*sendAudio*, *sendDocument*, *sendSticker*, *sendVideo*, *sendVoice* and *sendVideoNote* all work in the same way, just check the [API documentation](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto) for the exact usage.
*sendAudio*, *sendDocument*, *sendAnimation*, *sendSticker*, *sendVideo*, *sendVoice* and *sendVideoNote* all work in the same way, just check the [API documentation](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto) for the exact usage.
See the [*ImageCommand.php*][ImageCommand.php] for a full example.
See the [*ImageCommand.php*][ImageCommand.php] for a full example.
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\InputMessageContent\InputMessageContent;
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\InputMessageContent\InputMessageContent;
* @method string getTitle() Title of the venue
* @method string getTitle() Title of the venue
* @method string getAddress() Address of the venue
* @method string getAddress() Address of the venue
* @method string getFoursquareId() Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue if known
* @method string getFoursquareId() Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue if known
* @method string getFoursquareType() Optional. Foursquare type of the venue, if known. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
* @method InlineKeyboard getReplyMarkup() Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
* @method InlineKeyboard getReplyMarkup() Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
* @method InputMessageContent getInputMessageContent() Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the venue
* @method InputMessageContent getInputMessageContent() Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the venue
* @method string getThumbUrl() Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
* @method string getThumbUrl() Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\InputMessageContent\InputMessageContent;
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\InputMessageContent\InputMessageContent;
* @method $this setTitle(string $title) Title of the venue
* @method $this setTitle(string $title) Title of the venue
* @method $this setAddress(string $address) Address of the venue
* @method $this setAddress(string $address) Address of the venue
* @method $this setFoursquareId(string $foursquare_id) Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue if known
* @method $this setFoursquareId(string $foursquare_id) Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue if known
* @method $this setFoursquareType(string $foursquare_type) Optional. Foursquare type of the venue, if known. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
* @method $this setReplyMarkup(InlineKeyboard $reply_markup) Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
* @method $this setReplyMarkup(InlineKeyboard $reply_markup) Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
* @method $this setInputMessageContent(InputMessageContent $input_message_content) Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the venue
* @method $this setInputMessageContent(InputMessageContent $input_message_content) Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the venue
* @method $this setThumbUrl(string $thumb_url) Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
* @method $this setThumbUrl(string $thumb_url) Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
* @method string getType() Type of the result, must be animation
* @method string getMedia() File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name. More info on Sending Files »
* @method string getThumb() Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method string getCaption() Optional. Caption of the animation to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method string getParseMode() Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method int getWidth() Optional. Animation width
* @method int getHeight() Optional. Animation height
* @method int getDuration() Optional. Animation duration
* @method $this setMedia(string $media) File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name. More info on Sending Files »
* @method $this setThumb(string $thumb) Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method $this setCaption(string $caption) Optional. Caption of the animation to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method $this setParseMode(string $parse_mode) Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method string getType() Type of the result, must be audio
* @method string getMedia() File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method string getThumb() Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method string getCaption() Optional. Caption of the audio to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method string getParseMode() Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method int getDuration() Optional. Duration of the audio in seconds
* @method string getPerformer() Optional. Performer of the audio
* @method string getTitle() Optional. Title of the audio
* @method $this setMedia(string $media) File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method $this setThumb(string $thumb) Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method $this setCaption(string $caption) Optional. Caption of the audio to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method $this setParseMode(string $parse_mode) Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method $this setDuration(int $duration) Optional. Duration of the audio in seconds
* @method $this setPerformer(string $performer) Optional. Performer of the audio
* @method $this setTitle(string $title) Optional. Title of the audio
* @method string getType() Type of the result, must be document
* @method string getMedia() File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method string getThumb() Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method string getCaption() Optional. Caption of the document to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method string getParseMode() Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method $this setMedia(string $media) File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method $this setThumb(string $thumb) Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method $this setCaption(string $caption) Optional. Caption of the document to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method $this setParseMode(string $parse_mode) Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
@@ -19,17 +19,20 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Entity;
@@ -19,17 +19,20 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Entity;
* <code>
* <code>
* $data = [
* $data = [
* 'media' => '123abc',
* 'media' => '123abc',
* 'caption' => 'Photo caption',
* 'caption' => '*Photo* caption',
* 'parse_mode' => 'markdown',
* ];
* ];
* </code>
* </code>
* @method string getType() Type of the result, must be photo
* @method string getType() Type of the result, must be photo
