Commit ada1aee8 authored by MBoretto's avatar MBoretto

Implementring suggestions

parent 5bdfccf4
## Logging
Telegram bot library feats monolog to store logs.
Telegram bot library feats [Monolog]( to store logs.
Logs are divided in those streams:
### Error
Collects all the exceptions throwned by the library:
$telegram->setErrorLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_error.log');
TelegramLog::initErrorLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_error.log');
### Debug
Stores Curl messages with the server, useful for debugging:
$telegram->setDebugLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_debug.log');
TelegramLog::initDebugLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_debug.log');
### Raw data
Incoming updates (json string from webhook and getUpdates) can be logged in a text file. Set this option with the methods:
$telegram->setUpdateLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_update.log');
TelegramLog::initUpdateLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_update.log');
Why I need raw log?
Telegram api changes continuously and often happen that db schema is not uptodate with new entities/features. So can happen that your table schema would not be able to store valuable new information coming from Telegram.
......@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@ Remember always backup first!!
Error and Debug streams relies on the `bot_log` instance that can be provided from an external source:
$telegram->enableExternalLog($insert_ here_your_extenl_monolog_instance)
Raw data relies on the `bot_update_log` instance that feats a custom format for this kind of logs.
......@@ -42,11 +42,10 @@ try {
//$telegram->setCommandConfig('date', ['google_api_key' => 'your_google_api_key_here']);
//// Logging
//$telegram->enableExternalLog($insert_ here_your_extenl_monolog_instance)
//$path = 'your_path'
//$telegram->setErrorLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_error.log');
//$telegram->setDebugLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_debug.log');
//$telegram->setUpdateLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_update.log');
//\Longman\TelegramBot\TelegramLog::initErrorLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_error.log');
//\Longman\TelegramBot\TelegramLog::initDebugLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_debug.log');
//\Longman\TelegramBot\TelegramLog::initUpdateLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_update.log');
//// Set custom Upload and Download path
......@@ -40,11 +40,10 @@ try {
//$telegram->setCommandConfig('date', ['google_api_key' => 'your_google_api_key_here']);
//// Logging
//$telegram->enableExternalLog($insert_ here_your_extenl_monolog_instance)
//$path = 'your_path'
//$telegram->setErrorLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_error.log');
//$telegram->setDebugLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_debug.log');
//$telegram->setUpdateLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_update.log');
//\Longman\TelegramBot\TelegramLog::initErrorLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_error.log');
//\Longman\TelegramBot\TelegramLog::initDebugLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_debug.log');
//\Longman\TelegramBot\TelegramLog::initUpdateLog($path . '/' . $BOT_NAME . '_update.log');
//// Set custom Upload and Download path
......@@ -67,20 +67,6 @@ class Telegram
protected $update;
* Log verbose curl output
* @var bool
protected $log_requests;
* Log path
* @var string
protected $log_path;
* Upload path
......@@ -95,13 +81,6 @@ class Telegram
protected $download_path;
* Log verbosity
* @var int
protected $log_verbosity = 1;
* MySQL integration
......@@ -232,6 +211,7 @@ class Telegram
require_once $file->getPathname();
$command_obj = $this->getCommandObject($command);
if ($command_obj instanceof Commands\Command) {
$commands[$command_name] = $command_obj;
......@@ -268,60 +248,6 @@ class Telegram
return null;
* Redirect log stream to an existing monolog entity
* @param \Monolog\Logger $monolog
* @param string $table_prefix
public function enableExternalLog(\Monolog\Logger $monolog = null)
* Set error log
* @param string $path
* @return Telegram
public function setErrorLog($path)
return $this;
* Set requests log
* For debug purpore logs all requests done from Request.php
* @param string $path
* @return Telegram
public function setDebugLog($path)
return $this;
* Set Update log
* Log row request coming from Telegram
* @param string $path
* @return Telegram
public function setUpdateLog($path)
return $this;
* Set custom input string for debug purposes
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