if( !empty( $arData['cmd'] ) ){
		$cmdRes = $getSystemData($arData);
		tLog( "checkRes_CMD: " . $cmdRes );
		$cmdRes = json_decode($cmdRes,true);
		tLog( "JSON error------: " . json_last_error() );
		//tLog( "checkRes_VSTRs------: " . $cmdRes["count"] );
		//array("count"=>count($arVisitors), "allvisitors"=> $arVisitors, "newvisit"=> $newvisit); 
		// NewVisit to All 
		$arLastMessages = ( !empty($cmdRes["arLastMessages"]) ) ? $cmdRes["arLastMessages"] : "";
		$allvstrs = ( !empty($cmdRes["allvisitors"]) ) ? $cmdRes["allvisitors"] : "";
		$allCnt = ( !empty($cmdRes["count"]) ) ? $cmdRes["count"] : 0;
		$toMe = json_encode(array("allvisitors"=>$allvstrs,"lastmessages"=>$arLastMessages,"count"=>$allCnt ));
		if( !empty($cmdRes["newvisit"]) ) {
			$toAll = json_encode(array("newvisit"=>$cmdRes["newvisit"]));
			foreach($users as $uKey => $uConn ){
				if(  $myConnId != $uConn->id ){


		$newMsgRes = $getSystemData($arData);
		tLog( "checkRes_inc_MSG: " . $newMsgRes );
		$arMsgRes = json_decode($newMsgRes,true);
		tLog( "JSON error------: " . json_last_error() );
		tLog( "onMessage_Sent_OK: " . $users[$arData['vid']]->id );
		tLog( "onMessage_Check_Lichka: " . $arData['room'] ."_". $arData['to'] );
		if( $arData['room'] != $arData['to'] ){
		} else {
			/*  RESEND to all connections */
			foreach($users as $uKey => $uConn ){
				$cid = $uConn->id;
				if(  $myConnId != $cid ) {
					if( in_array($uKey,$arMsgRes["vkeys"]) ){
						tLog( "checkMsgSEND_to_Other: " . $cid );
	foreach($ws_worker->connections as $connection){
		tLog( "checkMsgSEND: " . $connection->id );
		if(  $myConnId == $connection->id ){
			$newMsgID = time() . $arData['messageId'];
			$connection->send('{"sent":"ok","oldID":"'.$arData['messageId'].'","newID":"'.$newMsgID.'","ip":"'.$myConnIP.'","sid":"'.$connection->id.'"}'); //Wellcome: [".$_GET['v']."][".$users[$_GET['v']]->id."][".$myConnId."]
		} else {
			$connection->send('{"msgID":"'.$newMsgID.'","fromId":"'.$arData['vid'].'","from":"'.$arData['name'].'","message":"'.$arData['message'].'","sid":"'.$connection->id.'"}'); //NewConnect: [".$_GET['v']."][".$users[$_GET['v']]->id."][".$myConnId."]
    if( isset($users[$arData['vid']]) ) {
		$connection->send("I know you! [".$users[$arData['vid']]->id."]");
	} else {
		$connection->send("Who you! [".$connection->id."]");

// Emitted when connection closed
$ws_worker->onClose = function($connection) use(&$users) {
	tLog( "onClose: " . $connection->id );
    // удаляем параметр при отключении пользователя
    //$user = array_search($connection, $users);
    $vid = array_search($connection, $users);
	foreach($users as $uConn ){

function tLog( $text ) {
	$logfile = __DIR__."/websocket.log";
	$nowdate = date("Y-m-d_H:i:s");
	file_put_contents($logfile, $nowdate."[".$text."] \n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

// Run worker