Commit 30f9dbbf authored by jose's avatar jose

Optimize the BasicAuth response header information

parent 185502ed
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ socketio.init_app(app)
import common,db,jobs,uuid
app.secret_key = uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:]
local_ip = None
......@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ def service_status():
def basic_auth_check():
if app.config['BASIC_AUTH_OPEN']:
if request.path in ['/public']: return;
if request.path in ['/public','/download']: return;
auth = request.authorization
if not comm.get_sk(): return;
if not auth: return send_authenticated()
......@@ -99,7 +100,9 @@ def basic_auth_check():
def send_authenticated():
return Response('', 401,{'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'})
global local_ip
if not local_ip: local_ip = public.GetLocalIp()
return Response('', 401,{'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="%s"' % local_ip})
def home():
......@@ -311,6 +314,35 @@ def firewall_new(pdata = None):
return publicObject(firewallObject,defs,None,pdata);
@app.route('/monitor', methods=method_all)
def panel_monitor(pdata=None):
comReturn = comm.local()
if comReturn: return comReturn
import monitor
dataObject = monitor.Monitor()
defs = ('get_access_ip', 'get_exception', 'get_exception_logs', 'get_attack_nums', 'php_count', 'return_php', 'mysql_client_count')
return publicObject(dataObject, defs, None, pdata)
@app.route('/san', methods=method_all)
def san_baseline(pdata=None):
comReturn = comm.local()
if comReturn: return comReturn
import san_baseline
dataObject = san_baseline.san_baseline()
defs = ('start', 'get_api_log', 'get_resut', 'get_ssh_errorlogin')
return publicObject(dataObject, defs, None, pdata)
@app.route('/abnormal', methods=method_all)
def abnormal(pdata=None):
comReturn = comm.local()
if comReturn: return comReturn
import abnormal
dataObject = abnormal.abnormal()
defs = ( 'mysql_server', 'mysql_cpu', 'mysql_count', 'php_server', 'php_conn_max', 'php_cpu', 'CPU', 'Memory', 'disk', 'not_root_user','start')
return publicObject(dataObject, defs, None, pdata)
def files(pdata = None):
comReturn = comm.local()
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