Commit af6f4df3 authored by LONGMAN's avatar LONGMAN

Fixed coding standart issues, improved readme

parent 999ee2e7
......@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ before_script:
- mysql -e 'create database telegrambot; use telegrambot; source structure.sql;'
- vendor/bin/phpunit
- vendor/bin/phpcs --report=full --extensions=php -np --standard=build/phpcs .
- ./vendor/bin/phpunit
- ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml -snp --encoding=utf-8 src/ --report-width=150
......@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Before you contribute code to php-telegram-bot, please make sure it conforms to
cd php-telegram-bot
composer update
vendor/bin/phpcs --report=full --extensions=php -np --standard=build/phpcs .
./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml -sp --encoding=utf-8 src/ --report-width=150
Which should give you no output, indicating that there are no coding standard errors. And then:
Which should give you no failures or errors. You can ignore any skipped tests as these are for external tools.
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Further code convention adopted
- Each method and class is documented with a docblock
Example for a function or methods:
Example for a function or methods:
* Get formatted date
......@@ -52,11 +52,3 @@ Example for a function or methods:
* file that was distributed with this source code.
- No empty line after class declaration
- No empty line after `<?php`
- Last element of a multi-line array must be followed by a comma
- One empty line after the docblock header
- Array elements and `use` statements should be written in a logical order, preferrably alphabetically
- Use [] instead of array()
- Use single quotes (`'`) for string
- Leave space in front and behind the concatenation operator `.`
......@@ -11,6 +11,49 @@
A Telegram Bot based on the official [Telegram Bot API](
## Table of Contents
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Instructions](#instructions)
- [Create your first bot](#create-your-first-bot)
- [Require this package with Composer](#require-this-package-with-composer)
- [Choose how to retrieve Telegram updates](#choose-how-to-retrieve-telegram-updates)
- [Webhook installation](#webhook-installation)
- [Self Signed Certificate](#self-signed-certificate)
- [Unset Webhook](#unset-webhook)
- [getUpdate installation](#getupdate-installation)
- [Support](#support)
- [Types](#types)
- [Inline Query](#inline-query)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Send Message](#send-message)
- [Send Photo](#send-photo)
- [Send Chat Action](#send-chat-action)
- [getUserProfilePhoto](#getuserprofilephoto)
- [getFile and dowloadFile](#getfile-and-dowloadfile)
- [Send message to all active chats](#send-message-to-all-active-chats)
- [Utils](#utils)
- [MySQL storage (Recommended)](#mysql-storage-recommended)
- [Channels Support](#channels-support)
- [Commands](#commands)
- [Predefined Commands](#predefined-commands)
- [Custom Commands](#custom-commands)
- [Commands Configuration](#commands-configuration)
- [Admin Commands](#admin-commands)
- [Set Admins](#set-admins)
- [Channel Administration](#channel-administration)
- [Upload and Download directory path](#upload-and-download-directory-path)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Projects with this library](#projects-with-this-library)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [Credits](#credits)
## Introduction
......@@ -199,7 +242,7 @@ $result = $telegram->setWebHook($hook_url, $certificate_path);
Edit *example/unset.php* with your bot credentials and execute it.
## getUpdate installation
### getUpdate installation
The MySQL database must be active!
......@@ -353,6 +396,8 @@ With [admin commands](#admin-commands) you can manage your channels directly wit
### Commands
#### Predefined Commands
The bot is able to recognise commands in a chat with multiple bots (/command@mybot).
It can execute command triggering a chat event. Here's the list:
......@@ -375,6 +420,8 @@ Favourite number? **/1, /134**
**GenericmessageCommand.php** lets you handle any type of message.
#### Custom Commands
Maybe you would like to develop your own commands. A good practice is
to store them outside *vendor/*. This can be done using:
......@@ -399,6 +446,9 @@ Enabling this feature, the admin bot can perform some super user commands like:
- Send message to all chats */sendtoall*
- List all the chats started with the bot */chats*
- Post any content to your channels */sendtochannel* (NEW! see below how to configure it)
#### Set Admins
You can specify one or more admins with this option:
......@@ -417,7 +467,7 @@ To enable this feature follow these steps:
$telegram->setCommandConfig('sendtochannel', ['your_channel' => ['@type_here_your_channel']]);
- If you want to manage more channels:
- If you want to manage more channels:
$telegram->setCommandConfig('sendtochannel', ['your_channel'=>['@type_here_your_channel', '@type_here_another_channel', '@and_so_on']]);
......@@ -431,7 +481,7 @@ $telegram->setDownloadPath('yourpath/Download');
### Logging
## Logging
Thrown Exceptions are stored in *TelegramException.log* file (in the base directory).
......@@ -451,7 +501,7 @@ $telegram->setLogVerbosity(3);
## Documentation
Take a look at the repo [Wiki]( for further information and tutorial!
Take a look at the repo [Wiki]( for further information and tutorials!
Feel free to improve!