* @method string getMedia() File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method string getMedia() File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method string getCaption() Optional. Caption of the photo to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method string getCaption() Optional. Caption of the photo to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method string getParseMode() Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method $this setMedia(string $media) File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method $this setMedia(string $media) File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method $this setCaption(string $caption) Optional. Caption of the photo to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method $this setCaption(string $caption) Optional. Caption of the photo to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method $this setParseMode(string $parse_mode) Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
@@ -20,24 +20,30 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Entity;
@@ -20,24 +20,30 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Entity;
* <code>
* <code>
* $data = [
* $data = [
* 'media' => '123abc',
* 'media' => '123abc',
* 'caption' => 'Video caption (streamable)',
* 'thumb' => '456def',
* 'caption' => '*Video* caption (streamable)',
* 'parse_mode' => 'markdown',
* 'width' => 800,
* 'width' => 800,
* 'height' => 600,
* 'height' => 600,
* 'duration' => 42,
* 'duration' => 42,
* 'supports_streaming' => true
* 'supports_streaming' => true,
* ];
* ];
* </code>
* </code>
* @method string getType() Type of the result, must be video
* @method string getType() Type of the result, must be video
* @method string getMedia() File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method string getMedia() File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method string getThumb() Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method string getCaption() Optional. Caption of the video to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method string getCaption() Optional. Caption of the video to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method string getParseMode() Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method int getWidth() Optional. Video width
* @method int getWidth() Optional. Video width
* @method int getHeight() Optional. Video height
* @method int getHeight() Optional. Video height
* @method int getDuration() Optional. Video duration
* @method int getDuration() Optional. Video duration
* @method bool getSupportsStreaming() Optional. Pass True, if the uploaded video is suitable for streaming
* @method bool getSupportsStreaming() Optional. Pass True, if the uploaded video is suitable for streaming
* @method $this setMedia(string $media) File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method $this setMedia(string $media) File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass "attach://<file_attach_name>" to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name> name.
* @method $this setThumb(string $thumb) Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail‘s width and height should not exceed 90. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can’t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>. More info on Sending Files »
* @method $this setCaption(string $caption) Optional. Caption of the video to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method $this setCaption(string $caption) Optional. Caption of the video to be sent, 0-200 characters
* @method $this setParseMode(string $parse_mode) Optional. Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.
* @method $this setWidth(int $width) Optional. Video width
* @method $this setWidth(int $width) Optional. Video width
* @method $this setHeight(int $height) Optional. Video height
* @method $this setHeight(int $height) Optional. Video height
* @method $this setDuration(int $duration) Optional. Video duration
* @method $this setDuration(int $duration) Optional. Video duration
@@ -19,25 +19,28 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\InlineQuery\InlineEntity;
@@ -19,25 +19,28 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\InlineQuery\InlineEntity;
* <code>
* <code>
* $data = [
* $data = [
* 'latitude' => 36.0338,
* 'latitude' => 36.0338,
* 'longitude' => 71.8601,
* 'longitude' => 71.8601,
* 'title' => '',
* 'title' => '',
* 'address' => '',
* 'address' => '',
* 'foursquare_id' => '',
* 'foursquare_id' => '',
* 'foursquare_type' => '',
* ];
* ];
* </code>
* </code>
* @method float getLatitude() Latitude of the location in degrees
* @method float getLatitude() Latitude of the location in degrees
* @method float getLongitude() Longitude of the location in degrees
* @method float getLongitude() Longitude of the location in degrees
* @method string getTitle() Name of the venue
* @method string getTitle() Name of the venue
* @method string getAddress() Address of the venue
* @method string getAddress() Address of the venue
* @method string getFoursquareIdTitle() Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue, if known
* @method string getFoursquareId() Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue, if known
* @method string getFoursquareType() Optional. Foursquare type of the venue, if known. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
* @method $this setLatitude(float $latitude) Latitude of the location in degrees
* @method $this setLatitude(float $latitude) Latitude of the location in degrees
* @method $this setLongitude(float $longitude) Longitude of the location in degrees
* @method $this setLongitude(float $longitude) Longitude of the location in degrees
* @method $this setTitle(string $title) Name of the venue
* @method $this setTitle(string $title) Name of the venue
* @method $this setAddress(string $address) Address of the venue
* @method $this setAddress(string $address) Address of the venue
* @method $this setFoursquareIdTitle(string $foursquare_id_title) Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue, if known
* @method $this setFoursquareId(string $foursquare_id) Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue, if known
* @method $this setFoursquareType(string $foursquare_type) Optional. Foursquare type of the venue, if known. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Payments\SuccessfulPayment;
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Payments\SuccessfulPayment;
* @method string getAuthorSignature() Optional. Signature of the post author for messages in channels
* @method string getAuthorSignature() Optional. Signature of the post author for messages in channels
* @method Audio getAudio() Optional. Message is an audio file, information about the file
* @method Audio getAudio() Optional. Message is an audio file, information about the file
* @method Document getDocument() Optional. Message is a general file, information about the file
* @method Document getDocument() Optional. Message is a general file, information about the file
* @method Animation getAnimation() Optional. Message is an animation, information about the animation. For backward compatibility, when this field is set, the document field will also be set
* @method Game getGame() Optional. Message is a game, information about the game.
