`forward_from`bigintNOTNULLDEFAULT'0'COMMENT'User id. For forwarded messages, sender of the original message',
`forward_from`bigintNOTNULLDEFAULT'0'COMMENT'User id. For forwarded messages, sender of the original message',
`forward_date`timestampNOTNULLDEFAULT'0000-00-00 00:00:00'COMMENT'For forwarded messages, date the original message was sent in Unix time',
`forward_date`timestampNOTNULLDEFAULT'0000-00-00 00:00:00'COMMENT'For forwarded messages, date the original message was sent in Unix time',
`reply_to_message`LONGTEXTCOMMENT'Message object. For replies, the original message. Note that the Message object in this field will not contain further reply_to_message fields even if it itself is a reply.',
`reply_to_message`bigintCOMMENT'Message is a reply to another message already stored.',
`text`LONGTEXTCOMMENT'For text messages, the actual UTF-8 text of the message',
`text`LONGTEXTCOMMENT'For text messages, the actual UTF-8 text of the message',
`audio`TEXTDEFAULT''COMMENT'Audio object. Message is an audio file, information about the file',
`audio`TEXTDEFAULT''COMMENT'Audio object. Message is an audio file, information about the file',
`document`TEXTDEFAULT''COMMENT'Document object. Message is a general file, information about the file',
`document`TEXTDEFAULT''COMMENT'Document object. Message is a general file, information about the file',