Update getWebhookInfo entity to new structure.

parent 9ef97301
......@@ -10,74 +10,19 @@
namespace Longman\TelegramBot\Entities;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException;
* Class WebhookInfo
* @link https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#webhookinfo
* @method string getUrl() Webhook URL, may be empty if webhook is not set up
* @method bool getHasCustomCertificate() True, if a custom certificate was provided for webhook certificate checks
* @method int getPendingUpdateCount() Number of updates awaiting delivery
* @method int getLastErrorDate() Optional. Unix time for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook
* @method string getLastErrorMessage() Optional. Error message in human-readable format for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook
class WebhookInfo extends Entity
protected $url; // String Webhook URL, may be empty if webhook is not set up
protected $has_custom_certificate; // Boolean True, if a custom certificate was provided for webhook certificate checks
protected $pending_update_count; // Integer Number of updates awaiting delivery
protected $last_error_date; // Integer Optional. Unix time for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook
protected $last_error_message; // String Optional. Error message in human-readable format for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook
public function __construct(array $data)
$this->url = isset($data['url']) ? $data['url'] : null;
$this->has_custom_certificate = isset($data['has_custom_certificate']) ? $data['has_custom_certificate'] : null;
$this->pending_update_count = isset($data['pending_update_count']) ? $data['pending_update_count'] : null;
$this->last_error_date = isset($data['last_error_date']) ? $data['last_error_date'] : null;
$this->last_error_message = isset($data['last_error_message']) ? $data['last_error_message'] : null;
* Webhook URL, may be empty if webhook is not set up.
* @return string
public function getUrl()
return $this->url;
* True, if a custom certificate was provided for webhook certificate checks.
* @return bool
public function getHasCustomCertificate()
return $this->has_custom_certificate;
* Number of updates awaiting delivery.
* @return int
public function getPendingUpdateCount()
return $this->pending_update_count;
* Optional.
* Unix time for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook.
* @return int
public function getLastErrorDate()
return $this->last_error_date;
* Optional.
* Error message in human-readable format for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook.
* @return string
public function getLastErrorMessage()
return $this->last_error_message;
......@@ -848,9 +848,10 @@ class Request
* Use this method to get current webhook status.
* @return Entities\ServerResponse
* @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
public static function getWebhookInfo()
return self::send('getWebhookInfo', []);
return self::send('getWebhookInfo', ['info']);
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