* @method Game getGame() Optional. Message is a game, information about the game.
* @method Sticker getSticker() Optional. Message is a sticker, information about the sticker
* @method Sticker getSticker() Optional. Message is a sticker, information about the sticker
* @method Video getVideo() Optional. Message is a video, information about the video
* @method Video getVideo() Optional. Message is a video, information about the video
* @method string getType() Type of the entity. Can be mention (@username), hashtag, bot_command, url, email, bold (bold text), italic (italic text), code (monowidth string), pre (monowidth block), text_link (for clickable text URLs), text_mention (for users without usernames)
* @method string getType() Type of the entity. Can be mention (@username), hashtag, cashtag, bot_command, url, email, phone_number, bold (bold text), italic (italic text), code (monowidth string), pre (monowidth block), text_link (for clickable text URLs), text_mention (for users without usernames)
* @method int getOffset() Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity
* @method int getOffset() Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity
* @method int getLength() Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units
* @method int getLength() Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units
* @method string getUrl() Optional. For "text_link" only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text
* @method string getUrl() Optional. For "text_link" only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text
* @method string getAddress() Address of the venue
* @method string getAddress() Address of the venue
* @method string getFoursquareId() Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue
* @method string getFoursquareId() Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue
* @method string getFoursquareType() Optional. Foursquare type of the venue. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException;
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException;
* @method static ServerResponse sendDocument(array $data) Use this method to send general files. On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send files of any type of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @method static ServerResponse sendDocument(array $data) Use this method to send general files. On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send files of any type of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @method static ServerResponse sendSticker(array $data) Use this method to send .webp stickers. On success, the sent Message is returned.
* @method static ServerResponse sendSticker(array $data) Use this method to send .webp stickers. On success, the sent Message is returned.
* @method static ServerResponse sendVideo(array $data) Use this method to send video files, Telegram clients support mp4 videos (other formats may be sent as Document). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send video files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @method static ServerResponse sendVideo(array $data) Use this method to send video files, Telegram clients support mp4 videos (other formats may be sent as Document). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send video files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @method static ServerResponse sendAnimation(array $data) Use this method to send animation files (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send animation files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @method static ServerResponse sendVoice(array $data) Use this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display the file as a playable voice message. For this to work, your audio must be in an .ogg file encoded with OPUS (other formats may be sent as Audio or Document). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send voice messages of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @method static ServerResponse sendVoice(array $data) Use this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display the file as a playable voice message. For this to work, your audio must be in an .ogg file encoded with OPUS (other formats may be sent as Audio or Document). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send voice messages of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @method static ServerResponse sendVideoNote(array $data) Use this method to send video messages. On success, the sent Message is returned.
* @method static ServerResponse sendVideoNote(array $data) Use this method to send video messages. On success, the sent Message is returned.
* @method static ServerResponse sendMediaGroup(array $data) Use this method to send a group of photos or videos as an album. On success, an array of the sent Messages is returned.
* @method static ServerResponse sendMediaGroup(array $data) Use this method to send a group of photos or videos as an album. On success, an array of the sent Messages is returned.