## Projects with this library
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Package">
<description>The Package coding standard.</description>
<!-- Exclude folders not containing production code -->
<exclude-pattern type="relative">build/*</exclude-pattern>
<exclude-pattern type="relative">docs/*</exclude-pattern>
<exclude-pattern type="relative">tests/*</exclude-pattern>
<exclude-pattern type="relative">cache/*</exclude-pattern>
<exclude-pattern type="relative">tmp/*</exclude-pattern>
<exclude-pattern type="relative">logs/*</exclude-pattern>
<!-- Exclude 3rd party libraries and Framework code. -->
<exclude-pattern type="relative">vendor/*</exclude-pattern>
<arg name="colors"/>
<!-- Include some additional sniffs from the Generic standard -->
<rule ref="PSR2">
<exclude name="PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature"/>
<exclude name="PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature.SpaceAfterCloseBracket"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Files.LineLength">
<property phpcs-only="true" name="lineLimit" value="100"/>
<property phpcbf-only="true" name="lineLimit" value="120"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ruleset name="pcsg-generated-ruleset">
<description>PHP Code Sniffer</description>
<arg name="colors"/>
<rule ref="PSR2"/>
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement"/>
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.UselessOverridingMethod"/>
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter"/>
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.JumbledIncrementer"/>
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnconditionalIfStatement"/>
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnnecessaryFinalModifier"/>
<rule ref="Generic.ControlStructures.InlineControlStructure"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Files.ByteOrderMark"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Files.LineEndings"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Formatting.DisallowMultipleStatements"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Formatting.SpaceAfterCast.NoSpace">
<rule ref="Generic.Functions.CallTimePassByReference"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Functions.FunctionCallArgumentSpacing"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Metrics.NestingLevel">
<property name="nestingLevel" value="7"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity">
<property name="complexity" value="20"/>
<property name="absoluteComplexity" value="40"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh">
<rule ref="Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.MaxExceeded">
<rule ref="Generic.NamingConventions.ConstructorName"/>
<rule ref="Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName"/>
<rule ref="Generic.NamingConventions.CamelCapsFunctionName"/>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.DeprecatedFunctions"/>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.DisallowShortOpenTag"/>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions"/>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant"/>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Strings.UnnecessaryStringConcat"/>
<rule ref="Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowTabIndent"/>
<rule ref="Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Commenting.Todo.CommentFound">
<message>Please review this TODO comment: %s</message>
<rule ref="Generic.Commenting.Fixme.TaskFound">
<message>Please review this FIXME comment: %s</message>
<rule ref="Generic.Files.LineLength">
<property name="lineLimit" value="120"/>
<property name="absoluteLineLimit" value="200"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Files.LineLength">
<exclude name="Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded"/>
<exclude name="Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong"/>
<rule ref="Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded">
<message>Line contains %s chars, which is longer than the max limit of %s</message>
<rule ref="Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong">
<message>Line longer than %s characters; contains %s characters</message>
</rule> -->
<rule ref="Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName"/>
<rule ref="PEAR.Commenting.InlineComment"/>
<rule ref="PEAR.ControlStructures.MultiLineCondition"/>
<rule ref="PEAR.WhiteSpace.ObjectOperatorIndent"/>
<rule ref="MySource.PHP.EvalObjectFactory"/>
<rule ref="MySource.PHP.GetRequestData"/>
<rule ref="MySource.PHP.ReturnFunctionValue"/>
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.LogicalOperatorSpacing"/>
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.SemicolonSpacing"/>
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.SuperfluousWhitespace.EmptyLines">
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.CastSpacing"/>
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.LanguageConstructSpacing"/>
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.MemberVarSpacing"/>
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing"/>
<rule ref="Squiz.Scope.StaticThisUsage"/>
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class SendtochannelCommand extends AdminCommand
* {@inheritdoc}
public function executeNoDB()
public function executeNoDb()
$message = $this->getMessage();
$text = trim($message->getText(true));
......@@ -274,8 +274,7 @@ class SendtochannelCommand extends AdminCommand
if ($this->sendBack($message, $data)->isOk()) {
$response = 'Message sent successfully to: ' . $channel;
} else {
$response =
'Message not sent to: ' . $channel . "\n" .
$response = 'Message not sent to: ' . $channel . "\n" .
'- Does the channel exist?' . "\n" .
'- Is the bot an admin of the channel?';
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ abstract class Command
public function preExecute()
if ($this->need_mysql && !($this->telegram->isDbEnabled() && DB::isDbConnected())) {
return $this->executeNoDB();
return $this->executeNoDb();
return $this->execute();
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ abstract class Command
* @return Entities\ServerResponse
public function executeNoDB()
public function executeNoDb()
//Preparing message
$message = $this->getMessage();
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class GenericmessageCommand extends SystemCommand
* @return boolean
public function executeNoDB()
public function executeNoDb()
//Do nothing
return Request::emptyResponse();
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class CancelCommand extends UserCommand
* {@inheritdoc}
public function executeNoDB()
public function executeNoDb()
return $this->hideKeyboard();
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Entity
return $this->bot_name;
public function toJSON()
public function toJson()
$fields = $this->reflect($this);
$json = json_encode($fields);
......@@ -82,6 +82,6 @@ class Entity
public function __toString()
return $this->toJSON();
return $this->toJson();
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class Telegram
* @return Telegram
public function enableMySQL(array $credential, $table_prefix = null)
public function enableMySql(array $credential, $table_prefix = null)
$this->pdo = DB::initialize($credential, $this, $table_prefix);
......@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class Telegram
if ($response->isOk()) {
//Process all updates
foreach ((array)$response->getResult() as $result) {
foreach ((array) $response->getResult() as $result) {
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