Unverified Commit c7d417e1 authored by Cole Bemis's avatar Cole Bemis Committed by GitHub

feat: Add tags to tags.json

parents 1f5bb6e1 6999eeba
{ {
"activity": ["pulse", "health"], "activity": ["pulse", "health", "action", "motion"],
"airplay": ["stream", "cast"], "airplay": ["stream", "cast", "mirroring"],
"alert-circle": ["warning"], "alert-circle": ["warning"],
"alert-octagon": ["warning"], "alert-octagon": ["warning"],
"alert-triangle": ["warning"], "alert-triangle": ["warning"],
"at-sign": ["mention"], "at-sign": ["mention"],
"award": ["achievement", "badge"],
"aperture": ["camera", "photo"], "aperture": ["camera", "photo"],
"bell": ["alarm", "notification"], "bell": ["alarm", "notification"],
"bell-off": ["alarm", "notification"], "bell-off": ["alarm", "notification", "silent"],
"bluetooth": ["wireless"], "bluetooth": ["wireless"],
"book-open": ["read"], "book-open": ["read"],
"book": ["read"], "book": ["read", "dictionary", "booklet", "magazine"],
"bookmark": ["read"], "bookmark": ["read", "clip", "marker", "tag"],
"briefcase": ["work"], "briefcase": ["work", "bag", "baggage", "folder"],
"clipboard": ["copy"], "clipboard": ["copy"],
"clock": ["time", "watch"], "clock": ["time", "watch", "alarm"],
"cloud-drizzle": ["weather"], "cloud-drizzle": ["weather", "shower"],
"cloud-lightning": ["weather"], "cloud-lightning": ["weather", "bolt"],
"cloud-rain": ["weather"], "cloud-rain": ["weather"],
"cloud-snow": ["weather"], "cloud-snow": ["weather", "blizzard"],
"cloud": ["weather"], "cloud": ["weather"],
"codepen": ["logo"], "codepen": ["logo"],
"command": ["keyboard"], "command": ["keyboard", "cmd"],
"compass": ["navigation", "safari", "travel"], "compass": ["navigation", "safari", "travel"],
"copy": ["clone", "duplicate"], "copy": ["clone", "duplicate"],
"corner-down-left": ["arrow"], "corner-down-left": ["arrow"],
...@@ -32,15 +33,17 @@ ...@@ -32,15 +33,17 @@
"corner-right-up": ["arrow"], "corner-right-up": ["arrow"],
"corner-up-left": ["arrow"], "corner-up-left": ["arrow"],
"corner-up-right": ["arrow"], "corner-up-right": ["arrow"],
"credit-card": ["purchase", "payment"], "credit-card": ["purchase", "payment", "cc"],
"crop": ["photo"], "crop": ["photo", "image"],
"crosshair": ["aim", "target"], "crosshair": ["aim", "target"],
"database": ["storage"],
"delete": ["remove"],
"disc": ["album", "cd", "dvd", "music"], "disc": ["album", "cd", "dvd", "music"],
"dollar-sign": ["currency", "money", "payment"], "dollar-sign": ["currency", "money", "payment"],
"droplet": ["water"], "droplet": ["water"],
"edit": ["pencil"], "edit": ["pencil", "change"],
"edit-2": ["pencil"], "edit-2": ["pencil", "change"],
"edit-3": ["pencil"], "edit-3": ["pencil", "change"],
"eye": ["view", "watch"], "eye": ["view", "watch"],
"eye-off": ["view", "watch"], "eye-off": ["view", "watch"],
"external-link": ["outbound"], "external-link": ["outbound"],
...@@ -59,26 +62,26 @@ ...@@ -59,26 +62,26 @@
"global": ["world", "browser", "language", "translate"], "global": ["world", "browser", "language", "translate"],
"hard-drive": ["computer", "server"], "hard-drive": ["computer", "server"],
"hash": ["hashtag", "number", "pound"], "hash": ["hashtag", "number", "pound"],
"headphones": ["music"], "headphones": ["music", "audio"],
"heart": ["like", "love"], "heart": ["like", "love"],
"help-circle": ["question mark"], "help-circle": ["question mark"],
"home": ["house"], "home": ["house"],
"image": ["picture"], "image": ["picture"],
"inbox": ["email"], "inbox": ["email"],
"instagram": ["logo", "camera"], "instagram": ["logo", "camera"],
"life-bouy": ["help", "life ring"], "life-bouy": ["help", "life ring", "support"],
"linkedin": ["logo"], "linkedin": ["logo"],
"lock": ["security", "password"], "lock": ["security", "password"],
"log-in": ["sign in", "arrow"], "log-in": ["sign in", "arrow"],
"log-out": ["sign out", "arrow"], "log-out": ["sign out", "arrow"],
"mail": ["email"], "mail": ["email"],
"map-pin": ["location", "navigation", "travel"], "map-pin": ["location", "navigation", "travel", "marker"],
"map": ["location", "navigation", "travel"], "map": ["location", "navigation", "travel"],
"maximize": ["fullscreen"], "maximize": ["fullscreen"],
"maximize-2": ["fullscreen", "arrows"], "maximize-2": ["fullscreen", "arrows"],
"menu": ["bars", "navigation", "hamburger"], "menu": ["bars", "navigation", "hamburger"],
"message-circle": ["comment"], "message-circle": ["comment", "chat"],
"message-square": ["comment"], "message-square": ["comment", "chat"],
"mic-off": ["record"], "mic-off": ["record"],
"mic": ["record"], "mic": ["record"],
"minimize": ["exit fullscreen"], "minimize": ["exit fullscreen"],
...@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ ...@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@
"power": ["on", "off"], "power": ["on", "off"],
"radio": ["signal"], "radio": ["signal"],
"rewind": ["music"], "rewind": ["music"],
"rss": ["feed"], "rss": ["feed", "subscribe"],
"save": ["floppy disk"], "save": ["floppy disk"],
"send": ["message", "mail", "paper airplane"], "send": ["message", "mail", "paper airplane"],
"settings": ["cog", "edit", "gear", "preferences"], "settings": ["cog", "edit", "gear", "preferences"],
...@@ -125,8 +128,8 @@ ...@@ -125,8 +128,8 @@
"tag": ["label"], "tag": ["label"],
"target": ["bullseye"], "target": ["bullseye"],
"terminal": ["code", "command line"], "terminal": ["code", "command line"],
"thumbs-down": ["dislike"], "thumbs-down": ["dislike", "bad"],
"thumbs-up": ["like"], "thumbs-up": ["like", "good"],
"toggle-left": ["on", "off", "switch"], "toggle-left": ["on", "off", "switch"],
"toggle-right": ["on", "off", "switch"], "toggle-right": ["on", "off", "switch"],
"trash": ["garbage", "delete", "remove"], "trash": ["garbage", "delete", "remove"],
...@@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ ...@@ -143,7 +146,7 @@
"volume-2": ["music", "sound"], "volume-2": ["music", "sound"],
"volume-x": ["music", "sound", "mute"], "volume-x": ["music", "sound", "mute"],
"watch": ["clock", "time"], "watch": ["clock", "time"],
"wind": ["weather"], "wind": ["weather", "air"],
"x-circle": ["cancel", "close", "delete", "remove", "times"], "x-circle": ["cancel", "close", "delete", "remove", "times"],
"x-square": ["cancel", "close", "delete", "remove", "times"], "x-square": ["cancel", "close", "delete", "remove", "times"],
"x": ["cancel", "close", "delete", "remove", "times"], "x": ["cancel", "close", "delete", "remove", "times"],
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