Commit 72f2bd58 authored by jose's avatar jose

Adjust the directory deletion process

parent 8efb4bb6
......@@ -167,10 +167,11 @@ class plugin_deployment:
def GetPackageOther(self,get):
p_name = get.p_name
jsonFile = self.__setupPath + '/deployment_list_other.json';
if not os.path.exists(jsonFile): public.returnMsg(False,'could not find [%s]' % p_name)
data = json.loads(public.readFile(jsonFile));
p_name = get.p_name
for i in range(len(data)):
if data[i]['name'] == p_name: return data[i]
return public.returnMsg(False,'could not find [%s]' % p_name)
......@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ class plugin_deployment:
self.WriteLogs(json.dumps({'name':'Setting permissions','total':0,'used':0,'pre':0,'speed':0}));
os.system('chmod -R 755 ' + path);
os.system('chown -R www.www ' + path);
if pinfo['chmod'] != "":
if pinfo['chmod']:
for chm in pinfo['chmod']:
os.system('chmod -R ' + str(chm['mode']) + ' ' + (path + '/' + chm['path']).replace('//','/'));
......@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ class plugin_deployment:
self.WriteLogs(json.dumps({'name':'Install the necessary PHP extensions','total':0,'used':0,'pre':0,'speed':0}));
import files
mfile = files.files();
pinfo['php_ext'] = pinfo['php_ext'].strip().split(',')
if type(pinfo['php_ext']) == str : pinfo['php_ext'] = pinfo['php_ext'].strip().split(',')
for ext in pinfo['php_ext']:
if ext == 'pathinfo':
import config
......@@ -301,6 +302,7 @@ class plugin_deployment:
if 'enable_functions' in pinfo:
if type(pinfo['enable_functions']) == str : pinfo['enable_functions'] = pinfo['enable_functions'].strip().split(',')
php_f = public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/php/' + php_version + '/etc/php.ini'
php_c = public.readFile(php_f)
rep = "disable_functions\s*=\s{0,1}(.*)\n"
......@@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ class plugin_deployment:
self.WriteLogs(json.dumps({'name':'Execute extra SHELL','total':0,'used':0,'pre':0,'speed':0}));
if os.path.exists(path+'/'):
os.system('cd '+path+' && bash ' + ' ' + find['name']);
os.system('cd '+path+' && bash ' + ' ' + find['name'] + " &> install.log");
os.system('rm -f ' + path+'/')
......@@ -381,6 +383,7 @@ class plugin_deployment:
if type(pinfo['remove_file']) == str : pinfo['remove_file'] = pinfo['remove_file'].strip().split(',')
for f_path in pinfo['remove_file']:
filename = (path + '/' + f_path).replace('//','/')
if os.path.exists(filename):
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